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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 4? 789R002100350002-9 SUN STREAK ANNUAL REPORT - 1987 .1. (S/SK/WNINTEL) The nature and scope of the POG operational and training activities are reflected in the following reports: a. The Operational Project Report at TAB A. b. The Utility Assessment Report at TAB B. c. The Viewer Production Report at TAB C. d. The Personnel Training Report at TAB D. vacancies authorized by the current TDA and identified as a GS- 0132 OPT 13, and that of a US Army CPT, remain vacant. The search for suitable candidates to fill the' vacancies is ongoing. 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) During the reporting period, procedures were established to cross-train all remote viewers in both modes of remote viewing, specifically: Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV); and, Extended Remote Viewing (ERV). The. required training time for a remote viewer to become o erational was reduced from two SG1J years to six months. the first candidate to be successfully trained Winer the revised training schedule, is currently operational. has completed Stage IV of CRV training. She will have comp a ed Stage V and Stage VI of her training by mid-February 1988. In mid-February 1988, SG1J will be trained in the ERV methodology. _ an accomplished and experienced Extended Remote in Stage III of CRV cross-training. It is anticipated that she will complete Stage IV of her training in late January. During the reporting period, procedures requiring the preparation of post session-summaries and the submissipn of sketches as conceptual re-presentations in support of remote viewing activity, were established. In an effort to instillself-confidence and self-discipline, experienced remote viewer were encouraged to conduct sessions without the assistance or presence of a monitor or interviewer. This form of independent emote viewing known as "Solo Remote Viewing", has proven surprisingly successful to date. The concept of "Solo Remote Viewing" will be pursued during the coming year. The results of Pr ject 8717 reflect the first operational effort where solo viewin; was used in about eight of the sixteen total number of sessions conducted. The @multg ar? @ncouraging; a high degree of correlation among viewers surfaced during the course of these sessions against the target. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100350002-9 SGIJ SGIJ ff 3? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : li 20I789R002100350002-9 4. (S/SK/WNINTEL) An estimated 130 sessions conducted by six viewers under a Utility Assessment known as Project "P", revealed a near total inability to predict future events. Except for a few and isolated, eye-catching successes, there was no evidence of consistency or reliability in the results obtained from remote viewing efforts conducted in a predictive mode. Remote Viewing "the future" does not appear to be feasible or a marketable aspect of this program at this time. However, a utility assessment known as Project N-1 and conducted to determine a remote viewer's ability to determine the substantial content of a document stored at the DIAC, appeared successful. The ancillary descriptions of the DIAC as the target storage site prompted the levy of a second and similar task with the added facet of attempting to determine the identity and location of the target building where the document is stored. This activity is being pursued under Project N-2. If successful, POG may be gaining meaningful insight on how to best resolve the issue of the so- called "search problem." Tenative taskers were established in an effort to collect information related to enemy Plans and Intentions and to International Terrorism as intelligence targets. The perceived ideal tasker in such instances, requests foreign intelligence information about individual(s) suspected of a specific activity(ies) within a given time window(s). Tasking specificity may be the key element in this effort. Hopefully it will provide the point of focus needed to determine an unknown from known data. 5. (S/SK/WNINTEL) A training project is being established to further test the feasibility and desirability of remote viewers to remote view in a solo mode. The training scenario provides for remote viewers to view an event of historical and intelligence significance. In response to direct tasking, each remote viewer will be called upon to unilaterally remote view a distinct facet of the target. Remote viewers will then coordinate the results of their findings with other team members in an effort to resolve the problems. Duplicative tasking will be avoided as much as possible. Where one remote viewer will be tasked to report on target personalities, a second will be tasked against related political activities, a third against military forces, etc. activity etc. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100350002-9 ~.s k Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 789R002100350002-9 6. (S/SK/WNINTEL) The scope of the POG remote viewing effort for 1987 is well documented. An effort to determine the results of the effort in terms of accuracy and timeliness was accomplished internally. The intelligence value and use of the end product remains to be determined through the receipt of intelligence evaluations prepared by requirement originators and other intelligence community customers in response to tasking. 5 ENCLOSURES TABS A-D As stated above TAB E -Training Precis Acting Branch Chief Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : Cl 0 89R002100350002-9 F is ,`~! Approved For Release 2000/08/08'z CIA-RpP98; 007_89R002100350002-9 PROJECT SOURCES SESSIONS COMPLETED EVALUATION 8605* i :I.ti Ongoing N / A 1. ; Ongoing hI/A 8701 1.2 It Jun 87 Pending 8ii.. 12 1.3 Jun 87 Pending 8704. :1..?:, 19 Jun 87 Pending !:37c:)1::) 2 5 18 Jun 87 Pending 8 7 (.) ('3 6 19 Jun 87 Pending 8709 17 ::'5 Aug 87 Pending 87:1.0 4? 2:: `9 Jul 87 Pending 8711. 4. 74. 6 Aug 87 Pending 8712 4 26 1.0 Sep 87 N/A 8713 4 :I.8 19 Nov 87 rrdi 1-1 g 871.4? 5 :I.:_ :14 Dec 87 Pending ter. 4 :I.6 :I.5 Oct 87 Pending 8716 22 Nov 87 Pending 8717 4 1. 1 Continuing ............... 8718 4 8 Pending (OA) 8719 5 7 10 Nov 87 ------------------------------------------------ 232 (NOTE:) This r..eI:ior-t. :i. cumulative in nature and reflects total. (results to date for C Y '87) Approved For Release 2000/08/08; CIA-RDP.96 -0078,9R002100350002-9 Approved For Release 200010810a: CIA-RDP96-007898002100350002-9 UTILITY ASSESSMENT REPORT ......._... .... ............. _............................ ,..... _............. ..................__........ ...... F:1 F((3 J F-'. (::'T VIEWERS SESSIONS UTILITY (.'J 5 1 C) Useful L 6 :1.2 Of Value (Verbal) hI 6 :17 Useful IV ti 5 tJs: efc_cl N-1. 4 1.:1 Oral l:E??:al ;:a?-;'* tl? 10 Continuing 9 Useful 6 711. No Intel Value 1 Useful 2 2 Undetermined > Additional tasking involves the c:'c:)nc:tuc_t of a search problem. t y .-: