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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 4, 1998
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Publication Date: 
June 3, 1981
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R002100150025-6.pdf105.93 KB
Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150025-6 r7~T~ C7 ~ ,J u-~-ti ~ ~' j ~Rr~x~ FL~~ sE~vxzT~r AG~E~M~;~vT I, 1?'~r~(/~~c2`t ~, ~pc undPrstano~ t~:t-at the highly sen~~~~~ir~i3~ ~1~ss~.e~ ~ armation I have, or are ab+uut try receive as part of the GRI~aL FLAME Program belc-ngs to the United :Mates Government. 7C underst~~nc3 that the discloasure oaf this information is pur-a.shable un~~~:.r Title 18, Sc~,cticn 7J$, ' U.S.G., "Disclosu.roa of ~lassifier3 Infaxmation," J~u~e 1.948, as amended. Y d? solemnly swear that X will nevex d~.~rulge, p~bl.a:sh, car reveal by word, conduct, or by any ether means such classified information or knQU-1~edc~oa, except in the gcrformance of pry of ficial~~duties, and as speca;fically au~.hori~ed in writing in Brach case by the appropriate agency' of thou United Sta~:es tovernment. I~undexstand that no change in my assignment or employment will xoylievt~ ~~o~ o'~f my e~blic3atic-n under Lhis agreement and th{at the provisions of th~.s ac~reecnent will ro~main~ k~ino~ing upon me even after the termination of my serviecys with the Un~.ted States Graverrer~ent. I ~ 1-alce this eablic~ation of m~y x~wn free will, wit.hoaut any mental. , reservation or purpose o;A~ evasion. DATA REQUIRED B'.!'' TH.E PRT`~'ACY ACT Q1~ 194 (5 U. a.C. 5~2a) ~.. Author'3.ty: 'National Records Ac:t, 44 U.S.C. 314; E.C). 9397, Numbering Systet~ for ~`ederal Accotants Re3.~-~ting tt~ Individual Po~rsonsl, Noaver~er 22, 1.943. 2. Principal Purpc~set To maintain a record of those individ~ uals who have ar havoc hart access to GRILL ~'LAMF; informaatl.on through the use of their name andfor Social Security dumber. 3. Ftoutino~ Uses : The Soeia~l vecurity Number is to be used to identify the individual, and, the information is tc~ be ret:ainec3 strictly within the Program. 4. ~Sanc3atory or Voluntary disclosure : Informat icon is disclosed on a voluntary liasi:~, but withholding informati~:n wiz l render it impossible t? grant an a.ndivio3ua]. access t:o car participation in the Prograrat, Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150025-6 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100150025-6 GFtII,~ FLAtdF~ S~GPJRITY AGREFNIEN'.~ GONTINUATIt~N PAGE ~~ ~AT~w_~ ~ J~ ~'~ _._ - WIr.~1~FSS ~ SIGNED NAB, ~Nx G:Rk,D~ i~ri~c~Q:~c~N~zAT~ar~ ~' cirazT Cl?RGANIZA'~I~7~ ,'~!G ~., ~~~iT~`~~ pos~TxO~ Approved For Release 2001/03/07 :CIA-RDP96-OA789R002100150025-6