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Publication Date: 
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Approved For 12elease 2000/08/08 ;:. CIS-RDP_ 9,~-007898002100350001-0 ? ~ UNI~iED ST/~TES GOVERNt~.1ENT memorandum 19,uary 198$ DT-s SUN STREAK - Annual Report 1987 (U) 1. iS/SK/WNINTEL) The mission of the SUN STREAK Prototype Operational Group (POG) remained dedicated to the application of t}je psychoenergetic process of Remote Viewing (RV) as a Hurnan Intel l igence {HUMINT) col l~:ction methodology to unilaterally collect foreign intelligence information or, through appropriate cuing, provide a basis fur a sister discipline to prompt a specific collection effort on behalf of the Department of Defense {DOD) and other US intelligence community agencies when all other systems have failed. 2. 4S/SK/4~NINTEL) The POG is comprised of professional intelligence officers, a group of highly self-disciplined personnel dedicated to the collection of foreign intelligence through the application of unique methodology conducted under strict, controlled conditions. The attached annual report reflects the scope of this extensive effort with its perceived }~ighlights of accomplishments and attendant shortfalls. 3. (S/SK/WNINTEL) Efforts involving the penetration of inaccessible targets in terms of persons, places, things, ar events, were normally successful. Remote viewing Efforts conducted to predict the occurrence or non-occurrence of future events resulted in generally erratic and unreliable results. Remote viewing e~forts conducted to locate persons (hostages) or things (documents) based on a known point of focus (operational data) are to date, encouraging but not conclusive. Efforts to favorably resolve the basic issues of the so-called "search problem" are ongoing. Prototype talkers related to Military Plans and Intentions and to Terrorism were drafted; their implementation remains to be scheduled for pursuance in a training mode during the corning year. WARNING NOTICE: SENSITIVE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND MET1-}ODS INVOLVED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR REPLY TO Al"TN crFt Approved For Release 200D/0~8/0 ._~ ~LA~~P96-00789800210035 (41 CFR) 10t-S 1.6 '~~ r f ~ ~ Approved For Release 200a/08~08f`: ~C~~~4-F~~P~6-007898002100350001-0 ._ ~_ __~ ~.-t, a 4. fU) Personnel are enthusiastic, morale is high, and the unit is looking forward to greater successes from the challc_nges of the new year. SG1J 1 Enclosure UN STRE t cf: DT c ing rand zie SG1J Approved For Release 2000,~0.81Q.8~.-CIA-RD.,P9~-007898002100350001-0 ,~