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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 4, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 7, 1994
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R002700140002-6.pdf631.49 KB
ral-.l=~_.~.~~._l`~~~1 11~~~~ FRLM GCii..:! 'ru [r~~1] F~.~1 A~~roved For Release~Q.QLQ$,L~.,:;,~CJ9.-,.BD.~.9.8..-.QQ789~.A,Q2.7444~44A~-6 ....__~ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002700140002-6 HF'R--4.1i-1~y;=~ 11 ~ 26 r ~,'OM GLI,I -Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96 007898002700140002-6 ~~' ~1 Date: ~. Apr x.994 'I'in~: iQ00-100 EST s~rr~~ : SG11 Envirarrrnerrt: Sittinr~ at c~.esk in normal wank office with brigkat :lights. ,hject: Cover o~ +~c3vertrizing farochure for? a power heat. Picture ,~? h~c~at moving at high speed toward the upper .night quadrant . f'amments: 'Pr~.ed t. c, emphasize c~xrve of bc~ra, red stripe ar. loredec:k; and pattern a= aft su~~deck a.nd direction of anc,veznent tawax~d upt~er right quadrant . Also tri..ed r:a emphasize ~c}ise of, concept of movement., arid. pr_etience of two penple ira the ct~t~kpit . Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002700140002-6 .=OF'F'-~~-1~9~1 1~~r'i=i Ff~I~~M i ~:~., r ~----~4pproved For Release 2000/0 A-RDP96-007898002700140002-6 The ful]owiny as an ev~.i,uation r-biM~~ir tree projcc:~, you reviewed? Please complete this fc~rua a~~~ return to Chief. , _ ~~:~anology Assessments and Su~a~;:~ci:t Activity. (C1rC~e ~"~h+~'+t~I1S~"~ ~. What is value of the Source(s) infcsrmation? (circle response) (~.) Major significance (].) (1) (]) (2) High value {~` ~ ~ {3) t~f v~.3.ue (3) {3) {3) (4) Low value {4) (4) (4) (!~) Nra value (~) (~) (`: ~ NC's'.C 22]ELE;t~Sd'1.BY~~3 TO F'C7~R.~TC~+1 NATIQ~TAI,:3 I.ZMITEI? ~lI85E.~?[INAT~t~I'3' STAR G.7l.'~'E Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002700140002-6 ~-~~~~'-~~-~~~~ ~~~: ~i ~~ar1 c~~~ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96~ OOfff~~t002700140002-6 F~''~ NARRP.TTVE EVAI~UATIC~IV STAk~ GA'T'E PI~.OJECT 94-230-0 8 April. 1994 Saurce A's description beers little resen~la~zce to the ~ct:,aal 20 minute test in whickz I, concentrated an the bait ,'.:T'DChl1rP.. HC7WeVer, if we take thEe.'7ltlre day' S c~CtiVlty, nat ;ust the 2b minute period, then Chere are a number cif corre.Lations. Although I concentrated an the bast bracr:u--?-~: during the test, in the afterrtaon my wife anal :~_ went to thy. ~,aat dealer to take delivery of anew boat similar to the one Taictured. T'tais entire boaC buying experience 2xas been ane of i.r~tense anticipation, excitement and anxiety. La.tP 7~ atternoan we tc+ak the boat to a county park on the Pc~? -. t