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November 4, 2016
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October 14, 1998
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000690003-2
f::i{=~v f::i~I ~PAoFi: :1.2 NI(ll"iC.:,1I 19(-',')'7
Site involves silvery, rounded, cylindrical, metallic:
objects that are smooth anc::l horizontal, and lying at obtuse or
acute angles in relationship ?t:.o each other. Objects seems to be
half imbedded in the ground, and have an inside. They are in
some sense structural. This inside component involves "spcaceu
There .. ?.i.!..!r.:l t:)...I.tii'. .9 sense about
and "containing." :f. ??s a vs;a ft?~ !;?~I :Y e!??1t:.i:!,v t:. these st.r"uc::tur"cal objects, as if they are e; to produce
because of the processes involved, tb!..!t must be so constructed to
adequately perform their function. Red is associated Ni t{") the
site. FrecoI:a:1e don't spei'iri a l.ot of time {ner?e, totut come to
accomplish as supervisory, maintenance, or operational purpose,
then :leave? I t is not necessarily potentially healthy to be in
the vicinity of these structural objects. Care has been
them .. the area safe ., r asl :5 a
t?>5) : (; ~ r" c::::L ?^i Ore C.I .!. I'") making and as possible,
sensible precaution dictates being in the area only when really
nec_.essilar"y. PPeople without a d:ir"ect affiliation with the site are
never allowed access to it, and it would be impossible for
someone to accidentally wander acc>r"c:)ss:sss it. Operations associated
with t:.Inc' site :i.Invol vest turning some sor.t of c::cont.r"ol to t.r?asr) fer""
::;t:7mt-etI?):Gnc;;! from one h ,.. place to another, and also t bring Mnew
"batches" or "lots" of something into the site, or movol "batches''
c;YI'., "lots" s of this/these .. same something (s) that have already been
there for a while i:'aac.k c:n,.tt again to somewhere e.i.sse At. .least one
other, different structure at the e site permits one to obtain an
overall view of the compound Ni t.Ini. n which these structural
o1:7,jec:::t.s are :i. oe:::atd. Brown is an important color to the site,
along with a sense of viscosity and causticity.
Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000690003-2