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0 Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
1.0 (9/NF) PURPOSE: The purpose of this effort is to initiate new
research and perform select analyses of anomalous phenomena.
2.1 (C) Phenomenological research and analysis as intended by this
contract refers to anomalous phenomena associated with human abilities.
Investigations in this area have sometimes been referred to as Remote
Viewing (RV), Extrasensory Perception (ESP), and recently Anomalous
Cognition (AC) or Anomalous Phenomena (AP). Foreign researchers have also
used the term psychoenergetics to describe aspects of these areas.
2.2 (S/NF) Over the past fifteen years DIA has followed the field of
psychoenergetics for two basic reasons:
2.4 (S/NF) In 1983 a report with project findings was sent to
congressional intelligence and appropriation committees. The report
affirmed the existence of remote viewing phenomenon and recommended that
additional research for quantifying and developing remote viewing as an
intelligence collection tool be pursued. This recommendation was endorsed
by a special Science Panel that met to review the project findings. This
panel also affirmed that the contractual research was scientifically sound
and urged that basic and applied research in psychoenergetics be continued,
its scope expanded, and that other laboratories be involved.
Classified By: DIA/DT
Declassify On: OADR
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
2.5 (S/NF) The first opportunity to expand this research scope
occurred in 1955. The Department of the Army's Surgeon General Office for
Research and Development (DASGRD) initiated a five year research and
development program. the SGRD program centered on two main aspects: basic
anomalous phenomena understanding, and applications-oriented research. DIA
established close ties with this R/D effort to ensure that applications
res,r.-s .rch would be :adequately pursued.
2. s, S/ ) I n 1.987, it became apparent that SGRD funding mi. cht not be
availabl to carry through to the end of the five year period. Consequently,
additional funding. sought by DIA and acquired through funding transfer
action by the house Appropriations Committee (HAC). This funding was
provided to DIA; MIPR action to the SGRD contract was the most expeditious
method of allocating this funding.
2.7 (S/NE) Results of this effort yielded several findings of
breakthrough potential. Subsequently, follow-on research support was
provided to DIA by Congressional action for FY91; DIA was identified as the
executive agent due to long-standing knowledge and expertise in this area.
Both R&D and O/M funds were allocated for continuing basic and applied
research, for applied investigation and for assisting in assessment of
relevant foreign research. Additional funds are also anticipated for this
area after a comprehensive research plan is defined.
3.0 (S/NF) OBJECTIVE: The objective of this contract is to pursue the
most promising basic and applied research in this area, to develop a
comprehensive plan for future activities, and to identify/improve
application potential.
4.0 (S/NF) SCOPE: Basic research, applied research and threat assessments
will. be accomplished for this phenomenological area.
5.1 (S/NF) All research activities and findings resulting from
previous programs in psychoenergetics shall be brought to bear on this
effort. In addition, expertise in multidisciplinary areas throughout SAIC
shall be made available as consultants or for special support as required.
5.2 (U) Specialized support, if not available at SAIC, can be
obtained via SAIC consultant or subcontract efforts with prior approval by
the COTR. Every effort should be made to insure such support is from the
recognized experts in the field. Some of the specific tasks in section 6.0
can be performed in unclassified facilities.
5.3 (S/NF) This effort will utilize a. technical review group (e.g., a
'Scientific Oversight Committee,GA Human Use Review Panel and a Policy
Board). Their establishment will be in coordination with, and approved by,
the COTR.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
5.4 (S/NF) Some of the experiments/investigations required to fulfill
this contract may require participation of select government personnel. All
such investigations will be fully planned and coordinated with the COTR and
will be under the purviews of the SCC and the Human Use Review Committee.
5.5 (U) Should unforseen schedule of other issues arise concerning
any of the specific tasks identified in section 6.0, the COTR will be given
immediate notice. If necessary, adjustments to priorities and schedules can
be approved by the COIR. if there is no cost or other impact on the over-all
program. The CO?'R will also review/approve all anticipated research
5.6 (U) All items in section 6.0 (except 6.5) will be funded from the
R&D portion of this contract. Sections 6.1 through 6.4 shall be expended
NLT 1.8 months after contract award. 'Section 6.5 will be funded from the O&M
portion, and shall be expended no later than 30 September 1991. Accounting
procedures to clearly identify the R&D and the O&M expeditures shall be
implemented by the contractor.
5.7 (U) Terms of re-Terence and additional task details are on file by
the COIR and will be provided to the contractor to insure adequate task
under-standing. This material is contained in D1A publication DT-S-1007-S,
29 NOV 1.990.
6.1 (U) Research Plan Development: Provide inputs for development of
a long-term comprehensive basic and applied research plan. This will
require extensive expert consultation and will involve an inter--laboratory,
inter-disciplinary approach.
rsFi' 1) Magnetoenc ph ,ogr p1i T v 1-2
T :are' (U) Calibrate the electromagnetic/magneto- ( f`o
encephalograph (MEG) environment and replicate earlier results using a~ P ors
variety of population types. (U) Examine MEG evoked responses from several
population types and correlate with remote viewing ability for various
physical conditions.
Data Jattertis/Corral at pns. (C) Using data from past basic research Z---
experiments, compare target features (e.g., type, dynamics) with remote
viewing results to determine if any patterns or correlations exist. (C) Initiate new experiments to further examine
possible target type/remote viewing result correlations.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4 (U) Examine parapsychological historical results
to see if correlations to geomagnetic activity exists; initiate exploratory
investigations to replicate/test findings. (U) Examine parapsychological literTiture on
research projects to evaluate over-all results and to identify possible
variables/correlations. `
cOY (U) Initiate assessment/investigations of
potential theoretical constructs that may help explain this phenomena. This
may require considerations with on-going basic research in other
disciplines. , ,& (C) Initiate investigation of issues that may
help explain targeting mechanisms.
potential theory. (U) Initiate investigations into communication
11~ I ." I'll, 11 (U) Investigate remote viewing potential of lucid
L e- (U) Initiate limited experiments and develop
plans for follow-on energetics research. (S/NF) Translate basic research MEG results into
procedures useful for practical screening/=election activity.
y' r .racy l -' , ? _tw.., + xe c s'+~45.
3 dr=r-el x on / 's tern Anal ysi (S/NF) Conduct a variety of remote viewing , 2.1
experiments with laboratory and government personnel in order to identify
possible correlations with people and project types and to identify
strengths and weaknesses. (U) Evaluate/test beacon person conditions (i.e.
sender/no sender) in various experimental. environments. This may require
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
Traninge? (S/NF) Examine previously developed training
procedure and determine strengths/weaknesses of specific elements. (S/NF) Explore new/modified training procedures. (S/NF) Initiate/explore expanded or new
application investigations to evaluate their feasibility. (S/NF) Develop and conduct various experiments to
test communication potential of remote viewing capabilities. (S/NF) Initiate investigations to identify
possible ways for enhancing data quality. (S/NF) Improve data analysis and evaluation
techniques for applied projects, possibly using artificial intelligence
6.4.1 (U) Recommend and establish, with agency coordination, the
Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC), Human Use Review Panel and Policy
Board membership.
6.4.2 (U) Research Methodolgy Support includes project
management, SOC/Human Use Review Panel/Policy Board, computer requirements,
document orepa.rat o"-;, administration and associated travel. This task
supports ._ 6.1 through 6.4.1 above.
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6.5.3 ('S/NF) Develop protocols suitable for a variety u-f
application pursuits.
6.5.4 (C) identify hardware and software data base needs for the
government data base system.
6.5.5 (U) Assist in implementing select "on-line" storage
retrival of the research literatur-e.
A .1~.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4
7.0 (U) QUICK REACTION CAPABILITY (QRC): The contractor will maintain a
quick response capability and be prepared to respond in less than 24 hours
to problems or unexpected demands for brief technical papers that may be
developed during the term of this project.
8.0 (U) ALLOCATION OF EFFORT: The level of effort to be applied to each
basic task category is shown in the following paragraphs.
Basic Task No.
Allocation of Effort/ 7. Funding (R&D)
8.2 (U) 0 & M:
'Basic Task No. Allocation of Effort/ % Funding (O&M)
6.5 100'/.
Approved For Release 2003/09/10 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000390003-4