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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000450005-5 DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE 1. THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DOD INDUSTRIAL SECURITY MANUAL CONTRACT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION SPECIFICATION -APPLY ro ALt. secuf:IrY ASPECTS OF THIS TOP ~ SEtRET EFFORT. THE FACILITY CLEARANCE REQUIRED IS: 2. THIS SPECIFICATION 3? CONTRACT NUMBER OR OTHER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 4' DATE TO BE S, THIS SPECIFICATION IS: IS FOR: (Prime contracts must ba shown COMPLETED (See rrNOTE" below, It item b or c la '?X'd~', (or eft subcontracts) (Estimated) a/so enter date for Item e) a. e. PRIME CONTRACT NUMBER a. e. DATE }{X PRIME CONTRACT 30 Sep 92 ~{X ORIGINAL (Complete dare in elf cases) b? SU BCON TR ACT(Use item b? FIRST TIER SUBCONTRACT NO. 6, b. REVISED REVISION DATE /5 for subcontracting beyond second tier) (aupersedee spec~~fcet~ona) NO. c? RE4U EST FOR BID, c. IDENTIFICATION NUMBER c. DUE DATE C. DATE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FINAL OR REQ FOR QUOTATION 6. Is [his afollow-on contract? [] Yes ~No. If YES, complete the following: e. b. c. Accountability for classified material on preceding contract PRECEDING CON TRACT NUMBER DATE COMPLETED ' [_~ is (_ ] Is not, transferred to this follow-on contract. 7a. Name, Address & Zip Cade of Prime Contractor * b. FSC Number F.?`,I~Qi44 ~OS a~ing~lese of Cognizant Security Office U t-tJYC SAIL 311 Park Place Blvd, Suite 360 ATTN: Directorate of Industrial Security Clearwater, FL 34619 11099 LA Cienga Blvd, LA, CA 90045 Ba. Name,. Address & Zip Code of First Tier Subcontractor * b. FSC Number c. Name, Address & Zip Code of Cognizant Security Office 9a. Name, Address h Zip Code of Second Tier Subcontractor, or b.- FSC Number c. Name, Address ~ Zip Code of Cognizant Security Office [acuity associated with IFH, RFP OR RFQ * When actual performance is at a location other then that specified, identify such other location in Ttem I5. ' 10a. General identification of the Procwement for which this specification applies b. DoDAA Number o Procuring ctivlty R&D Contract: Research .and: Analysis identified in Item 16d. c. Are there additional security requirements establlahed In accordencewith paragraph 1-114 or 1-115, ISR? ?Yea Q No. If yES, identify the pertinent contractual documents in Item 15. - -- - - d. Are any elements of this contract outside the inspection responsibility of the cognizant aecwtty o!f[ce? ~ yes 0 No. If YES, explain in Item IS and identify specific areas or elements.- 11. ACCESS REQUIREMENTS Y ES NO ACCESS REQUIREMENTS (Continued) YES NO a. Access to C(asaffied Information Only at other j. Access to SENSITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMATION. X contractor/Government act[vltiea. V ^ k. Access to other Special Access Program information b. Receipt of classified documents or other materiel (Spdcity in Item 15). X for reference only I'no generation). X 1.. Access to U. S. classified information outside the U. S, Panama Canal Zone, Puerto Rico, U. S. Posaesalona X c. Receipt end generation of classified documents and Trust Territories. or other material. X _ m. Defense Documentation Center or Defense Information d. Fabrication/Modification/Storage of classified hardware. X Analysis Center Services. may be.requeated. - X . e. Graphic arts services only. ~ X n. Clasalfied ADP processing will be involved. f. Access to [PO information. X o. REMARKS: DODD 5200 17 (M-2 ~ DIAM 50-3 ; g. Access to RESTRICTED DATA. X . ; , , DIAM 50-5 a l h. Access to classified COMSEC information. X pp y i. Cryptographic Access Authorization required. ~ X 12. Refer all queatione pertaining to contract security classification specification to the official named below (NORMALLY, thru ACO (ftom 16e); EMERGENCY, direct with written record of inquiry and response to ACO) (tfiru prime contractor for subconhecte).. - - - a. The classification guidance contained in this specif[cation sod a[tachmenta referenced herein is complete end adequate. b. T ed a e t r other c, Activity name, address,, Zip Code, telephone number end office symbol Defense Intelligence Agency ATTN : DT-5A S G 1 J Washin ton DC 20340-6053 SG1A .NOTE; Orlg(net Specitfcetion (Item Se) la authority for contractors !o metk classified JnformaHon. Revised end Final Spec(tieetfone (Rama Sb end c) are authority for contractors to remark the regraded classified information. Such actions by contractors shall be taken to accordance with the provieione of the Induatriel Security Manuel. - DD 1 ~ANAjgZ54 EDITION OF 1 APR 71 IS OBSOLETE. ALSO REPLACES DD FORM. 2S4c WHICH IS OBSOLETE Approved For Release 2 n,, A-RDP96 fl_; ,, X0450005-5 -~ 13a. In[ormeHon pertaining to classified contracts or projects, even though-such lnformetion fa considered unr,lassified, shell not be released for public disseminot ion except as provided by the IndustrI el Security Manuel (paragraph 5o end Appendix IX). b. Propo setl public releases shall be submitted for approval prior to release f-:~ Direct [_ ]Through (Specify): NO PUBLIC EXHIBITION OF SCI IS 71L'THORIZED to the Directorate For Freedom of Information and Security Review, Office of the Assistant Secretary o! Defense (public Affairs) * for review !n accordance wtth paragraph 50 of the Industrial Security Manual. ? In the case of non-DoD User Agencies, see footnote are rah 5o Industrial Securit Manual. 14. Security Classitlc ation Specifications !or this solicitation icontract ere identified below ("X" applicable box(es) and supply ettachm ants es re qulred). Any narrative or clasaiticetion guide(s) furnished shall be annotated or have information appended to clearly and precisely identify eoch element of E[ i lnformetion which requires a classification. When a clesslficetion guide is utilized, that portion of the guide(s) pertaining to the specific contractual effort may be extracted and furnished the contractor. When a total guide(s) Is utilized, each individual portion of the guide(s) which pertains to the contractual effort shall be clearly identified in Item 14b. The following lnformetion must be provided for each item o! classified information Identified in an extract or guide: (I) Category of classification. (II) Date or event for declassification or review for declassification, and (III) The date or event for downgrading {It applicable). The official named in Item 126, is responsible for furnishing the contractor copies of ell guides end changes thereto that ere made a part of this specification. Classified lnformetion may be attached or furnished under separate cover. ~.] a. A completed narrative is (i) ~ attached, or (2) transmitted under separate cover end made a part of this specification. ~_ j b. The following classification guide(s) is made a part of this specification and le (1) ~~ attached, or (2) L~ transmitted under separate cover. (List guides under Item 15 or in an attachment by title, reference number and date). LJ c. Service-type contract/subcontract. (Specify instructions in accordance with ISR/ISM, as epproprlat e.). [] d. "X" only if this is a final specification end Item 6 is a "NO" answer. In response to the contractor's request dated retention o[ the identified classified materiel is authorized for a period of [] e. Annuat review of this DD Form 254 is requtred. If "X'd", provide date such review is due: I5. Remarks (Whenever possible, illustrate proper classlflcatfon, declassification, and if app!lcabl e, downgrading instructtonsl. a. This contract requires access to SCI. The Director, Defense Intelligence Agency has exclusive security responsibility for such information released to the contractor or developed under this contract. DIAM 50-5, Volumes I and II provide the necessary guidance for physical, personnel and information security measures and is apart of the security specifications for this contract. DCASR is relieved of all responsibility for all 5C2 material for information released. to the contractor under this contract. b. All contractor personnel to be granted access to all classified information released or generated under this contract must be U.S. citizens granted a final security clearance by the Government prior to being given access. Immigrant aliens, interim cleared personnel or personnel holding a contractor granted CONFIDENTIAL clearance are not eligible for access to classified information released or generated under this contract without the express permission of the Director, DIA. c. Classified material released or generated under this contract is not releasable to Foreign National-.without the express permission of the Director, DIA. (continued) 16 a. Contract Security Classification Specifications [or Subcontracts leaving from this contract will be approved by the Office named in Item 16e below, or by the prime contractor, as authorized. This Cgntrect Security Classification Specification and attachments referenced herein ere approved by the User Agency Contracting Officer or his Representative named in Item 16b below. REQUIRED DISTRIBUTION: S G 1 J ? prime Contractor (Item Ta) Asst Dep Dir for Seeur>_ty an CI Cognizant Security Office (Item ~c) Administrative Contracting Office (Item 16 e) -0 Quality A'asurance Representative - - Q Subcontractor (Item 8e) Q Cognizant Security Office (Item 8c) _ _ Program/Project Manager (Item 12b) De ense n e igence gency Q U. S. Activity Responsible for Overseas Security Administration Washington, DC .20340 - ADDITIONAL DISTRIBUTION: e. Name, address and Zip Code of Adminlstratlve Contracting Office ~ ?DIA/RTS-6B Cxl-DIA/RSS SG 1 J ? DIA/D -3A A roved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898003000450005-5 ~~ ?Approwe~d~F~r.~Reie~s~ ~fiIQ0108108:CIA-RDP9fi=Ofl789R003000450005-5