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Approved For Release 20QD/08/OS : C1A-1~D~96-007898002100260029-0 CONGRESSIONALLY DIRECTED ACTIONS -- SUN STREAK SPECIAL INPUT FOR CBJB SUBMISSION REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR UR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DT OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY S E C R E T NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS LIMITED DISSEMINATION Enclosure to 5-20,514/DT-S Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 S E C R E T Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 ]:. (U) PROGRAM STATUS AND PROGRESS 1. (U) GENERAL: (S/NF/LIMDIS) DIA has given high priority to accomplishing the Congressionally directed tasks specified in the FY 1991 conferees report for SUN STREAK. These tasks direct DIA t:o implement an .external basic and applied research effort and to perform a variety of in-house activities in the SUN STREAK phenomenological area. In-house activities include research support, phenomenological investigations, and assessments of foreign research. Status and progress of program activities are scummarized in this report. The agenda cites recent DIA ~>ublications that contain details on the key activities required f`or this effort. A comprehensive update to this report is ~>lanned for June 1991; significant investigation results or research findings will be made available as they occur. 2. (U) MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE: a. (S/NF) DTA, as executive agent, has implemented a management structure that fosters a proactive, responsive, and creative environment for this activity. Both external research and in-house activities are centered in one unit (DT-S) under the direct supervision of the Assistant Deputy Director for Scientific and Technical Intelligence (DIA/DT). The DT-S unit manager also receives technical and management guidance from DIA'S Research and Technology Division (DT-5). b. (S/NF) Project oversight is provided by a Project Review Board (PRB) that is composed of five senior management individuals selected from areas of DIA outside of DT. Additional review/guidance is available from DIA's Executive Director and from the Deputy Director. The General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP) Director also conducts project reviews and provides guidance. Links with the IC Staff have been established to provide a broader management and program review base. 3. (U) PROGRAM PLAN: a. (U) The first action completed at program initiation was the development of a detailed action/milestone plan. This plan identified necessary steps, individual responsibilities, schedules, and documentation requirements for all key near term activities, both external and internal. 3t also paved the way f=or developing far term actions. The near term actions covered over fifteen specific topics as identified in Section I., of the appendix; other program actions are also documented in project memoranda. S E C R E T/ NOFORN / LIMDIS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 Approved For Release 20U0/08/0~ : CIA~D~96-007898002100260029-0 b. (S/NF) One of the major initial actions was completion of a basic and applied research plan for external assistance. This document identified key research support needs and addressed neurophysiological correlate measures, techniques f`or personnel selection, application effectiveness evaluation and a variety of other topics relevant to understanding and developing this phenomenological area. This research plan led to development of the external contract statement of work. 4. (U) PROGRAM STATUS: a. (C) St~affi~n At receipt of the Congressional direction, DIA augur-men e~ the existing SUN STREAK staff with two senior professionals and one technical/administrative assistant. There are currently 10 full-time personnel assigned to this activity (7 civilian, 3 military). Some of the personnel previously associated with this project will also be utilized on a consultant, or as a reserve duty, basis. b. (S/NF) Facilities: A thorough review of the existing SUN STREAK facility was per ormed from a health/safety and a functional viewpoint. A variety of action items were identified and appropriate funds were transferred to Ft. Meade where the DT-S unit is located for accomplishing necessary renovations. This work is now in the engineering design phase. c. (S/NF) Se~curi~t The SUN STREAK program has been transferred from Spec~3a~ Access Program (SAP) status to Limited Dissemination (LIMDIS) status. All necessary security steps have been identified and appropriate procedures have been recorded in project documentation. Anew project codeword has been identified and the new procedures are in the process of being implemented. d. (S/NF) Data bases: All major data bases have been identified and steps are now in progress to enable them to be accessed and made available to project personnel. This includes foreign data base sources as well as select domestic research helpful for understanding this phenomenological area. e. (S/NF) Automated Data Processing (ADP)/Support E~ui~men~t: All major equipmen needs ave een identifie and dun-wing is now being allocated for equipment purchases. ADP needs will be selected based on a systems engineering viewpoint. Data processing needs address both external (foreign) data sources, general/specific bibliographic data, and data generated by in-house activity. 2 S E C R E T/ NOFORN / LIMDIS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 S E C R E T ' Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 f. (S/NF) External Research: A comprehensive first-year basic and applied researc program as been identified and a contract package has been prepared. The solicitation letter was sent on 31 January 1991; contract award should occur by mid April 1991. The external research will be monitored by a Scientific Oversight Committee (SOC) and a Policy Review Board. The SOC will be composed of five leading scientists selected from various SG1A clisciplines. This committee will be established immediately after contract award. h. (S/NF/LIMDIS) In-House Activity: (1) (S/NF) Task~~in A tasking procedure for project jnvestigations has been es~ished. Initial requirements are ~>rovided to DIA/DT for appropriate controls. Tasks are then provided to DT-S for action.. Eventually, as investigation activity expands in scope, tasking procedures may be expanded to j.nclude a wider range of potential users. (2) (S/NF) Evaluation/Review: An extensive review process has been implemen e a invo ves formal tasking of several support and all-source analytical elements throughout DIA. In addition, a Project Review Board composed of five senior management personnel from throughout DIA (excluding DT) assists j.n the review and evaluation process. Formal responses are required for all tasked projects. (3) (S/NF) Invests ations: All steps required for proper conduct of projec investigations have been identified. Phis includes detailed documentation of appropriate protocols, procedures and record requirements. Details and specific protocol examples are contained in several of the publications listed in the appendix. This material was based on approaches used in scientific research and is methodologically sound. The .staff has thus far performed investigations on at least 10 projects. Formal evaluation is not yet complete. Plans are now underway to integrate in-house activities with external research, where appropriate. 3 S E C R E T/ NOFORN / L IMD I S Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 Approved For Release 20U0/~/0~ : CIA~D~96-007898002100260029-0 (4) (S/NF) Staff Develo ment: All DT-S staff members are encouraged to ace a van-age of intelligence professional development courses. They are also encouraged to attend seminars/conferences in the SUN STREAK phenomenological area. Recently, five members attended such a conference. Additional conferences have been identified for attendance later this year. II. (S/NF) LONG-RANGE COMPREHENSIVE RESEARCH PLAN (S/NF) This is one of the major activities identified in the Congressional direction. DIA has initiated this action and has identified several major long-term research goals. These are addressed in the basic and applied research plan developed at project start. There are, however, a variety of other research topics that need to be examined and developed in an integrated approach that involves a multilaboratory approach. (S/NF) Development of this long-range plan will require extensive review and consultation with leading researchers. It is anticipated that most of this review will be complete by the May-June timeframe, at which time a detailed publication will be made available. This long-range plan will also clearly identify how external and internal activities are linked, and will establish a variety of comprehensive research and investigation objectives . 4 S E C R E T/ NOFORN / L IMD I S Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 APPENDIX PROJECT PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. REPORT N0. DATE DT-S-1003-5 9 NOV 90 DT-S-1004-5 15 NOV 90 DT-S-1005-5 16 NOV 90 DT-S-1006-SS 21 NOV 90 DT-S-1007-5 29 NOV 90 DT-S-1008-5 20 DEC"90 DT-S-1009-5 19 DEC 90 DT-S-1010-5 13 DEC 90 DT-S-1012-5 10 JAN 91 DT-S-1013-5 10 JAN 91 DT-S-1015-SL DT-S-1016-5 15 JAN 91 15 JAN 91 DT-S-1017-S 17 JAN 91 DT-S-1019-5 18 JAN 91 DT-S-1021-SS 17 JAN 91 DT-S-102+6-SL 24 JAN 91 DT-S-1028-SL 15 FEB 91 TITLE COLLECTION REQUIREMENTS- PSYCHOENERGETICS BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH- GENERAL PLAN BIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA BASE- PSYCHOENERGETICS BASIC AND APPLIED RESEARCH- FIRST YEAR OBJECTIVES AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING (ADP) SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PROTOCOL FOR BEACON PERSON TARGETING EVALUATION METHODS POTENTIAL TASKING MECHANISM PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF FOREIGN PSYCHOENERGETICS INITIAL COLLECTION PLANS - PSYCHOENERGETICS PROJECT REVIEW BOARD PROJECT UPDATE END OF TOUR REPORT END OF TOUR REPORT SECURITY PROCEDURES Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0 II. INVESTIGATIONS REPORT DATE TITLE 1. DT-S-1001-5 30 OCT 90 SUMMARY REPORT - PROD. 90104 2. DT-S-1002-5 6 NOV 90 SUMMARY REPORT - PROJ. 90104-1 3. DT-S-1011-SL 4 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROD. 91001 4. DT-S-1014-SL, 14 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROJ. 91002 5. DT-S-1018-SL 17 JAN 91 PROJ. 91002-1 6. DT-S-1020-SL 17 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROJ. 91005 7. DT-S-1022-SL 23 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROJ. - 91003 8. DT-S-1023-SL 23 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROJ. - 91006 9. DT-S-1024-SL 23 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROD. - 91007 10. DT-S-1025-SL 24 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROJ. - 91004 11. DT-S-1027-SL 31 JAN 91 SUMMARY REPORT - PROD. - 91008 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100260029-0