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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
June 18, 1986
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) SG1A SessionProcedures-Report WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Control Number: None Nickname: Other "C" Date of Session: 18 Jun 86 Target Country: Unknown References: None Session Number: 1 Date of Report: 19 Jun 86 Mission Status: (Initial) Continuing Technique Utilized: ERV Source Identifier: IDI 1. (S/NF/SK) OPERATIONAL DATA: X4 l SG1A a. (S/NF/SK) Targeting Material Provided to Interviewer Prior to Session: Interviewer was provided the coordinates and told that at this location there is a military facility. In the vicinity of the site, exact distance or direction not speficied, there are a cement factory, a railyard and an explosives factory, none of which are related to the actual target. The tasking was to describe the mission and/or purpose of the unit(s) stationed at this location. The interviewer was prompted to attempt to identify the types of equipment at the site as a possible indicator of the type of units stationed at this location. b. (S/NF/SK) Targeting Material Provided to Source Prior to Session: Source was shown a 3"x5" sealed opague envelope bearing todays date, (18 June 1986), and SUN STREAK (U) protective markings. On the reverse of the envelope were the target coordinates encrypted to read, "287600-197678". The Source was told that the envelope contained a new target not previously viewed. Source was not provided any further data pertaining to the target. Source was offered and accepted the opportunity to hold the sealed envelope in his possession, in plain sight, throughout the session. The envelope was given back to the interviewer immediately following the session. SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET c. (S/NF/SK) Feedback Provided to Source Following- the ------------------------------------- Session: Source was told that it was impossible at this time to determine if he had acquired and accurately described the actual target. At any rate, key facilties identified by name, i.e., "an 'L'-shaped building, the "office manager", the "gadget room", etc., were discussed with the Source as references (addresses) for future sessions at this site. 2. (S/NFSK) UNUSUAL OCCURRENCES: a. (S/NF/SK) Source took almost a full ten minutes to reach an acceptable altered state of consciousness in preparation for acquiring the site described in the session. This represents approximately 3-5 minutes longer than is normally required for this particular Source to reach this state. A possible explanation may lie in recent concerns that the Source has had about a dramatic weight loss as yet medically unresolved. Additionally, Source came to this session less that an hour after a routine dental visit and was perhaps still anxious from that experience. b. (S/NF/SK) Moments after acquiring "a target", Source commented that, he "was not sure if this was what we were looking for", but continued to describe the target at the prompting of the interviewer. After this momentary bout of confusion and/or perhaps lack of confidence, Source came back strongly with definitive and logically ordered descriptive data. 3. (S/NF/SK) SYNOPSIS OF RAW DATA PROVIDED BY SOURCE: a. (U) A multi-storied building, "L-shaped" or better described as "an arrowhead without the shaft". b. (U) Awnings covering a central doorway at the concave juncture of the "arrowhead". c. (U) The building lies amid a park-like area with trees and shrubs in wide profusion. The park "feels man made". d. (C/NF) In the near vicinity of the "L-shaped" building there are other buildings, some only one story high and some several stories high, but none as high as the "L-shaped" building. SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET e. (C/NF) A parking lot is near the "L-shaped" building and adjacent to this building is a fenced in area containing a bunker-like complex with a portion visible above ground and the remainder situated below ground. The interior of the bunker-like structure was noisy with the sounds of unidentifed machinery located in the lower chamber(s). f. (C/NF/SK) The interior of the "L-shaped" building consists of business type offices; a central storage area (containing office equipment and "pink bottles" and some identified documentation; a communications room with electronic "gadgets" in use perhaps for monitoring or repair functions; a central document storage and/or library facility containing numerous volumes (perhaps dossiers) and material on wide ranging topics from textiles to bird species, a central clerical area and a central command area. g. (C/NF) Within the central command area, a middle aged white haired man seemed to be charge of the activities within the building. He, however, looked upon himself as nothing more than a figure head in much the same manner as a president within a parliamentary form of government. h. (C/NF) The people who work in this area are officious and somewhat effete technocrats comparable to "NSA employees". i. (S/NF/SK) Items of professional concern within the "L-shaped" building include: "stratification"; preparation of position papers"; the maintenance of archives and files; "oversight"; "the tranference of information; "Secrets" and money"; "treaties, policy decisions" and "alliances". j. (U) At least one room is the "L-shaped" building has been rigged with full audio-visual presentation equipment. k. (C/NF) Highly specialized technicians were located in the "gadget room" located on the upper floors and freely discussed their various projects with the other technicians. One conversation concerned submarine activity. 4. (S/NF/SK) PRODUCTION DATA: a. (C/NF/SK) Source provided a brief handwritten summary of his perceptions immediately following this session. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6 SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET Included with this summary were several hand drawn sketches of key areas within the target area. These sketches, along with Source's personal summary are retained in the mission field dossier at this location. b. (C/NF/SK) A detailed Session Operational Data Report will be prepared outlining any specific information provided by Source which may have intelligence value. This report, when completed, will be distributed within controlled SUN STREAK(U)/SKEET channels. SG1J SECRET/NOFORN-SKEET Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900410001-6