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*~e-/ 2 -f- 3 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00200012061-6 SECRET/NOFORN.- SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER : 5P R - d 01- $ b NICKNAME: OTHER "H" DATE OF SESSION: 18, 22,24 Sep 86 TARGET COUNTRY: REFERENCES: NONE DATE OF REPORT: 25 Sep 86 , 62 SESSION NUMBER: CO J TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV SG1A SOURCE IDENTIFIER: ------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- d'~v4aGl- i U J Z- 1. ( ) TASKING: b. ( ) After Source has identified these areas to the satisfaction of the Interviewer he would be taken back in time to a two week period in 1984 in which the event took place. To perform this procedure Source would be given two separate set of coordinates, one just prior to the actual session and the other only when the Interviewer is reasonably assured, (from known data), that Soruce had successfully acquired the first site. When the second site is similarly identified, Source would then be asked to describe the area in between the sites and eventually the road itself. At that point Soruce could be taken back in time to a two week period and "walked forward" until he comes across the actual date that the incident occurred. It was envisioned that this procedure would require multiple sessions. c. ( ) Prior to each subsequent session Source was "briefed back" on the major gestalts he had already provided without being provided any further cues. Following the second session, Source was told that future sessions would concentrate on the area between the two identified area, designated area I and area II by mutual agreement between the Source and the Interviewer, since he had Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96~00789R002000120001-6 MISSION STATUS: Initial (continuing) Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000120001-6 "already accurately described those two regions." Just prior to the third session Source was provided a p dice of white bond paper in which a one inch circle had been drawn in the upper right hand and lower left hand corners. Source was then told, "These two circles represent the two areas you have described during the previous two sessions. Area I, (the upper right) is more military with a feeling of armor vehicles and deception. Area II, (lower left), is more agrarian and non-military. Both are culturally similar. During. this session, I will again ask you to perceive these areas separately by giving you the coordinates separately. Generally tour each site and when appropriate, I will ask you to perceive them separately but at the same time. At that point, we will move to the area in between and begin the new tasking." During this cueing, the Interviewer wrote inside the circles indicating key words previously provided by the Source to describe the area, i.e., "armor, military, fenced compound" in area I and "same culture, calm, middle-class, farms," in area II. Following this procedure Sourc g was'.taken to the. session room and provided the first "cryP r Extended Remote Viewing protocols to prevent coordinate 554301/599193nas per inadvertent geographic cueing. During the session Source was provided the second coordinate, 309000/179745. No other cueing, except as stated above, was provided to Source during any of the session included in this report. 2. a. ( ) There were no known external inclemencies which may have affected the results of the data provided during these sessions. Souce continued to experience minor back and leg discomfort from old injuries but not to a point that any perceived affect on the sessions was apparent. Source is preparing to stand a medical board in the near future and has expressed some anxiety about. this official procedure. This alternate agenda appeared to be effectively subliminated during the sessions and had lettle or no perceived affect on Source's performance. The session was conducted utilizing only standard ERV protocols. b. ( ) As a matter re~?crd, one unusual event did occur during the third session which merits historical reference although it had little to do with the actual mission. During Source's.descriplions of the road between the two sites. viewed'-during March 1984, Source had an overwhelming visual of extreme bitter coldness due to the stark winter climate in area. These impressions were exacerbated by the. presence and subsequent description of numerous military personnel walking and convoying along this road. As Spurce described the scene, i.e., the weather and the age old misery of soldiers exposed to the weather, the Interviewer became cold, despite the fact that the outside temperature was well over 80? Fand not much less inside the session room. Later So_uce also professed to being "chilly" following the session. More ironic however, is the fact that in a post-session brief back to the operations officer by the Interviewer, he too, later spoke of "chills and goosebumps" during the description of the weather at the site. Source, a professional soldier with long time experience in combat arms had obvious an empathetic as well as psychic communication with the soldiers at this site. This powerful emotionally involvement, oddly enough was projected onto both the Interviewer and later through the Interviewer to the operations officer. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000120001-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000120001-6 3. ( ) SUMMARY: a. ( ) Following each of the three sessions (described in this report), Source prepared a post-session written summary of his impressions. Due to the unusual nature of the targetting procedures much of the information in these post'session summaries was redundant or not relevent to the ultimate target. To facilitate analysis of Source's perceptions as described during and in post- session interviews, the major gestalts have been summarized, with explanatory Interviewer notes, when appropriate. (1) ( ) Area I is a town containing a military compound. The compound coi ins armored vehicles in large parking areas. Within the compound there are modular structures with a main multi-storied building. Compound is surrounded by two layers of fencing which is unusual for an armor compound. The troops at this compound are considered by themselves as well, as others, to be an elite and highly qualified force. Their morale, education, preparedness and leadership is considered high. There is, however, an overwhelming impression that this compound and its apparent mission are only a ruse or disguise for the real purpose of the installation. The "work".which goes on in this faciltiy goes on 24 hours a day a portion of which may be underground,In the mountains surrounding this-town there is an impression of "battleship effect" i.e., the rr, cse~ ~ decks of a ship with bristling weaponary C- tiered levels of the mountain wed similar weapons at each level. The entire military cmpound in the town is surrounded by two layers of lit fence and wa4king patrols augment an unusually high degree of physical security for a "simple armor compound." (2) ( ) Area II, is lower in geographic elevation than area I. There is no military feeling about this town but more of a simple middle class farming community. The soil is rich and dark and the surrounding lands are divided into squares and rectangles like farming land viewed from an airplane. The structures of the town centers around a main structure. This structure is man-made, probably concrete or masonary, and has the feeling of an enclosed auditorium or arena with large open areas, like parking lots, surrounding-the building. There is an impression of a high curved or domed roof with a large front foyer or stage area and some sort of central monument or structure at the site. The people in this town are culturally similar to the people in the other.area but very little regular. communication is conducted between the two areas. There may be a rail connection between the two areas.. (3) ( ) The road between the two areas is not a direct "line of site" but rather it is a paved two lane road which leaves Area II in a non-direct manned', meandering first through low farmlands, desolate wilderness and then cl.imbls ss: into the mountains where it connects to a side road which then leads to Area I. in the Northeast. This second half of the road travels through high mountain passes over bridges and through mountain tunnels. Other than military traffic the road is only lightly travelled. The military taffic, on the other hand varies from simple vehicle convoys to track vehicle and foot traffic, often quite heavy. (4) ( During the period 7 March 1984, the military foot and vehicular traffic. was quite heavy and the troops appeared to be apprehensive on djuard and very uncomfortable in he bitter cold of the high mountains. On the "1st day" that Souce viewedpresumably 7 March), the troops were seen riding in covered trucks and vans in a long military convoy. There appeared to be helicopters flying overhead providing additional security. The air at these altitiudes is cold and thin and the roads are icy and treacherous but the anxiety and apprehension felt by the troops is caused by "other" factors (not further identified). .ere? Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000120001-6 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000120001-6 There are possibly heavy road equipment i.e., bulldozers in this convoy. These items may, however, be in fact, armored tactical equipment. The foot soldiers are wearing padded clothing and caps but are not the same soldiers seen previously in Area I. In fact, these soldiers on the road and in the trucks may even be of different racial stock. The soldiers are very alert and anxious during this movement (5) ( ) On the "Next day" (presumably 8 March), another convoy can be seen but this time it is smaller and for unexplained reasons many of the troop trucks are uncovered with the troops exposed to the ever present bitter coldness of the high mountain winter. The convoy lacks effective leadership and there is much confusion, stop and go movement, and great apprehension and anxiety among the soldiers. These men, like the men the day before, have very low morale, self pride and low intelligence. b. ( ) The actual. written post-session summaries prepared by Source are maintained in the mission field dossier at this'location along with any other material produced during this session, e.g., sketches, Interviewer's notes etc.). 4. ( ) COMMENTS: Source continues to provide high quality and apparently factual information peraining to the site and the actual intelligence question e.g., describe the incident which occurred on this mountain road. Source has been told that thus far he is amazingly accurate in his descriptions and that he he should continue to introspectively ascertain his particular "mind-set" so that he can replicate that circumstance for future sessions. Source has been told (during and in post-session briefings) that we will continue to examine the events of each day on that road in search of a "special event." The third session, thus far the best of the three, was halted on "day 2" due to time constraints during the actual session. Subsequent sessions will continue to guide Source'on a day to day descriptive trip on this road until the "special event" is found at which time the focus of efforts will move to all data pertaining to that incident. Other future sessionsmay-, as time permits, seek to resolve the question of possible concealment I . camouflage and deception attempts by the military forces in Area Special Activities Officer Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R002000120001-6 4