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Document Release Date: 
August 31, 2004
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Publication Date: 
June 12, 1991
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Approved For Release 2004/OJC1TP96-00789R003000070009-3 S-244/DT Mr. C. Richard D'Amato Counsel for International and National Security Policy Senate Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense Washington, D.C. 20510-6028 (U) This is a followup to our meeting and discussion on Friday, 7 June. The target date to have our contract signed is 21 June. I want to assure you that all of us have been diligent in seeking to expedite this important task. Once we completed our statement of work in December 1990, we coordi- nated closely with our DIA colleagues to ensure all legal, regulatory, and other issues associated with such a complex and unique contract were met on a timely basis. The bottom line is that the contract will be signed this month and everything is on track, particularly since we are using R&D funds. In fact, we had even obtained authorization for precontract costs which has permitted us to undertake some work while the contract details were being finalized. (S/NF) Our report of Soviet and Chinese activities in parapsychology and our long-range comprehensive plan are virtually complete and are targeted for publication this month. The latter will discuss in detail the program for a balance between basic and applied research and operational investiga- tions. Furthermore, I have asked the unit to develop a plan for near-term operational activities for the remainder of FY91. (S/NF) In a related matter, knowing your interest in this subject, I wish to draw your attention to the enclosed information of an important conference being held in Heidelberg in August. The conference prospectus looks very intriguing, and I have encouraged Dale to solicit wide participation in this conference. I suspect your schedule in August will be very tight, but should you believe this conference would be of value to you, please let me know and we can assist you in arranging the conference details for your attendance as we do our own. (U) Additionally, I will be contacting to offer an update/status briefing to the Intelligence Community Staff on Project STAR GATE. When I nail down a date and give the briefing, I will give you a call and let you know how things went. CLASSIFIED BY DT DECLASSIFY ON OADR Approved For Release 2 ffdb U1 E CIA-RDP96-00789R003000070009-3 SG1I Approved For Release 2004/09/09 : CIA-RDP96-00789R003000070009-3 SECRET SG1 B (U) I want you to know that all of us enjoy working with you. I personally appreciate the flexibility you have given us in fulfilling the FY91 Congres- sional direction. I hope you agree with me that the staff is doing a super job in dealing with a very important, but complex and controversial, subject. Sincerely, 1 Enclosure Conference Materials sistant Deputy Director 3 pages (U) 1 Cy for Scientific and Technical Intelligence bcc: ED SG1J GDIP s~ ., . i-.~.1lvtr..4 ;r 2 Approved For Release 2004/08 ( CRt4fDP96-00789R003000070009-3