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Approved For Release 2004/07/Oc.P7t%P96-00789ROO2500230021-7 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum S-64,073/PAG-TA A SUBJECT: PAG-TA Monthly Activity Report - May 1994 (U) TO: PAG 1. (U) Personnel: - Per NMIPC (P-AS1) our authorized is 11 with seven assigned personnel. 2. (U) Administration: Two additional shipments of furniture for our facility have been receipted for. Walk-thru of Building 2845 with the Work Coordination Chief at Fort Meade completed. Plans for upgrade of the facility to included the Room 111 (classified storage area) are tentatively finalized pending walk-thru of the contractor by mid-June. We anticipate that the renovation will be completed by Aug 94. Occupancy programmed for Sep 94. 3. (U) Training: - 9-19 May 94: Effective People" course. - 24-25 May 94: Diversity management" course. attended the "Cultural 4. (U) Travel: - 20-29 May 94: lattended the 19th Annual Conference of the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIHS), Montreal, Canada. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY CLASSIFIED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES DECLASSIFY ON OADR SECRET OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS (REV. 1-80) Approved For Release 2004/0711 l 96-00789ROO25002300 dw1 qMR (41 CFR) 101-11.6 Approved For Release 2004/07/09 SE BDP96-00789R002500230021-7 5. (U) Transportation/Logistics: - Apr 94 mileage report forwarded to DAL-2 on 2 June 94. 6. (S/NF/WN/SG/LIMDIS) Operations: - One project was conducted in support of the Deputy Director for Operations, U.S. Army Foreign Counterintelligence Activity, USAINSCOM, Fort Meade, MD. To date, we have completed four projects. Four projects were conducted in support of Joint Task Force Five requirements. Since 3 Mar 94 we have completed 12 projects. Software for our foreign data base management system installed by DIA. We are now awaiting the foreign assessment data from the contractor. Once we are in receipt we will begin the "loading" of the system. A two year effort has now been completed! 11 May 94: 1 Ichaired the monthly STIC-C - 12 May 94: meeting. F attended the monthly STIC - 27 May 94: briefed Ms. Georgia Osterman, permanent staff, HASC, on the mission of the STAR GATE program so that they can review our program plan and the recommendations of the to-be convened scientific advisory panel. REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY SECRET Approved FAWelA9%X9&W MW9M@230021-7 STAR GATE Approved For Release 2004/07/0992DP96-00789R002500230021-7 - Action is underway to publish Activity operational activities. Info will be in the form of a booklet and will include data provided by Activity personnel; the tasking sheet; and customer feedback results. It should be noted that Activity data and customer feedback is provided by classified fax on a timely basis. 7. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Future Highlights: - 8 June 94. j Iwill provide a STAR GATE overview briefing to Ms. Mary Marshall, SAC. - 9 June 94: meeting. will attend the monthly STIC - Activity will be working operational issues for PAN-3E and PAN-3F. 8. (U) Other: None REPRODUCTION REQUIRES WARNING NOTICE-INTELLIGENCE APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR SOURCES OR METHODS INVOLVED OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY PAG OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY 3 SECRET Approved FJ9eIM; 01" 14 dRWA b@230021-7