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pproved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150043-6 VVASNI(VGY~N. L?.C;. 20:3Cai-61ii Si]TiJECT: Requi~re~r~ent for Access to DIA SU.N S'T'REAK T'ro~ect TC?: Candidate for Indoctrination You are about to 1?e irldoctr. mated for access to an extren~el.y close-~holr] Sensitive: Compartmented Cnformation (SCI) program -- the DIA SUN S~['P,EAK Program. Access to this program lacy require you to undergo a polygraph examination. Additionally, the restrictions contair>c~cl in the SCT Nondisclosure Agreement, which y?u previously signed, are binding upon your access to the SiJN S'I'RFaAK Program. If :you r~g~i?ee to the above, sign and date wi-iei:c' indicated belocr. I.~ you do not agree to the shove, your. indoctrit7ation will be terminated at this point. . ;TACK vo~z.oNA Assistant Deputy Director for Scientific ~~nd 't'echnical Intel3_igence SG1J Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150043-6 2100150043-6 NAME (~~prov~~FQr ~~~~~ ?~A01t/03/i0~7 : CIA-R n9~6C;~0789R00 N SG1 J SGFOIA3 SSPD, MI Bn(S) , 902d MIG, Ft Meade, MD GRAD.%_, SFC~~_ _~~ SSN: _.__.~_. 4IDI3 TTT'LI: Senior` Intercept Technician I CERTIF'Y' ?I'I,AT THE AL30VE-AIAMED INDIVIDUAI_? MELTS ?I'HE l~EQ1_IIR.EMENTS F(JR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED DEFENSE INF'DRMATIaN INDICATED BELOW. ACCESS AUTIIORI~~.,AT:ION TO CLASSIFIED INFORMATION 7?ROJECT AI7THOR.:[ZED: SUN S'7'REAK DATE: /G l`9A~~ 8S Authorized by LTC aR~/}/v ~jU~2-~y I3ItIEFTNG ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 1. T acknowledge I have been briefed rconce.rning the project indicated above Il tvin rec i d hi h . . , g e ve g 7_y classified information relating to the Un,~ed States Goverment, I atn ~~tware the unauthorized disclosure could seriously e~iamage the national security and the transmission or revelation f o such information to unauthorized persons cauld subject me to prosecu- t:i.on +.tnw7er the Espionage I aws (Title 1S USC ., , , Sections 793, 794 and 798) or other applicable laws including the Uniform Code of Military ,justice, 2. T do solemnly swe~:tr or affirm that I wall never divulge, pub, or reveal by word conduct, h , ar any ot er. means such intorrnation or_ knowledge except. when r~ecessar.y to do so in the performance of rrry afficial dt ~ties in _ _ C`_Or1nE'Ctian with the project indicated above and in accordance with the laws f o tYye United States, unless specifically authorized in writing in each and ievr:~ry case by a duly authorized representative of the United States 'Government. I take this obligation freel with y, out any mental reservation r.~r purpose o.f evasion rand in absence of duress. 3, I acknowledge that information I receive is provided only to persons specially appravecl :far ttte roject d th p an at th~Y information may not be further divulged without specific prior written approval frarn the Project I-iead~uarters. Al.l access iv restrir_ted to "must-knave?' based upon one's p~~sent position of functianal use. 4. :[ understand that in the event I am reassigned from my present position I will notify the affi i , ce grant ng access to the project indicated for briefing ar actions deemed necessary at the time. T'FED .__ SIGNATURE OF :~RIEF'ING OFF'ICI,R SIGNATURE OF INDIVIDCtAL t3RI . /?~~ ~ ~~_._ ___ / J wl.~'y / ~ i'J Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-00789R002100150~~~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150043-6 DEBRIEFING AGP.EEMENT 1. I hereby reaffirm my acknowledgement of being briefed on the DIA SUN STREAK Project, .the text of which appears on the reverse of this form. 2. I certify I have surrendered and no longer have in my possession or custody any classified information or material acquired as a result of this association. 3. I further acknowledge and agree I have a continuing individual respon- sibility to the United States Government for the protection of such infor- mation and termination of access to information concerning this project does not relieve me of my obligations under this oath or any other previously executed agreements or those imposed by .law. 4. I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and in absence of duress. ~~ ~~~~; SIGNAT[JRE OF DEBRIEFER SIGNAT[1RE OF ACKNOWLEDGER DATE: PRIVACY ACT STATEMEN'T' AUTHOR:[TY: 10 U.S.C. 801.2} 44 U.S.C. 3101 and EO 9397. PRINCIPAL PURP05E: FOPS GRANTING ACCESS 'TO A CLASSIFIF..D PROJECT AT?D TO AUTHOR:[ZED ACCESS TO PROJECT DOCUMENTATION. ROUTINI~ USE: TO RECORD PROJECT ACCESS. USE OF SSN IS NECESSARY TO MAKE POSITIVE IDENTIFICATION OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND RECORDS. DTSCLO>7URE IS VOL[1NTARY: FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE INFORMATION AND SSN WILL RESULT IN ACCESS BEING DENIED. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150043-6