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Document Release Date: 
December 4, 1998
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150039-1 ~~~~.a~~.N~~ li`?S~i~~L.LIC~~P~iC:~ A~~~N~Y ~'J.ASHlNr; ~%)N. C).C. 2fJ30i ~lil SUB,7T;CT, Requirement for Access t:o DIA SUN STREAK Project 'TC; Candidate for Indactrinati.on You are about to be ir~doctrir.~atc=d for access to an extremely close-hold Sen.ait.ive Compart_.mented Information (:SCI) ~.~rogrr~m _ the DIA SUN STREAK Program. Ac:~eess tc~ thi_s program may require you to undergo ~~ polygraph examination? Additionally, the restrictions contained in the SCI Nondiaclast,~i:e Agreement, which you previously signed, are bi.nd:in~; upon your access to the ;SUN STREAK Program. :[f you agre~a to thc~ above, sign and date where indicated below. I.C you do not agree to the above, yoaar indoctrination will be terminated at this point. JACK VOR.CNA Assistant Uept~ty llirector for Scientific ~~nd Technical Intelligence SG1J /o !~'~~__~ S' Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150039-1 gqpp~roved For R~I~~se ~001/03~~7 : CIA-R~P96-007898002100150039-1 NAME (las~, first, rnic e inxtla ORGANIZATION SG1J SGFOIA3 SSPD, MI Bn(S), 902d MIG, Ft Meade, MD iOB 1ITLI" Operations Officer I CF;F~TIF"Y TFI.AT THE ABOVEWI~IAMED INDIVIDUAL, MEETS THE REt~UIIZ.EMI,NTS FOR ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED DEFENSE INFORMATION INDICATED BELOia. Authorized_i?.:Y ~,YC ~~.Ipkv ~UZ~y J3ATE: I6 ~~ ~~ 1. I acknowledge I have been briefed concerning 'the project indicated above. Having received hi~;hi.y classified ix.~:Eormatiari relating to the i)ni,ted States Government, I am aware the ~.inaut:horized disclosure could ser.ior~~sly dai~~a~;e the nat:ionrsl security and the trar.~smissian or revelation of such infarmation to unauthorized parsons could subject me to pr_asecu- ti.on under the Espionage Laws (Title 18, JTSC, Sections %93, X94 and 79S} or otL3er applicable laws including tl~e Uniform Code of Military Justice. 7_. I da solemnly swear or affirm that I will never divulge, publish, or reveal by word, conduct, or any other means such information or knowledge except when necessary to do so in the performance of ctly official duties in cannect:is~n with the project indicated above and in accordance with the laws of-the Linited States, unless sL7ecifically authorized in writing in each and every case k7y a d~al.y authorized representative of t}7e United States C~ov?~rnment... I take t1~is o~bl:i.gation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and in absence caf duress. 3. I ac(enowledge that infarmation I receive is provided only to persons sper:ial.l.y approved fog- the project and that the infarmation may not be further di.vu7.ged without specific prior written approval. from the :Project Ileadr~uartcrs. All access is restricted to "must-Icnow" based upon one's p~rtsent posii~ian of functional i.~se. 4. I understand that in the event I am reassigned from my present I~osition, I will nati[y the office granting access to the project indicated for briefing or actions deemed necessary at the time. SIGNATIJRF. OF LNDIVIDLJAL BRIEFED Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150039-1 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150039-1 1. I hereby reaffirm my acknowledgement of being briefed on the DIA SUN STREAK Project, the text of which appears an the reverse of this form. 2. I certify I have surrendered and no longer have in my possession or custody any classified information or material acquired as a result of this association. 3. I further acknowledge and agree I have a continuing individual resp~n- sibility to the United States Government for the protection of such infar- mation and termination of access to information concerning this project does not relieve me of my ob~_igations under this oath or any other previously executed agreements or those imposed by law. 4. I take this ob]_igatian freely, without any mental reservation or pur,pas~e of evasion and in absence of duress. ~~ SG1J DATE :~ ~~z,~- C) 7 ,,.,; PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT AUTHORITY: 10 U.S.C. 8012; 44 U.S.C. 3101 and EO 9397, PRINCIPAL PURT'OSE: FOR GRANTING A(?CESS TO A CLASSIFIED PROJECT AND TO AUTHORIZED ACCESS TO PROJECT DOCUMENTATION. ROUTII:fE IJSE: TO RECORD PROJECT ACCESS. USE OF SSN IS NECESSARY TO MAKE POSITIVE IDENTIFICATIC)N OF THE INDIVIDUAL AND RECORDS. DISCLCISURE IS VOLUNTARY: FAILURE TO PCZOVIDE THE INFORMATION AND SSN WILL RESiJLT IN ACCESS I~EING DENIED. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150039-1