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Approved For Rel 8Wffl4 iv1L 7898002500130001-0
Staff Study:
Transfer of Project Star Gate to the
Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center
December 1992
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500130001-0
Approved For Release 2000/0/8//008-Sj~ ff,1Jll4R789R002500130001-0
Table of Contents
Objectives ......................................................................................... 3
]Background ...................................................................................... 3
Approach ......................................................................................... 5
......................... ....................................................... 6
Discussion .....................................................
Conclusion ....................................................................................... 10
Objectives and Action Items:
Objective 1. Physical Facility ................................................... 13
Objective 2. Security ............................................................... 15
Objective 3. Resource Management ........................................... 16
Objective 4. Personnel ............................................................. 17
Objective 5. Mission/Function Review ....................................... 18
Objective 6. Scientific Review .................................................. 19
Chronological Summary of Actions .................................................... 20
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1. Objectives
a. (U) To determine the advantages and disadvantages of transferring the
mission and resources of Project Star Gate from the immediate management
and control of the Directorate for Scientific and Technical Intelligence of the
Defense Intelligence Agency to the management and control of the Armed
Forces Medical Intelligence Center.
b. (U) To establish a plan for the transition of Project Star Gate to AFMIC,
if such a transfer is approved. (See Enclosure)
2. Background
a. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Since 1986, Congressional Committee action has
authorized the Defense Intelligence Agency to pursue investigations into
parapsychological phenomena. This action resulted from evidence of growing
activity in paranormal research in the former Soviet Union and China, and
from findings derived from DoD-sponsored exploratory research on this
topic. The direction given in FY86 was for DIA to develop an operational
capability in this area for the Intelligence Community. Twelve billets were
authorized for this effort.
b. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) In 1991 and 1992 Congressional direction reaffirmed
DIA's responsibility for exploring parapsychological phenomena. One of the
initial steps taken by DIA following the FY91 direction was to establish a
limited dissemination (LIMDIS) project, codenamed Star Gate, provide
security and access control for this program. The project was housed temporary facilities at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland.
c. (SINF/SG/LIMDIS) In 1991, a two-year program architecture was
prepared in response to a request from the Congressional Committees. An
additional Long Range Comprehensive Plan was also developed for
investigating parapsychological phenomena. This plan identified a broad
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range of research, foreign assessments, and in-house investigations that could
be pursued during the 1993-1998 time-period.
d. (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Starting with the 1991 Congressional guidance, Star
Gate research objectives were clarified and broadened to include intelligence
assessments of foreign research in this area, basic and applied
parapsychological research, and in-house investigations into the possible
operational applications of parapsychology. To assist in external research, $2
million was allocated in 1991 and 1992, and DIA was directed to provide 10
civilian billets for the overall effort. The external research resources initiated
new research on sensitive neurophysiological measurements, and examined a
variety of phenomenological variables. In-house activities included research
support, both basic and applied, as well as operational project activities and
foreign assessments.
e. (S) The following language appeared in the FY93 House/Senate Defense
Authorization Conference Report:
(S) "The Senate amendment would authorize the Director of the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA) to provide $.6 million from available resources
for project Star Gate. The Senate report would direct the DIA Director to
take all required actions to transfer this project to the Armed Forces
Medical Intelligence Center to ensure that proper methodologies are
pursued and to associate the program with highly qualified medical experts
to provide synergistic relationship with other aspects of this field
production activity
(U) "The House would recommend no similar action.
(U) "The House recedes with the following adjustment to the Senate action:
(U) "Rather than direct DIA to transfer the project from its headquarters
element to AFMIC, the conferees recommend that DIA study the issue of
moving the project to AFMIC, and if the results of this study are that
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AFMIC is a more appropriate setting for the project then DIA should
initiate the transfer."
3. Approach
a. (U) Both the Star Gate project and the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence
Center (AFMIC) are under the management of the DIA Directorate for
Scientific and Technical Intelligence (DIA/DT). In early October 1992, The
DIA Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence requested that both the
Star Gate project manager and the Director of AFMIC discuss the possible
realignment of the project to AFMIC's management control and to prepare a
transition plan for such an eventuality. In November 1992, after the above
Conference Report language had been received, this tasking was modified to
include preparation of a short study on the advantages and disadvantages of
transferring Star Gate to AFMIC, in accordance with Congressional guidance.
b. (U) Star Gate managers visited AFMIC on 9 October 1992 to brief senior
AFMIC personnel on the project's mission and functions and to discuss the
pros and cons of the proposed transfer.
c. (S) On 14 October, senior managers at AFMIC, including the Center's
Director, Deputy Director, Chief Scientist and the Chief of AFMIC's Life
Science and Technologies Division met to discuss the advantages and
disadvantages of the transfer. Of particular interest during this discussion was
the issue of ensuring that a valid scientific approach is used during Star Gate
project's research investigations.
d. (U) On 22 October, the two senior personnel at Project Star Gate had a
follow-up visit to AFMIC to complete the discussions which they had begun
earlier in the month and to answer questions that had developed since the first
e. (U) On 29 October, the Deputy Director of AFMIC visited the Star Gate
facility at Fort Meade to meet the staff, to inspect the existing facility and to
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develop an impression of the needs of the project for physical security and
office space.
f. (U) Meetings and informal discussions were held throughout November
and early December to develop pros and cons and to draft this required study
regarding the proposed transfer.
g. (U) A transition plan was developed to show key objectives and milestones
in the event the decision is made to accomplish the transfer. This plan was
written with the assumption that the official transfer would be implemented on
or around 1 January 1993.
4. Discussion
a. Based on the above meetings and discussions, the following points favor the
transfer of Project Star Gate to AFMIC:
(1) (S) Review of scientific methods used by the Star Gate project: If Star
Gate were transferred, the scientific staff at AFMIC and the scientists in the
US military medical research and development community who are
associated with AFMIC would be available to examine the scientific
approach used by the Star Gate project. The purpose of this examination
would be to ensure that any experimental data have been developed in
accordance with valid scientific methodology and will withstand scientific
(2) (S) Availability of AFMIC professional staff support. Subordination
of Star Gate to AFMIC would provide project personnel with direct and
ongoing access to the AFMIC scientific staff. This staff consists of
approximately 90 military and civilian personnel with extensive academic
training in all aspects of the life sciences, many years of experience in
medically related issues, and intelligence community experience.
Becoming a part of this staff would mean that the project could obtain
important assistance in some critical areas related to the overall Star Gate
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objectives. This assistance would include implementation, control, and
evaluation of the investigatory aspects of the project and help with research
into foreign capabilities and intentions related to the phenomenon under
(3) (S) Availability of human use review capability at AFMIC: AFMIC
has a Reserve officer attorney assigned as a mobilization augmentee. If the
project is subordinated to AFMIC, this attorney can provide an annual
assessment of the compliance of Star Gate project evaluations with relevant
laws, executive orders, regulations and procedures regarding human use
aspects of the project. This Reservist performed his most recent active
duty assignment at AFMIC from 30 November to 11 December 1992.
During this active duty assignment, he did preliminary work on such an
assignment including a visit to the Star Gate facility, consolidation of
applicable records on the human use issue and visits and discussions with
the DIA General Counsel.
(4) (U) Improved connectivity between Star Gate and the Research and
Development community: AFMIC has an excellent relationship with the
US military medical R&D community. In addition, AFMIC has a limited
budget for external research and analysis on various topics in the life
sciences. If the project were subordinated to AFMIC, these relationships
and the results of these external studies would be of direct benefit to Star
Gate project researchers.
(5) (S) Common areas of research between Star Gate and AFMIC:
AFMIC and Star Gate personnel share interests in broad aspects of life
sciences, including human factors, physiology and human psychology.
AFMIC is the production task monitor for any studies produced in DIA or
at other S&T Centers on human factors research and engineering. There is
also the possibility that the combination of AFMIC and Star Gate expertise
could result in new avenues of analysis on foreign neuroscience research,
enhanced learning performance, pattern recognition and decision making,
and unusual biophysical effects. Consolidation of AFMIC and Project Star
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Gate would enhance overall analytical efforts in these common areas of
(6) (S) More secure working environment: Location on Fort Detrick can
provide more security for classified research than the current Star Gate
facility. Fort Meade is an open military post; Fort Detrick has controlled
access through a guarded gate. The current Star Gate building is a sub-
standard World War II pre-fabricated frame structure with a minimum
ability to store classified materials or to house secure communications or
automated systems. AFMIC is in a Secure Compartmented Information
Facility in a modern building (constructed in 1985-86), with full capability
to store SCI materials and to have available the full range of intelligence
sources and communications methods needed by Star Gate intelligence
(7) (U) Improved access to intelligence community databases. Collocation
of Star Gate personnel at AFMIC would result in their access to SAFE,
which would enable them to receive message traffic and use the large scale
intelligence databases which reside on this system.
(8) (U) Access to the in-house DIA electronic mail system. Star Gate
Project connectivity to DIA headquarters is limited to commercial
telephone and facsimile service. This does not provide the degree of day-
to-day contact that is required for project personnel to conduct business
with their headquarters. This would change if Star Gate were assigned to
AFMIC. AFMIC already has indirect access to DIA's Higgins electronic
mail system. This system is the main method of written classified and
unclassified in-house communications within DIA. Full Higgins access will
arrive at AFMIC early in calendar year 1993.
(9) (U) More flexible funding of Star Gate requirements: The Star Gate
project has a very unstable funding history, based on a varying degree of
Congressional support and several changes in the operational subordination
of the project. Although AFMIC's budget is small-- less than 100 assigned
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personnel and a $5 million budget-- it is still about ten times larger than the
Star Gate program. As a result, AFMIC could even out variations in the
Star Gate funding and provide needed stability for project personnel.
b. The following points would recommend against the transfer of Project Star
Gate to AFMIC:
(1) (S) Star Gate methods might damage AFMIC's credibility: Some
AFMIC managers expressed the concern that AFMIC's consumers might
regard AFMIC's products as less credible if they believed that data derived
from parapsychological experiments were used as the basis for AFMIC's
analytical conclusions.
(2) (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) Concern of a repeat of "Yellow Rain"
controvers : In the early 1980's AFMIC assessed that the Soviets were
testing so called "yellow rain" mycotoxins (biological agents) in Southeast
Asia. This analysis, which has recently been shown to be substantially
correct, was the subject of much controversy in the press and at the highest
US government levels. There were some very influential critics of this
analysis, and the ensuing controversy consumed AFMIC's time and energy.
This controversy was also perceived by some AFMIC staff and managers as
a threat to the Center's reputation, funding and continued operation.
Parapsychological research is also controversial and difficult to prove to
critics, and could become and issue which would be reminiscent of the
yellow rain episode.
(3) (U) Physical move of Star Gate to Fort Detrick will probably be
difficult to fund: Most of the points in favor of consolidating AFMIC and
Star Gate make the assumption that these organizations could be collocated.
This may be feasible in the long term, but funds will probably not be
available to make this physical transition in the next two years.
(4) (S/NF/SG/LIMDIS) There might be a loss of key researchers: Star
Gate relies on individuals who are unusually gifted in specific areas of
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research. These skills are difficult to measure and even more difficult to
recruit. It is likely that at least one of the present researchers will be
unable to move if Project Star Gate relocates to Fort Detrick.
(5) (U) The current layout of Star Gate facilities at Fort Meade is ideal:
Although the Star Gate facility is housed in old buildings with poor
security aspects, it is the opinion of the project manager that the Fort
Meade facility is ideal for conducting the types of assessments that are
accomplished by the project. It is uncertain that similar office space could
be found at Fort Detrick.
(6) (S/.NF/SG/LIMDIS) The move might damage the morale of some key
project personnel: The emphasis of Project Star Gate has been on
investigations into anomalous phenomena. Much of this research has
uncertain value if viewed solely from the perspective of traditional
intelligence production. Some current project personnel are concerned that
if the project is subordinated to AFMIC, the main emphasis of the project
could be shifted from these investigations to more traditional foreign
intelligence research and the production of finished intelligence studies. In
addition, some of these researchers are admittedly untrained to work as
intelligence analysts.
6. Conclusion:
a. (U) There would be overall value added from the transfer of Project Star
Gate to the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center.
b. (U) The best value to be gained from consolidation would be if Star Gate
were physically moved from Fort Meade to Fort Detrick, so that Star Gate
researchers could be collocated with the medical research and development
community and so that the project could receive the administrative support
and oversight that it needs.
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c. (U) Both AFMIC and Star Gate are already under the operational control
of the Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence of the Defense
Intelligence Agency (DT), and both functions should remain under DT. Based
on this responsibility, DT should have the authority to proceed with this
consolidation and the authority to periodically review this decision to
determine if management changes are required to improve the Defense
Intelligence Agency's support to the Star Gate project.
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Implementation Plan
for Transfer of
Project Star Gate to AFMIC
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Objectives and Action Items:
Objective 1. Physical Facility-- Ensure that personnel assigned to Project Star
Gate have a safe and habitable work place. Ensure that there is adequate
accountability of the physical property assigned to the Project, including office
supplies and equipment, computer hardware and software, and other items. Plan
for the required FY94 physical move of Star Gate personnel from their existing
buildings to another site, either at Fort Meade or at an alternative location.
Action Item la: Conduct safety and habitability inspection of Project Star
Gate facility and provide results to Director, AFMIC.
Action Office: Chief, DT-S
Coordination: Fort Meade Safety Officer
AFMIC Safety Officer
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item lb: Obtain copies of any existing support agreements between
Project Star Gate and the Army/Fort Meade.
Action Office: MIC-3
Coordination: Chief, DT-S
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item lc: Review Project Star Gate Property Book procedures.
Prepare a short written summary of any needed corrective actions.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DT-S Property Book Officer
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item ld: Discuss availability of office space at Fort Detrick with the
Fort Detrick Post Commander.
Action Office: MIC
Coordination: N/A
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
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Action Item le: Discuss availability of office space at Fort Meade with
appropriate Fort Meade officials.
Action Office: Chief, DT-S
Coordination: MIC
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item 1f: Evaluate costs of expanding AFMIC Building (Building 1607,
Fort Detrick) to accommodate Star Gate personnel. Develop GDIP Program
package for submission in next GDIPP.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DTI-3E
Completion Date: 31 March 1993
Action Item Ig: Identify PCS funds for relocation of Star Gate personnel .
Action Office: DTI-3E
Coordination: OC and MIC-3B
Completion Date: 31 March 1993
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Objective 2. Security-- Conduct an informal security review of Star Gate. If a
more detailed follow-up is needed, request that DIA headquarters conduct an
inspection of security aspects related to Project Star Gate including classified
materials, physical security, automation security, and communications security.
Review personnel security records to ensure that all project personnel are cleared
and indoctrinated in accordance with DoD and DIA regulations. Evaluate the
need to establish or change any special security'controls governing access to this
Action Item 2a: Conduct an informal working level inspection of security
aspects related to Project Star Gate. If needed, request that DIA headquarters
assist with a more detailed inspection or with corrective measures.
Action Office: MIC-3A
Coordination: Star Gate Security Officer
DIA/DPS (As required)
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item 2b: Evaluate the need to establish or change any special security
controls governing access to this project.
Action Office: MIC
Coordination: DT
Completion Date: 30 June 1993
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Objective 3. Resource Management-- Ensure that the existing FY93 financial
plan for Star Gate will provide adequate funds to meet the legal, regulatory and
Congressionally-directed obligations of this program. Evaluate the existing
financial plan including funds for civilian pay, benefits, overtime, awards,
training, supplies, equipment, travel, contracts, base operations, and other costs.
Ensure that General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP) planning and
programming has been completed for FY94 and outyears and that the Project has
developed a plan of action to correct existing shortfalls.
Action Item 3a: Obtain and review FY93 financial plan for Project Star Gate.
Summarize any shortfalls and prepare any needed justifications and impact
statement for appropriate action by DIA/DTI-3.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DT-S
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item 3b: Obtain and review FY94-99 GDIPP for Project Star Gate.
Summarize any shortfalls and prepare impact statement for appropriate action
by DIA/DTI-3.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DT-S
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
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Objective 4. Personnel-- Review manpower management and personnel
management aspects of the Project, including accuracy and validity of the
manning document, the existence of valid DIA position descriptions, performance
standards, appraisals and the proper assignment of personnel. Ensure that time
and attendance procedures are in place in accordance with DIA regulations and
procedures. Determine if there are any outstanding personnel actions which
remain unresolved, such as temporary assignments, grievances, complaints or
Action Item 4a: Obtain and review manning document, position descriptions,
performance standards, plans, appraisals, and individual training plans. Take
action to consolidate AFMIC and Star Gate manning documents.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DT-S and DTI-3E
Completion Date: 28 February 1993
Action Item 4b: Review procedures used by Star Gate administrative
personnel to account for employee time and attendance. Take corrective
action as required.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DT-S and DTI-3E
Completion Date: 31 March 1993
Action Item 4c: Determine if there are any outstanding personnel actions
which remain unresolved, such as grievances, complaints or appeals. Take
corrective action as required.
Action Office: MIC-3B
Coordination: DT-S and DTI-3E
Completion Date: 31 March 1993
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Objective 5. Mission/Function Review-- Conduct a zero-base review of the
accomplishments, missions, functions and responsibilities of Project Star Gate and
the duties of personnel assigned to the Project to evaluate the Project's satisfaction
of the requirements of intelligence consumers and compliance with Congressional
intent. Evaluate AFMIC's mission, functions and organizational structure to
determine the most efficient and effective way to permanently consolidate Project
Star Gate within AFMIC. Establish a clear mission and function statement and
supporting goals and objectives for Project Star Gate. Ensure that the
organizational structure, the duties of assigned personnel and the allocation of
resources support these purposes.
Action Item 5a: Review and update the mission and function statement and
supporting goals and objectives for Project Star Gate. Evaluate AFMIC's
mission, functions and organizational structure to determine the most efficient
and effective way to consolidate Project Star Gate within AFMIC.
Action Office: MIC
Coordination: DT, DT-S
Completion Date: 30 June 1993
Action Item 5b: Review and amend the intelligence production schedule of
Project Star Gate.
Action Office: MIC-B
Coordination: DTI-3B and DT-S
Completion Date: 30 June 1993
Action Item 5c: Review tasks being performed by Project Star Gate to ensure
compliance with laws, regulations and Congressional intent. Make any needed
changes to comply with external guidance.
Action Office: MIC
Coordination: DIA General Counsel
Completion Date: 30 September 1993
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Objective 6. Scientific Review-- Establish a scientific external review of these
activities to ensure that they conform with valid scientific experimental
Action Item 6a: Take steps to establish a scientific external review of Star Gate
activities to ensure that they conform with valid scientific experimental
Action Office: MIC (Chief Scientist)
Coordination: MIC-5, DT-S
Completion Date: 30 September 1993
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Chronological Summary of Actions
28 February 1993
Action Item la: Conduct safety and habitability inspection of Project Star
Gate facility and provide results to Director, AFMIC.
Action Office: Chief, DT-S Coordination: Fort Meade Safety Officer
AFMIC Safety Officer
Action Item lb: Obtain copies of any existing support agreements between
Project Star Gate and the Army/Fort Meade.
Action Office: MIC-3 Coordination: Chief, DT-S
Action Item lc: Review Project Star Gate Property Book procedures. Prepare
a short written summary of any needed corrective actions.
Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DT-S Property Book Officer
Action Item ld: Discuss availability of office space at Fort Detrick with the
Fort Detrick Post Commander.
Action Office: MIC Coordination: N/A
Action Item le: Discuss availability of office space at Fort Meade with
appropriate Fort Meade officials.
Action Office: Chief, DT-S Coordination: MIC
Action Item 2a: Conduct an informal working level inspection of security
aspects related to Project Star Gate. If needed, request that DIA headquarters
assist with a more detailed inspection or with corrective measures.
Action Office: MIC-3A Coordination: Star Gate Security Officer
DIA/DPS (As required)
Action Item 3a: Obtain and review FY93 financial plan for Project Star Gate.
Summarize any shortfalls and prepare any needed justifications and impact
statement for appropriate action by DIA/DTI-3.
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Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DT-S
Action Item 3b: Obtain and review FY94-99 GDIPP for Project Star Gate.
Summarize any shortfalls and prepare impact statement for appropriate action by
Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DT-S
Action Item 4a: Obtain and review manpower and personnel
documentation including manning document, position descriptions,
performance standards, plans, appraisals, and individual training plans. Take
action to consolidate AFMIC and Star Gate manning documents.
Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DT-S and DTI-3E
31 March 1993
Action Item lf: Evaluate costs of expanding AFMIC Building (Building
1607, Fort Detrick) to accommodate Star Gate personnel. Develop GDIP
Program package for submission in next GDIPP.
Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DTI-3E
Action Item 1g: Identify PCS funds for relocation of Star Gate personnel
Action Office: DTI-3E Coordination: OC and MIC-3B
Action Item 4b: Review procedures used by Star Gate administrative personnel
to account for employee time and attendance. Take corrective action as
Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DT-S and DTI-3E
Action Item 4c: Determine if there are any outstanding personnel actions which
remain unresolved, such as grievances, complaints or appeals. Take corrective
action as required.
Action Office: MIC-3B Coordination: DT-S and DTI-3E
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30 June 1993
Action Item 2b: Evaluate the need to establish or change any special access
security controls governing this project.
Action Office: MIC Coordination: DT
Action Item 5a: Review and update the mission and function statement and
supporting goals and objectives for Project Star Gate. Evaluate AFMIC's
mission, functions and organizational structure to determine the most efficient
and effective way to consolidate Project Star Gate within AFMIC.
Action Office: MIC Coordination: DT, DT-S
Action Item 5b: Review and amend the intelligence production schedule of
Project Star Gate.
Action Office: MIC-B Coordination: DTI-3B and DT-S
30 September 1993
Action Item 5c: Review tasks being performed by Project Star Gate to ensure
compliance with laws, regulations and Congressional intent. Make any needed
changes to comply with external guidance.
Action Office: MIC Coordination: DIA General Counsel
Action Item 6a: Establish a scientific external review of Star Gate activities
to ensure that they conform with valid scientific experimental procedures.
Action Office: MIC-CS Coordination: MIC-5, DT-S
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