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Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 DTI-S-1052 - SL SG1J DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PROFICIEIICY PROJECTS: "A" SERIES (U) 10 DECEMBER 1992 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 PROFICIENCY PROJECTS: "A" SERIES SHORT TITLE: DTI-S-1052-SL Date of Publication 10 December 1992 This document was prepared by the Directorate for Scientific and Technical Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DT OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR /NOFORN/LIMDIS STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) This report is part of a series that summarizes proficiency project activity conducted by DTI-S personnel. It contains a discussion of basic procedures, and includes an assessment of results. Specifics on targets, data summaries, and evaluations are contained in the appendix. OFORN/LIMDIS Approved For Release 2000/08$x? RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 UNCLASSIFIED PREFACE PAGE I PURPOSE .................................... 1 II BACKGROUND ................................. 1 III DISCUSSION ................................. 1 IV SUMMARY OF RESULTS ......................... 4 V RECOMMENDATIONS ............................ 10 APPENDIX: A - TARGET A ............................... A-1 B - TARGET B ............................... B-1 C - TARGET C ............................... C-1 D - TARGET D ............................... D-1 E - TARGET E ............................... E-1 F - TARGET F ............................... F-i G - TARGET G ............................... G-1 H - TARGET H ............................... H-1 I - TARGET I ............................... I-1 J - TARGET J ............................... J-1 -ii- Approved For Release 2000Yg soYA-WbP96-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 w0wommim FIGURE 1 TASKING SHEET FIGURE 2 EVALUATION SCALES FIGURE 3 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES TABLE 1 RATING DATA CHART TABLE 2 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES -iii- NOFORN/LIMDIS Approved For Release 2000/081 8?4R(RA DP96-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Release 200 / 8 0 IA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 PROFICIENCY PROJECTS: "A" SERIES I (U) PURPOSE: (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The primary purpose of this proficiency "A" series was to provide project personnel with a variety of general interest targets for their own proficiency enhancement or development. A secondary purpose was to examine- the data for trends useful in future proficiency or operational activity. II (U) BACKGROUND: (U) Basic approaches for in-house proficiency activity was defined in DT-S-1031-SL, Procedures for Special Proficiency Targets, 5 April 1991, and in DT-S-1039-SL, Proficiency Enhancement Projects, 21 June 1991. Evaluation procedures for these types of projects were presented in DT-S-1046-SL, Proficiency Program Reporting and Evaluation, 3 Jun 1992. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The proficiency series presented in this report is part of the on-going proficiency activity conducted by DTI-S personnel. This particular series was defined in advance to consist of only 10 targets that were randomly drawn from a pictorial target pool consisting mostly of general interest areas or sites. Content of the pictures in this pool includes natural geographic areas, geographic areas with structures, or unique objects. III (U) DISCUSSION: 1. (U) Basic Procedures: (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) This proficiency series employed standard remote viewing approaches used by DTI-S personnel. To examine possible effects in targeting conditions, two targeting protocols were manipulated: (1) the targets would either be known to a beacon person; or (2) the specific targets would not be known to anyone (i.e., double blind, no beacon person condition). It was defined in advance to select an equal number of beacon person and no beacon person targets. This condition was not randomized so that the schedule of available beacon persons could be accommodated. (U) Basic protocols, records, and other aspects of this proficiency series were performed according to previously established procedures that are reported in documents cited in the background section. (S/NF) Due to the small number of targets in this series, definitive conclusions could not be drawn from the results. However, it was anticipated that data trends might be Approved For Relea 1 MLRDM6-00789R002900440001-2 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2QQnIQSfn.a --JJA-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 observed that could be useful for certain aspects of future proficiency and possibly operational projects. 2. (U) Target Pool: (S/NF) The ten targets used in this series were selected from an extensive target pool based on pictorial material extracted from National Geographic magazines. This material could be anything published within the past 20 years, and could include natural and/or man-made scenes or objects. This particular pool is relatively homogeneous in that a wide variety of topics are included, and some of these are similar in content. The criteria for selecting pictures for this target pool included diversity and uniqueness of content, as well as definitive and clear features to avoid ambiguousness in target comparisons. Targets in this pool were previously sealed in opaque envelopes and secured in a special office file. Once selected, the target was not replaced back into the target pool. This procedure was used to avoid problems observed in the past when identical targets are used with little time separation between projects. This eliminates influence of memory of previous targets, especially when trial-by-trial feedback is used. 3. (U) Session Procedures: (S/NF) Targets for each session were selected randomly from the target pool placed in a dedicated, secure safe drawer. When no beacon person was involved, the targets would remain unopened until after all the viewer's data was recorded and given to the project officer. When a beacon person was involved, the beacon person would open the envelope, observe the target, and place it in the secure file drawer. No other person would be permitted access to this target and the beacon person would not in any way discuss the target until after all data were recorded and given to the project officer. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) A typical tasking sheet for the viewers is shown on figure 1. Other data records are on the viewers response forms as shown in the appendix material. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Upon completion of all records for each target, the viewer (sources) were only then provided access to the target for trial-by-trial feedback and preliminary evaluation. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) All three of the current viewers on the DTI-S staff were involved in this series. Each viewer was unable to work all 10 projects due to leave or TDY. An individual not involved in viewing activity and who had no prior viewing experience was used as a "control person". The control persons data is included in this report and evaluated according to the same procedures established for evaluating the viewers data. 2 as e- Z NU OM bL96-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Rele Approved For Release 2 -RDP96-OO789ROO29OO44OOO1-2 FIGURE 1 TASKING SHEET 1. PROJECT NUMBER: 92-80-P (TARGET A) 2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of choice. SOURCE NO: DATE: 331 July 1 992_ SUSPENSE:-31 July1992 1500 hrs 3. BACKGROUND: Target was randomly selected from a series of targets contained in sealed envelopes and stored in Container Number 10. A designated beacon person* has accessed and viewed the target on this date. The target will remain in the top drawer of Container Number 10 until 1500 hours, this date. ----Describe the target. ----Submit sketches in support of your findings. 5. COMMENTS: Optional Coordinates: 317748/923385. * Beacon person for this target is SG1J 3 OTORNlLIMDIS Approved For Release _ kRDP96-OO789ROO29OO44OOO1-2 Approved For Release 20 41614 -G"-RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 4. (U) Evaluation: (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) All targets were independently evaluated by comparing the viewers data to the target picture according to two data categories (concept/generic; specifics/analytic). Four or five statements had been prepared in advance for these two data categories were also included in the sealed target envelopes. They were prepared to help provide a consistency in judging and to clarify the content of the two target categories. These statements are also included in the appendix for each target. A "value factor" is also identified to indicate those target elements considered to be more important than others as an additional assist in data evaluation. (U) Occasionally, a viewer's response consists primarily of specific or "naming" data. In this case, the generic data category would be given a provisional rating based on the content of the specifics provided. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) It has been suspected that the viewe?s initial data is of a "pattern-making" or concept identification nature. Later data tends to be more specific, eventually leading to higher precision in identifying or "naming" the target. Thus, evaluating the data according to these data categories would be consistent with the viewers natural process. Examining the data from this perspective could also add insight on individual strengths or preferences. (S/NF) Response assessments were based on a basic evaluation scale as shown on figure 2. Experience has shown these scales to be generally reliable and adequate for evaluation of data in projects of this type. Detailed evaluation methods are also available that can be used to refine evaluation of this series or to apply to future projects.. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) All results were initially assessed by the project officer and the branch chief for correlation to the two basic data categories. An individual external to the DTI-S unit and judged to be neutral to this area was also used as a third evaluator. An "average" of all three evaluations was then computed and recorded on the evaluation records form. IV (U) SUMMARY OF RESULTS: (U) Overall results from this series of 10 targets (A through J) are shown.on table 1 for the three viewers (1, 2, 3) and the control person (C) for the two data categories (a, b). For quick reference, the appendix is keyed to the same target identifier. The general nature of. the target is shown on the table to facilitate target-type comparisons. Approved For Release 66-00789R002900440001-2 Approved For Release 2QnAQIjG@ -RDP96-00789R002900440001-2 z 0 F- Lij U W wZ 00 wd CC. J.? F- WCC W 00:00 ova 0 aQ stn O O -Z t-= 0 0I Cc z Uw