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Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 DATE OF PROJECT 26 Aug 94 SG1J The following is an evaluation fo ct you reviewed. Please complete this form and return to 1, Technology Assessment and Support Activity. A. Is the information accurate? (Circle response) Categories Source Source Source A B C Yes (true) (1) (1) (1) May be true (2) (2) (2) Possibly true (3) (3) (3) No (4) (4) (4) Possibly not true (5) (5) (5) Unsure (6) (6) (6) B. What is value of the Source(s)' information? (Circle response) Major significance (1) (1) (1) High value (2) (2) (2) Of value (3) (3) (3) Low value (4) (4) (4) No value (5) (5) (5) I NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS LIMITED DISSEMINATION Approved For Release 2001 /04 Gi.ATI DP96-00789R00250009000V-flosure 2 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 i C. Rationale for source evaluation. Provide rationale/analysis which led to your evaluation of responses provided above. Include confirmatory/new confirmatory data and whether collection requirements are currently validated/tasked to either obtain or verify such data. Please provide your written evaluation by source. NAME OFFICE/PHONE NUMBER ar NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS LIMITED DISSEMINATION Approved For Release 2001 /04I . C1k- DP96-00789R002500090009-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500090009-7 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Task/Target No. :94-263-0 Session No. :01 B. PERSONAL DATA: Source No. :025 C. Monitor's No. Beacon/Sender No. SESSION DATA: :N/A :N/A Date Task Received :26 August 1994 Session Date :29 August 1994 Start Time Stop Time Method Used :10:00 :11:00 :ERV Aids/Distractions (PIs) : Pre.-session Hunches (AVs) : Date Summary Returned :29 August 1994 D. EVALUATION DATA: E. Viewer's Estimate Evaluator's Estimate SESSION SUMMARY SG1A The target is overseeing large plastic bundles of drugs bound with rope. He is thinking about the best way to get them to their final destination. His activities include the transport and concealment of these drugs. He has at least two male accomplices and can receive a large sum of money for a sizable delivery. These are hard rather than soft drugs in nature and a risky operation. The drugs may be transferred as many as three times before reaching their final destination. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500090009-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 TASKING SHEET SOURCE NO: 025 DATE: 26 Aug 94 SUSPENSE: 26 Aug 94 1600 Hrs 1. PROJECT NUMBER: 94-263-0 2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of Choice 3. BACKGROUND: Follow-on project to project 94-251-0 dated 15 July and 94-258-0 dated - 3 August. 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: Continue to describe target's activities. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Task/Target No. : 94-263-0 Session No. : 01 B. PERSONNEL DATA: Source No. : 049 Monitor's No. : NA Beacon/Sender No. : NA C. SESSION DATA: Date Task Received : 26 AUG 94 Session Date : 26 AUG 94 Start Time : 1500 Stop Time : 1545 Method Used : ERV Distractions (PIs) : Same-o, same-o. Pre--session Hunches (AVs) : None Date Summary Returned : 29 AUG 94 D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer's Estimate Evaluator's Estimate E. SESSION SUMMARY: The target is currently staying in one location; a holding pattern, if you will. He is becoming increasingly more concerned over the size of the cargo of this operation. My perception is that this is a very huge amount which is being transported; far more than this individual and his operatives have attempted in the past. I still cannot get a lock-on to where his exact location is. He is associated with a group of islands but the large land mass previously perceived by myself (Project 94-258-0) may, in fact, be a very large island rather than a continent. There is an associate with him. This individual is Asian, has very straight and shiny collar-length hair and wears western-style clothes which he feels are "hip". However, these are the type of clothes worn during the late 60's thru mid 70's i.e. polyester bell bottoms and shirts with large collars. He smokes exclusively American cigarettes. This second individual "feels" particularly "sleazy", as if he has either been in the business longer or he is capable of extreme violence. He seems to enjoy taunting Said Anwar. This person is also a womanizer and is always seen with at least two or three "ladies" accompanying him. I sense that the operation per se is very close to going into full swing. The vessel which will be transporting the cargo has had some sort of association with either an African country or individual but does not have an African name. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Date: 26 Aug 94 Task/Target Number: 94-263-0 Session Number: 01 B. PERSONNEL DATA: Source Number: Monitor Number: Beacon/Sender No: 079/C C. SESSION DATA: Session Start Time: Session Stop Time: Method Used: Aids/Distractions (PIs): Pre-sessions Hunches: Date Summary Returned: 29 Aug 94 D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer Confidence (H/M/L): Evaluator's Estimate E. INFORMATION: Target is of a personality who is middle-aged and is dark skinned. Target personality has dark black hair. Personality was seen in a large luxurious car sitting in the back. Target personality was wearing black. This location was in a city that was located out west. This scene was at night. Target personality seemed to be collecting "something" from someone as he was sitting in the back of a car. It seemed that the car was sitting in front of a nightclub and was located in a bad section of the city. Target also was of a structure away from the city. The structure was made of stone and was on flat land. The structure was large and there was a large body of water behind the structure. The water could of been the Pacific Ocean. I felt that I was in the state of Washington. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 SG1A Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002500090009-7 Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500090009-7 TASKING SHEET DATE: 26 Aug 94 SUSPENSE: 26 Aug 94 1600 Hrs 2. METHOD/TECHNIQUE: Method of Choice 3. BACKGROUND: Follow-on project to protect 94-251-0 dated 15 July and 94-258-0 dated - 3 August. 4. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: Continue to describe target's activities. Approved For Release 2001/04/02 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO2500090009-7