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pproved For Releas8 64 P789R002100260044-3 REPLY TO ATTENTION Or OFFICE OF THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, DC 20310 5 December 1983, SUBJECT: FY 1986-1990 Substantive Guidance SEE DISTRIBUTION 1. Reference Army Intelligence Management Plan (AIMP) FY 1986- 2000, dated December 1983. 2. Transmitted as an Enclosure is the General Defense Intelli- gence Program (GDIP) Program 11anager'6 Guidance Memorandum (PMGM) Fiscal Years 1986-1990(U), Substantive Guidance, dated 31 October 1984. 1990 GDIP"will reflect in the narrative what guidance in'both`th - AIItP and' "PMGM the initiative is satisfying/ For the ` `AUIP the fundt'fbiYial area `requirement and `ob j ective numbers wild" be' Bated; ' For the : 'MGM, ? specific reference will be made to the 'appropriate1 DMt7.A ,s,, n.-.rnr.! 11.TTfY RinY rli, .- ~! distributed by the end of December. 4. All "ongojrtg.' and' new initiatives submitted for the FY 1986 3. Administrative guidance is in draft and is currently being reviewed. The final administrative guidance is expected to be 5. For Army purposes, Section III of the PMGM is in two basic parts: General Guidance and Specific Guidance-Army. The general guidance will be noted and new initiatives submitted as appropriate. New initiatives will be submitted on items in spe- cific guidance. FOR THE ASSISTANT CHIEF OF STAFF FOR INTELLIGENCE: 1 Encl as Colonel, GS Chief, Plans, Program and Budget Office AMES V. BENVENUTO REGRADED UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FROM CLASSIFIED ENCL. %?',, E CRET FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100260044-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/0SEV'AP96-00789R002100260044-3 LWw DAMI-PB SUBJECT: FY 1986-1990 Substantive Guidance DISTRIBUTION: COMMANDERS IN CHIEF US ATLANTIC COMMAND US EUROPEAN COMMAND US AEROSPACE DEFENSE ANALYSIS CENTER US SOUTHERN COt1I1AND US PACIFIC COMMAND US ARMY, EUROPE & 7TH ARMY EIGHTH US ARMY/US FORCES KOREA COMMANDERS US ARMY TRAINING & DOCTRINE COMMAND EUROPEAN DEFENSE ANALYSIS CENTER US ARMY WESTERN COMMAND US ARMY INTELLIGENCE & SECURITY COMMAND SURVEY SECTION, SHAPE US ARMY SPECIAL SECURITY GROUP, INSCOM US ARMY MATERIEL DEVELOPMENT & READINESS COMMAND US ARMY FOREIGN SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CENTER US ARMY MISSILE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY US ARMY INTELLIGENCE AND THREAT ANALYSIS CENTER DIRECTOR DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY HQ DA ARMED FORCES MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE CENTER DACS-Bt1D DACS-DP DAS G- RM DANI-CI DAMI-FI DAMI-FIM DAMI-IS DAMI - I S S DAMI-ISP DAI -ISI I-ISH DAM I -At4 DAMI-PBP '407 !?'---LFASA.9LE TO Approved For Release 200010 ~ DAR-WM 040260044-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100260044-3 SECRET General Defense Intelligence Program - (GDIP) Program Manager's Guidance Memorandum (PMGM) Fiscal Years 1986-1990 (U) Substantive Guidance NOFORN/WNINTEL Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R002100260044-iECRET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100260044-3 SG113 SECRET 'i. (S/NF) Provide unranked packages to fund the operational use of CENTER-LANE capabilities. Efforts must be consistent with and complementary to related research and capabilities development in other (oD,programs. 21 Approved For Release 2O Q iClA-RDP96-00789R002100260044-3