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~ ` _--~,~R'~F~r,TReleas Q ~ umtxer . 30 May 85 1 Jul 85 ~y~ ONSTi~0.1CTltDN s; -- OROGIN/4L AN?8 COPIES - ~ m ~~t ~~ 13 AA. /Authari.~ed Appr ov irig O fficial or Designee (DIAM X34-2) 5A, Funds ero certified availffila and have bean committed ~-~v~""~__. _ ~er? Accountingcl~sification ~ 56. Amount -. ~p ignature Ty e Name p p ~ 4B. Namn, Ext,sn nature of Desi Supply rdinator {?iAAA 25-1) ~ .~ 5C. Name and si nature of Certi g fying Official ~'~ 3ignature Signature BRIAN BUZBY ~_ _ ~~ 30 May 85 ~ Type Name Date e. Type iVarne y.,. .~ n^.: '~ Date - _ _...~ __ ~V 6. Element POC/CO`i'R T~Is~aone No. Office Symbol ~ _~"~ ~~ ,~ y 7A. Ship To: DIAC, Bldg 6000, -, 7B. Mark for: ~_ ---~~1 ~~t,,~'~ ~-~ l ~}~ DT/LTC Buzby ~ 8A. Stock/Itam Na. Description of Supplies or Services Quantity Unit Estimated Price _._._. Amount 1460 Panasonic low light level video camera 1 @ $560 $560 24mm auto-iris lens 1' @ $165 $165 CM-14 Pe.lco camera mounts 2 @ $ 25 $ .50 VM-122 Sony 14" B/W video monitor W/audio 1 @ $365 $365 J-8]"0 Panasonic Time/Date Generator 1 @ $385 $385 G-2200 Panasonic VH5-video recorder 1 @ $680.20 $6$0.20 Video ::connecting cable, 50 ft 2 @ $ 22 $ 44 Video connecting cable, 10 Ft 1 @ $ 13 $ 13 Blank VYS T-120 tapes 24 @ $ 6 $144 ~~ 9. ~ Recurring requirement Source: $S. Total $2406.20 GSASchc:duleNumber(ifknown) P. 58, Pt 3, Sect.B Acquisition Plan No. 10. Action Office if External to DOA: Other: ____~ ^ ? tnterservace Support Agreement No: ~,d External POC: _ _ _ 11. Juatification/Remarks Closeei circuit video monitoring/recording system listed above is needed to satisfy training and operational requirements. of a classified DIA Special Access Project. Justification maintained under separate cover. Approval by DT and RTS 6-B. SG1J 12A. Requisition Numtoar/Other p (.~~~ ~~ (~ 13A. Coordination ^CRRS ~ SADPO ~,--~p _ Date ~ ~~ ~ ~~ v ___._ 13?. Approvals ~'-~- [] Not required 13C. Budget Reparting Coda Contracting a Acquisition Office IDIAR 44-4D CRRS R4U(? ~ Other: ~_ _ _ __ _ SADPO __._ ^ Yes o No 120. Recaivtai By: {Signature) __ 14A. Action Assigned To: 146. Dete Contract SpeCiall6t: Date Telephone No: SGFOIA2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100140002-2 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100140002-2 CPYRGHT , yd For Release 2000/08/08, 9~r '~ P~'M-411 Quadrta~sie d"' Monochrome Mortitor Four independently controlled 4" screen (measured diagonally- monochrome monitors in a single rackmount unit. Fits EIA standard 19" rack. Individual unit shielding minimizes magnetic crosstalk distortion. Spot-killer circuitry prevents phosphor burns when bright images remain on-scream for extendod periods. Loop-through rapability enhances use in multiple location production and surveillance applications. Individual front-mounted contrast, bright- ness, V-hold and H-hold controls. Weight: 35 lbs. 4 oz. Dimensions: 5-1/4"H x 19"W x 12-1l2"D. PVFW-411 Ctuadruple 4" Mor7ochrorne Monitor fi1275.00 ~2"' Hugh ~esolutiot~ Monochrome ldideo Moni?or ? 1000 lines of horizontal resolution at center ? Selectable scanning systems: Norrtral/Underscan + DC clamp switch provides a stable reference for black level ? External sync input + Selectable A/El fine inputs with franc switch ? Loop-through BtdC connectors for Line, A,rB and Sync ? Built-in speaker for audio monitoring ? Tally lamp ? Weight: 21 lbs. 11 az. ? Dimensions: 12-3l16"H x 12"'W x 1?.-3! 16"D 'v45d.U0 wVM-91 9" F9igh ~lasolution Monoachrome Vit~eo Monitor A high resolution black and white monitor whose picture precision makes it an ideal unit for use as a computer display, a calibration device for color video cameras, CC T`J applications and a studio control room monitor. ? 800 liners crf horizontal resolution at canter Selectable scanning systems: hlormal/Underscan ? DC clamp swrtcn urrvides a stable reference for the black level ? Accepts an external sync ? Loop-through BNC connectors far video and sync ? Can be installed/rackmounted as a dual video with the MB-500 optional mounting bracket monitor ? Can be installed with a waveform rnunitor or a vectorscope by using an MB-501 optional mounting bracket ? Weight: 12 lbs., 12 oz. ? Dirrrensions: 8-3/4"H x 9"W x 10"D Sales Servicing Rental ~~ r1F~1~`e-Q9C3~d08/0 ~(~i X0002-2 213 CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898002100140002-2 WEIGHT (iL,s.) _ H (inches) _~_ _ _ W (inche,;) - -------1--- - D (inches) - LE_N_S MOUNT _ LENS iNCLU_DED __ PICK-UP_T_EC_I~NOLOGY SCANNING AREA (H x_V}__ AC POWER SYNCHRONIZATIONS ____._ __. _ __ AMBIENT c~~t_-RAnNG rLM~ _ HORIZON"rAL RESOLUTIC-1N'- ;' LIGHT COME? RATIO _ ____ ~~~ MIN. ILi_UMINAfiON (tc) 3 _. -,; POWER C~~NSUMP-rlOly S1N RATIO (dE3} AO/VIDEO SYSY~MS G ___.__ BLACK FOCUS CONTROL POWER (at carr~era} prices may change without notice I -internal; E --external; R - randnm interface 6mm t~ 8mm -_____-- 16mm' WV LM16 ~ - -------~_.________--._._. _-...___ __.---. -i ~.~. 16-160mm ZOOM __WIDE ANGLE ADAP-fOR VZ-ML10 POWER ---- ----- -- ___-- ~R GAIN VEDICON -. ~ -- --- _C - --- C _~ NEWVICON VIUICON, NEWVIGON - _~._~-- ~8.8 x 6.6mm 8.8 x 6.6mm 8.8 _x 6.6mm -------- --- BUILT=IN BUILT-iN BUiLTIN -- -- - 1/ 1 (2:1)IRe I (2:1)/88- _ I (2:1)~Ae I (2:1)/Re -- _ __ _ ~ 14 to + 1.22"F t 14" to + 122 F ~ 14 to + 12?_"F 0 to -+- 140'F 0 to + 122?F -- ~:~- - _ 500 600 --- - ___ -_ -_. _ -_ _ __ _ 600 _ 650 650 _10 000:,1_ _ 20.000:1 _ _ _ 40-60,000:1'? 40,000:1-~~ 40-60,000:1'? -- 1 _ --- _ 0.5~ -_ 0.05 ---- 0,3 - -- ---- 0.03 _ _ Q W 10 W ... - -- 9W _...-- ---- 10 W -- I YES VZ ML10 VZ MLtO i WV-LM16 WV-LA16A WV-LM16 _-- -_-.~--- -.---- -518 WV-LA50A j MN-518 VZML10-~ W V-LABA ~ 12 5 mm WV-LAigA_ -J 16ti'im' _ WV-LA25_A __ ~ 25mm _ WV-LA50A 150mm _ 9~50mm ZOOt~e _____ __ Q' 16-160mrn ZGCN _VZ-ML10_ - WIDE ANGLE AC ~B GAIN__~_,- POWER FE,4T~; WEIGHT Obs )- ~_ H_(inches) ___.. W (inche~_s~____? _ D (inches) , LENS MOUNT _ LENS INCLt1DEf PICK-UP TECR~ SCANNING Af1E AC POWER SEPARATE PCB SINGLE CASLE SYNCHRt~NI~T AMBIENT OPEC HORIZONTAL Rt LIGH~r~cOr~B f MIN. ILL INAT __ POWE -'~ NSti SIN RAT LF' (d~},- i _. -._._._, ~--- GEN-LOCK INIT. HORIZONTAL UI r VERTICAL DR~V VIDEO OUT B/R GAIN . FOCUS (:O3dTRf PEDISTAL SA4N ~o _-- '~ `' POWER (at camE 6mm _ _._~ 8rnm _ 8.5rnm - 12mm? ~: R GAIN _~~WHITE ~~` ~.4~. ~ . - ~ ~ c r,yr?~~ ~