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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100040001-4 DT-S- 1009-S DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY PROTOCOL FAA HEACOA PEHSUII TAAGETIIIG (U) 19 December, 1990 x .1 a 3.4 .1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100040001-4 Approved For Release 2000I08(& ; I LDfS6-0789R002100040001-4 PROTOCOL FOR BEACON PERSON TARGETING This is a Department of Defense Intelligence Document prepared by the Technology Assessment and Support Office, Directorate for Scientific and Technical Intelligence Defense Intelligence Agency. Technology Assessment and Support Office (DT-S) CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR Approved For Release 2000/0t(L8 96-00789R002100040001-4 VAN Ulm law I Approved For Release 2000/0811VCT 0789ROO2100040001-4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. PURPOSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 III. PROCEDURES FOR BPT . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A. BASIC PROTOCOLS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 B. TARGET POOL SELECTION . . . . . . . . 2 C. REMOTE VIEWER . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 D. MONITOR/INTERVIEWER . . . . . . . . . 5 E. BEACON PERSON . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 F. RECORDS/JUDGING PROCEDURE . . . . . . . 7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96- 0789R002100040001-4 UNCLASSIFIED UNCIASS PROTOCOL FOR BEACON PERSON TARGETING (U) I.. (U) PURPOSE (U) To document detailed procedures and protocol for conducting Beacon Person Targeting (BPT). II. (U) SCOPE: (U) BPT is conducted by a designated remote viewer with or without a monitor, and a beacon person. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : -RD'P"JEi-00789R002100040001-4 (U) PROCEDURES FOR BPT: A. (U) BASIC PROTOCOLS: (U) In BPT, a designated person acts as a "beacon" and visits a randomly selected site where he or she observes and concentrates on key target area features. At the same time, a remote viewer who is blind to the target selected, attempts to describe key features of the site. After the session and after all data and data summaries are recorded, the beacon person returns and takes the viewer to the site for feedback. In this way, the CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR Approved For Release 2000/ WWO-00789RO02100040001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08V - t 00789R002100040001-4 viewer receives rapid and total feedback and can readily verify what was correct in his or her session data. The actual target site is unknown to the viewer and monitor until after the feedback session with the beacon person. The actual target is also not known by the beacon person until he opens the sealed target package with driving instructions; this does not occur until after the beacon person is out of sight of the facility. ? (U) TIRGET POOL SELECTION: (U) A target pool of 50 targets will be developed by the Unit Manager and his administrative assistant. The assistant will not serve as a remote viewer and no viewer will have access to the target pool. Targets will be selected by their proximity to the unit's location; approximately a 30 minute drive from the office to the target site. The targets chosen will be distinctive, and will include more than one example of each type. This precludes the remote viewer from eliminating a target type because one example was used before. The viewer is informed that the target pool consists of similar as well as different types of targets; i.e. various bridges, parks, towers, etc. The assistant will complete a target element list that identifies key target objects, functions, and relationships. This data sheet will form.the basis for later evaluation using quantified methods developed for BPT assessment. Approved For Release 2000/0 00789R002100040001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08 40A'R?P96-00789R002100040001-4 (U) A photo will be taken of the target and placed in an envelope with the exact written location or shown on a map with driving instructions, if necessary, for the beacon person. In some cases, more than one photo will be acceptable if the additional photo shows unusual detail of the general scene contained in the first photo. All target envelopes will be sealed, randomized, and randomly numbered by a third party. They will then be stored in a secure container and only the Unit Manager and his assistant will have access to them. C. (U) REMOTE VIEWER: (S/NF) A member of the unit will be designated to conduct a BPT remote viewing session. He/she may or may not have a monitor/interviewer assigned to work with him/her. All session participants will be "blind"; that is, they will not have any knowledge of the target. The viewer will meet with the beacon person prior to him/her leaving for the site and a starting time is agreed on; i.e. 30 to 45 minutes, to give the beacon time to drive to the site; and a session length time (usually 30 minutes for BIPT) is agreed on, then the beacon leaves. (S/NF) During the period that the beacon spends ?en route to the target, the viewer takes time to prepare himself for the remote viewing activity; e.g. whether that is relaxation, dimming the lights in the room, or e fit ro-grj Approved For ReldbftmNlff 8 08 MRD ABS Approved For Release 204D108[@Vl 96-00789R002100040001-4 discussing administrative details with the monitor. The viewer may have been designated by the Unit Manager to conduct his/her session using a specific methodology or he/she may chose whichever methodology works best for him/her. When the agreed upon start time arrives, the remote viewer begins the session. In session, the viewer attempts to describe the target and its surroundings, providing all of his/her impressions as well as conceptual sketches. After the session, the viewer writes a data summary with supporting sketches and gives it to the Unit Manager or his designee. When the beacon returns, the beacon person, the viewer, and monitor go to the site together, giving the viewer immediate feedback. This helps to develop the viewer's sense of which parts of his mental imaging are correct, versus incorrect. It completes the session for the viewer, so that when he or she does a following session, his or her mind is not still involved with wondering how he/she did on the previous one. Once this is completed, the viewer, monitor, and beacon person return directly to the home base facility. This prevents impressions from other locations from acting as feedback and influencing the viewer's session. Approved For Rel p 08 : QA-RII~~~DP~faDgPldL5 Approved For Release 2 - 02100040001-4 D. (U) MONITOR/INTERVIEWER: (S/NF) A member of the unit will be designated to act as a monitor and interviewer for a remote viewer conducting Beacon Person Targeting. The monitor will meet with the remote viewer and the beacon prior to the session. Together they agree on a starting time and how long the session will last, usually 30 minutes for BPT. The session will be conducted in a double blind protocol, with neither the viewer nor the monitor having any knowledge of the target. The main role of the monitor is to insure that the viewer stays within the structure of the selected methodology to preclude premature formation of analytical data. The monitor will keep track of time for the viewer, but not rush him or her. The monitor will, if necessary, ask the viewer questions aimed at clarifying data provided by the viewer. The questions can only be of a general nature to avoid any potential bias in the viewer's response. Of course, the monitor should not perform any act or provide any inference that may lead to biases in the viewer's response. After the session is completed, the viewer will write his data summary with supporting sketches. When the beacon person returns, the monitor, viewer, and beacon should proceed directly to the target for feedback and return directly afterwards. OT B LEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIQPI_"-.-"~ Approved For RMMUMT8/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100040001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08 ;, i - 89R002100040001-4 E. (U) BEACON PERSON: (S/NF) A beacon person will be designated by the Unit Manager. It will usually be the unit administrative assistant as she is authorized access to the target pool and is not a viewer. However, the Unit Manager can designate anyone to act as a beacon as long as that person knows what is required of him or her when performing in that capacity. (S/NF) Prior to the activity, the beacon person meets with the viewer and monitor, none of them knowing what the target is at this time. Together they agree on a time to start the remote viewing session; e.g. approximately 30 to 45 minutes to give the beacon time to reach the furthest target in the target pool. The beacon then selects a target envelope at random from the target pool and leaves the premises. As soon as the beacon has driven out of sight of the building, he or she opens the target envelope to determine the target and proceeds to that location. The beacon should arrange to park and then come upon the target location at exactly the agreed starting time so that his or her view of it is fresh at the beginning of the remote viewing session. The beacon person must not go to any other target or location except the one .specified in the envelope., Once he or she is there, the beacon simply pays attention to the environment and the key ornaCZ Approved For R o/ 8i08 Approved For Release 2000/0 P96-00789R002100040001-4 features of the target as evident in the photograph (or other description) in the target envelope. If anything out of the ordinary happens while he/she is there, he or she should make a note of it. The beacon should not let his/her mind wander, especially not to other target possibilities. More than one person can act as a beacon; however, they should pay attention to the designated target area features and not scatter about. At the end of the agreed upon viewing time, the beacon returns to the office. Once the viewer has written. his/her data summary, the beacon person returns directly to the site with the viewer and monitor for immediate feedback. The beacon person then tells the viewer what aspect of the site he or she had concentrated on and if anything out of the ordinary happened while he/she was there. After this is completed, everyone returns directly to the home base facility. E. (U), RECORDS/JUDGING PROCEDURE: (U) All session records will be entered into the project central files. Judging will be done in accordance. with unit. evaluation methods and procedures. . ' NOT RF'r.~ n c n RT,E TO FOREIGN NATION'AS Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002100040001-4