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Approved For Release 2000/08 ~A-RDP96-007898002900220002-5 SG1 B SG1 B KEY INTELLIGENCE TASK (91006) (S/NF/LIPID IS) Describe activities and purpose of target areas; rovide backup sketches. a. Purpose of site includes assembly, repair/testing, and storage. b. Equipment/function associations are: - Objects are complex, with energetic aspects. - Small round circular objects are in the central area. . c. Site area: - Rocky, muddy, cloudy, and smoky. ''~/ - Small dugouts, sand hills are present. ,N ? (S/NF/LIPIDIS) Source B Assessment. (DOI: 22 JAN 91): - Tall thick iron or steel ,.mesh is present. - Concrete structures are present. possibly with monitoring functions: - Monitoring screens are present. ~' -Serves as a type of "ground base." ~~ - Military people and mechanical workers are involved.~?' b. Associated equipment includes: - P9etallic cylindrical tanks with a coiled top apparatus. (S/NF/LIMDIS) Source A Assessment. (DOI: 22 JAN 91): a. Purpose of site is associated with scientific (military) system assembly, - Primary object shapes are rectangular, and some are tube-like and stacked. They may generate fog/smoke. (Figure 1). - Objects are obscured by coverings and are partially below the surface. LIMITED DISTRIBUTION V4-ARNiNG NOTICE ~- INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METWOOS INVOLVE? CLASSIFIED BY DT DECLASSIFY ON OADR NOT RELEASABLE Tb FOREIGN NATIONALS r Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-0078980029002/2~0002-5 ~7 l~,-~ 6,~IcYi`~S ~' Approved For Release 2000~0$T68": CIA-RDP96-007898002900220002-5 c. Some site aspects are: - An overhang aspect is present, and possibly a passageway. - Area has depressions, hollowed-out aspects. (Figure 2). - Area. seems shoddy, dirty. - Crackling, buzzing, grinding association. - Idea of "rebound effect" seems to apply. (S/NF/LIMDIS) Source C Assessment. (DOI: 18 JAN 91): a. Site purpose has a control function, possibly associated with a surface- to-air weapon activity. b. Several structures are in area that are pointed and jagged. Concrete walls seem to be present. Some structures are tall and narrow with round objects like floodlights on top. c. Many people are involved: - Slight sense of people "retainment" (for some}. (S/NF/LIPIDIS) Source D Assessment. (DOI: 22 JAN 91): a. Function of the site seems to be flight or space associated (possibly in a control .or satellite communication sense): - Advanced technology involved. b. Objects/structure association: - Many small round objects involved--sense of floating or suspension. - A tall, narrow object is present that may have a large ball-shape on top. A. Are the assessments accurate? Source A (circle response) Source B Source C Source D (1) Yes (true) (1) (1) (1) (2 May be true (2) (2) (2) (3) Possibly true ~3 ~ (3) (3) (4) No (~) 4) (~.~ (5) Possibly not true (5) (5) (5) (6) Unsure (6) (6) (6) LIMITED DISTRIBUTION NOT RELEASA~tE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS WARS 0~ ~a~v~~~?~e 2000/08/r ~J~-RDP96-007898002900220002-5 Approved For Release 2000/OSlO~~:w~1A-RDP96-007898002900220002-5 B. What is value of the Source(s)' assessments: (circle response) Source A Source B Sourc e C Source D (1) Major significance (1) (1 ) (1) (2) High value (2) (2 ) (2) (3) Of value (3) (3 ) (3) ~4) Low value (4 (4 ) (4) (5) No value (5) ~5 ~ ~.v C. Evaluation of Source Reporting. Provide rationale/analysis which led to your evaluation of responses provided above. Include confirmatory/new confirmatory data and whether collection requirements are currently validated/ tasked to either obtain or verify such data. Please provide your written evaluation by Source. SG1C SG1C SG1J 3 Enclosures: 1. Photograph (S/NF/WN) 1 Cy 2. Figure 1 (U) 1 Cy 3. Figure 2 (U) 1 Cy NOT RELE~tSABLE TO FOREIGN NATIOtJALS 1JVARNiNG NOTICE -- INTEL((~~G NCE ~ ~' SOURCES~PK~`p~l~4l~l~e 2000. ~~ A-RDP96-007898002900220002-5 . ~ o Approved Fo~fj lease 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-00789R(~02900220002-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002900220002-5 z ~