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Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 SGIJ 10. (U) Other Factors: a. (S) Acquisition data availability: Data from previous government-sponsored research is available in DIA. Since this was part of a controlled access project, every effort will be made to downgrade, and where practical, declassify basic aspects of the research. This will, in time, generate a wider interest in this field. b. (U) Unusual and Compelling Urgency: This task requires timely response form LANL in order to meet the Congressionally- directed requirements. This requirement can only be satisfied via other than full and open competition and by utilizing the existing LANL capabilities. 11. (U) Technical Certification: I hereby certify that the supporting data under my cognizance which are included in the J&A are accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature: 12. (U) Requirements Certification: I hereby certify that the supporting data under my cognizance which are included in the J&A are accurate and complete to the Date: // O~cy q/ vice assistant epu irec or Title: for Scientific and Technical Signature: Intelligence ,- 13. (U) Fair and Reasonableness Cost/Price Determination: A detailed technical and cost proposal will be required from the contractor, LANL. Prior to award, the Government will conduct an in-depth analysis of all technical and cost aspects of this requirement. Based on the outcome, a fair and reasonable cost will be negotiated. Therefore, I hereby determine that the anticipated cost for this contract action will be fair and reasonable. SECRET/NOFORN .3 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 RESEARCH OF PLANNED, ON-GOING, AND COMPLETED STUDIES Research by my staff indicates, to the best of our knowledge, that there is no other known similar or collateral study or analysis, planned, in progress, or completed which fulfills the objectives or specific intent of this proposed contract study: Biophysical Research and Analysis (Purchase Request # 330/028Z/91) . Date: (o J0~_ j Q CERTIFIED AS ACCURATE AND COMPLETE: Date: I ( S vc y cl 1 Assistant Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence JOHN T. BERBRICH Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 MIPR CONTROL PROVISIONS AND GUIDANCE 1. Funds cited may be used only for the project delineated in the classified Statement of Work (Enclosure 1). 2. The DIA estimate for this project is $250,000.00 over a 12 month period. 3. The total MIPR estimate shall not be exceeded by the purchasing office. 4. Changes in purpose, scope or desired results from those delineated in the Statement of Work must have DIA approval. A copy of the final Statement of Work will be provided to DIA/DT-S for review prior to further contractual actions. 5. The MIPR should be addressed to: HQ DOE Attn: Barbara Moyers, IN-40 Forrestal) Bld Washington, D.C. 20585 6. Two copies of the final contract should be provided to: Defense Intelligence Agency ATTN: VP-SF Washington, D.C. 20340 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 PURCHASE Agff6ge5T For Rele $ ?92ffl@M7 : CI W9 ~?i1449r$003000 (l~9m#e request number !,-1 1NSTRUCTIONS-ORIGINAL AND8COPIES 10 Jul 91 30 Sep 92 - 330/0012Z/91/2 4A. Authorized Approving Official or Designee (DIAM 442) 5A. Funds are certified available and have been committed Accounting classification 5B. Amount Si nature JOHN T. BERBRICHg Asst Dep Dir for S&T R/D: 9710400.44 7M1 6FO301 1222 50374 , Type Name Date $250,000.00 4B. Name, Ext,and Signature of Designated Supply Coordinator (DECREASE) (DIAM 25-1) 5C. Name and signature of Certifying Official Signature Signature sGlj Type Name Date S A Type Name Date Office Symbol DT-5A F 7A. Ship To: DDi rector 78. Mark for: SG 1J Washington, D.C. 20340-6150 8A. i Estimated Stock/Item No. Description of Supplies or Services Quantity Un t Price Amount RELEASE OF FUNDS FOR EXTERNAL RESEARCH $250,000.00 AND ANALYSIS (DECREASE) 9. F-1 Recurring requirement Source: 8B. Total GSA Schedule Number (if known) _ $250,000.00 Acquisition Plan No. (DECREASE) 10. Action Office if External to DIA: Other: Interservice Support Agreement No: External POC: 11. Justification/Remarks The purpose of this request is to pursue general phenomenological research via the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Funds for this effort are in the approved FY 91 DIA budget as line items 1.004 and 917.033 for Congressionally Directed Programs. THIS AMENDMENT DECREASES R&D FUNDING FOR THIS CONTRACT BY $250,000.00 12A. Requisition Number/Other 13A. Coordinations ^CRRB ^SADPO 0159/91 VP-SF GC OC-4 12.B Logistics Branch Action Officer/Phone No. OSC-2 - _ Date 12C. Method 13B. Approvals El Not required 13C. Budget Reporting Code Offi 1:1 (DIAR 44-4) R400 ce Contracting and Acquisition CRRB ^ Other: SADPO El Yes ^ No 12D. Received By: (Signature) 14A. Action Assigned To: 148. Date Contract Specialist: Date Telephone No: DIA FORM 520 (5-82w Approved For Release 200Wa54gi7diti6dAaDW6-00789R003000420014-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8 OBLIGATION RECORD AMOUNT OF COMMITMENT $ DATE REFERENCE NUMBER OBLIGATIONS INCURRED UNOBLIGATED BALANCE REMARKS DATE REFERENCE NUMBER OBLIGATIONS INCURRED UNOBLIGATED BALANCE REMARKS U06" A fxrx"WM 1x(x4 5X kxvp"x RECAP: Basic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $250,000.00 Uniform Contract Format (over $25 K) 1 Statement of Work/Specifications 2 sY3jfi4&N&xjustification for other than full and open competition SADPO Acquisition Authority Emergency Justification Services Questionnaire List of Recommended Sources DTIC/NTIS Statement (R&D) Economic Analysis/Cost Comparison Analysis (DIAR 45-8) $50K+ DD 254, Security Classification Specification DD 1423, Contract Data Requirements List with Data Item Description (DD Form 1664) Technical Evaluation Criteria Technical Evaluation Plan Logistical Support Plan (DIAR 25-4) 3 Other(s) Statement 4 MIPR Control Provisions and Guidanre Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000420014-8