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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : STAR GATE SUMMARY (U) 15 MAY 1991 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS LIMITED DISSEMINATION REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DT OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY WARNING NOTICE - INTELLIGENCE SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR ENCLOSURE TO S-20,535/DT-S Approved For Release 2000/08/ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : C iR,'- 6-00789R002600190002-2 STAR GATE SUMMARY (U) I. (S/NF) BUDGET STATUS: An allocation of $2 million ($1.5 million R&D; $0.5 million O&M) was authorized for this activity in FY 1991. Of this, $1.7 million ($1.5 million R&D and $0.2 million O&M) was established for external research and support, with the remaining identified to support activities such as research and automatic data processing (ADP) equipment procurement. II. (C/NF) PROJECT PERSONNEL: At present, there are 10 DIA billets identified for this area. These billets will be eliminated at the end of FY 1991. III. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) MISSION/OBJECTIVES: Primary mission of the STAR GATE project is to pursue a roa range of parapsychological activities to include external research and foreign assessments. Overall objectives for accomplishing this mission include developing a long-range comprehensive research/investigation plan, developing a systematic and scientifically sound approach to the research, developing a systematic review of potential intelligence applications, making assessments of relevant foreign research, and pursuing in-house investigations/research as appropriate to complement the STAR GATE diverse activities. IV. (U) STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH CONGRESSIONAL DIRECTION/LANGUAGE: DIA established an ac ive management program to fulfill every Congressional direction as summarized below: a. (S/NF) "Formulate and provide to the Congress a long- range comprehensive plan for research and applied research for the program." - A basic and applied research general plan was developed on 15 November 1990. - A long-range comprehensive plan is to be completed 15 June 1991. b. (S/NF) "Develop an integrated data base on foreign efforts on these phenomena, particularly those of the Soviets and the Chinese." Collection requirements were identified on 9 November 1990. LIMITED DISSEMINATION STAR GATE SECRET #9I LEA ABLE 10 FOREI.CN NATIONALS STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 6- 00789R002600190002-2 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS UWAM Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : Cl - -00789R002600190002-2 - All-source collection plans were documented on 15 January 1991. Specific collections plans were implemented starting on 27 March 1991. - An initial bibliographic data base was developed and entered into the project system on 16 November 1990. - Automatic Data Processing (ADP) requirements for all anticipated data bases and support activities were identified on 20 December 1990: - Some basic equipment has been obtained. - ADP system procurement is underway. - Preliminary assessment of USSR and PRC work was published on 10 January 1991. Follow-up reports on USSR and PRC work will be completed by 15 June 1991. c. (S/NF) "Levy and prioritize requirements for the program as appropriate." Research requirements were identified on 15 November 1990. Foreign collection requirements were levied and prioritized as of 27 March 1991. d. (S/NF) "Provide for systematic and independent assessment of program results." An independent review/assessment mechanism was implemented on 20 December 1990. A Project Review Board was established on 17 January 1991. A Project Oversight Panel was established on 9 April 1991. - A Scientific Oversight Committee will be established at time external contract is signed (May-June 1991). e. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) "Assure proper documentation of all activities and plans based on scientific methodology and evaluation." LIMITED DISSEMINATION 2 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 6- 00789R002600190002-2 JNOT RELEASABLE 70 FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA= - General project protocols were documented on 21 November 1990. - Protocols for beacon person targeting were published on 19 December 1990. 13 Evaluation methods were identified and published December 1990. Potential tasking mechanisms were published on January 1991. Security procedures were developed and published on January 1991. - Procedures for special proficiency targets were published on 5 April 1991. - Project procedures were reviewed and modified; findings were published on 5 April 1991. - A symposium summary and an off-site review summary were published on 15 March 1991 and 29 April 1991. - Over ten documents on various project investigations were published between 30 October 1990 and 5 April 1991. External research will adhere to sound scientific methodology under the auspices of an expert Scientific Oversight Committee established at contract start. - Human use aspects of the external research will be reviewed and appraised by an expert Human Use Review Board established at contract start. f. (S/NF) "Arrange for an appropriate level of external assistance to the program." - A basic and applied research general plan was developed on 15 November 1990. Basic and applied research requirements for the initial contract were documented on 29 November 1990. - An external contract package was prepared on 7 December 1990; this contract should be signed in May- June 1991 with research extending into FY 1992. LIMITED DISSEMINATION 3 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 6-00789R002600190002-2 liar RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002600190002-2 V. (U) DISTINCTION BETWEEN STAR GATE AND PREVIOUS EFFORT: a. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) The previous effort, SUN STREAK, was an in-house DIA activity "with the objective of developing a community-wide capability" for remote viewing. Billets for this activity were authorized for DIA in the FY 1986 GDIP budget. This developmental activity and the associated special access compartment were terminated by the DIA/DR on 23 October 1990. External research that was periodically obtained for this area was not included within the SUN STREAK Special Access Program control. b. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS/WN) STAR GATE is a new dynamic approach for pursuing this largely unexplored area of human consciousness/subconsciousness interaction. Its scope is comprehensive; a wide range of phenomenological issues are examined that include psychological, physiological/ neurophysiological, advanced physics (new wave concepts), and other leading-edge scientific areas. Although broad- based, STAR GATE is well grounded due to its solid independent scientific review base. STAR GATE also has a strong focus on application research with an eye toward implications for U.S. national security. STAR GATE is based on a dynamic style in all its endeavors, especially in its pursuit of foreign work in this area. C. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) It is the intention of STAR GATE to pursue all aspects of this area with high intensity, drawing on its experienced and well-qualified staff along with appropriate external assistance, in order to quantify and evaluate all available classified and unclassified research. By so doing, discoveries into how this phenomenon works may be achievable. How to identify people with such talent (or LIMITED DISSEMINATION 4 STAR GATE WARNING Dd,~Tx /eel 1r'c rE N 000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R002600190002-2 SOURCES OR I T O INVOLVED # ,, NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R002600190002-2 potential for it) and how to develop/train select individuals should also be a natural end-result. STAR GATE also draws heavily from lessons learned in all previous research and investigations on a worldwide basis. d. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Thus, STAR GATE offers the opportunity for not only evaluating undeveloped human abilities, but also for finding ways to achieve a reliable use of such phenomena. STAR GATE is a truly unique enterprise; it could lead to break-through achievements in human potential. STAR GATE could also point the way to new discoveries in other areas due to its interdisciplinary and exploratory nature. 5 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2000/08/0 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS