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CC_____ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000270001- GRIMitaailliNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROjECT SUN STREAK (U) CRV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED 1 CONTROL NUMBER: 1-2 NICKNAME: 0 kl DATE OF SESSION: 23 Dec 86 TARGET COUNTRY: Unknown REFERENCES: CRV-SPR -001, SAB SESSION NUMBER: 02 DATE OF REPORT: ..:.,1 Dec 96 MISSION STATUS: Continuing TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: (:RV SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 018 1. ( S/NF/SK ) TASKING: In addition to the original tasking provided in reference CRV-SPR-001, SAB, the Monitor was told that information previously provided by this Source to another Monitor was very general in nature and essentially inconclusive although not without some interesting correlations. Prior to the session cited in this report, the Source was told that this would be a second visit to this site, although only the first time with the undersigned. For this reason he was not to be concerned if he "recognized" the site from this previous targeting but rather to build on that recognition as he continued to report on the data. Prior to beginning the session, Source was provided the same encrypted coordinates as the previous session , as per Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV) protocols. No other curing or descriptive data except that cited above was provided to the Source pertaining Lc: this site. 2. ( S/NF/SK ) SESSION: There were no unusual occurrences, inclemencies or external environmental conditions known to the Monitor which may have influenced the results of this session. This session was conducted entirely utilizing CRV protocols. ( S.NI ) SUMMARY: a. ( S/NF/SK ) After a somewhat rough "start" in which Source was read the coordinates no less than ten times, Source began to group together some related Stage 2 concepts. From these concepts Source began to focus on a structure with a land/structure interface which was, "rough, hard, dark brown, musty, sloping down, wI de, long, open, with a coffee smell". There also seemed to be some degree of tenseness and pressure upon the workers at this 0RUMMMOMONOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000270001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000270001-0 4MIPPROW/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY site. b. ( S/NF/SK ) Stage 4 concepts focused upon the structure revealed the site to be, "isolated, busy, but quiet". Additionally Source perceived the site as giving an, "old West ghost town feeling" but not in the sense that the site has been abandoned or is not being used. Oddly enough, Source also had a strong impression that there were natural stone hematite nodules visible at this site. The people at this site +it into two distinct categoriesg people associated with tan colored clothing and people associated with green colored clothing. There is a feeling of military here and the site has an impressive cleanliness about it. The military feeling seems to be more associated with the people wearing tan colored clothing rather than the people wearing the green clothing. The people wearing the green clothing, on the other hand seem to be associated with the concepts of, "science, discovery, testing, learning, doing, instruments and motion". c. ( S/NFISK ) During the late stages of Stage 4, Source perceived a strong impression of an important object related to this site which he labelled a "thing". A closer examination of this object produced a series of descriptives pertaining to it includingg "black, irregular, flat area, instruments, testing, sticky and cold". At this point Source summed up his impressions of this object by stating, "confused feeling that this "thing" is something I couldn't identify, even it I saw it. I don't understand why it is important to these people". An at to use a "time line" to determine when this object would be of greatest I mportance to the site indicated a time in the future when the object would be signified by its, "extremely high tension and energy followed later by a dormant stage". d. ( 9/NF/SK ) Source was then directed to move to the point in time when the object was in a state of high energy and tenseness and the describe its characteristics. Some of the words used to describe the object at this period of time includedg "pock-marked, dappled, energetic, vibrational feel, amorphous" and a feeling of, "grabbing a bag of popcorn - the shows about to begin". Source further stated that the concept of vibration was not totally correct but that he could think of any better description except to say that there was an unstable aspect associated with the object. e. ( S/NF/SK ) Source concluded this session with a written summary of his perceptions of the object at a time when the object is at its peak of importance and "energy". This summary is as followsg "At time indicated by arrow (on time line), object seems to suddenly radiate outward "pressure". Pressure does not exist immediately afterwards. Object starts toward dormant stage (but is still active). This sudden outward pressure does not seem like a sudden explosion? but like an explosion in slow motion. Some time shortly after the "slow explosion", the site carries an impression miliabliiiiNOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000270001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000270001-0 sWWWWWWW/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY of things falling inward. Before the "slow explosion", the site has a very tense, almost vibrational (jerky) feel to it." END OF SOURCE SUMMARY. 4. ( S/NF/SK ) FEEDBACKN The monitor continues to be unknowledgeable of the real purpose, structural gestalts, or actual intelligence question pertaining to this site. For administrative reasons dealing with holiday schedules and leaves, no interim feedbacI,:. from the Operation's Officer has been possible. It is unknown, therefore, how valid Source's perception were in relation to the gestalts of the target or whether Source will be re targeted at this site in the future. SG1J 7 GS-1 , DA Monitor aiiiiiiiMPIONOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000270001-0