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pAGEi PRO TMTel ForeNtElte`4.9a0/08/08 : CIA-RDP96g4-8/WV09020002- 15 DATE:, 115- ?q- gio SANCTUARY :/3 SESSION TARGET: SOU RC E lot FIN1 S1-1 Mit cooRDINATE, Twe TwAlc) ot,sLY FRONTLOAD: I( 70 DAY WE WO "whip_ gAck. do rpir w /their C.brktvle. Vou J provitsivij 7\u. Two SS coorctum?ctes S wc-e. /rose. ery-eas ate ibr ow provical-favSeke TN/ Fertob i\v'ne IS 1-7-2 Mar MN. (0 pre,0100. tSeC,rtava toe Oniered1/4ThQ.peeptoit u ta 41,;(1 LiAcLUctiVlf if,dur AIT Tht5 Ul;SvAtiy., A ittovit. Una .60-r ilemtctechtre paha, 01A tiow Lem) C014 imar-ie ThR. P44, 4'1) lott) Pi re", lit" /MO tiA-M KtitintetIki CAACern tiavrtret6Lc elex. W tL4,,e50,1 enk IS-Pt Mate-en tq g4 , &GOA CCOA act tovli ttW tieeel eUt GePvictim -03 Yeati 7kt G4Irc day, 4.142 ore saRmlifrir Xeirr A .11eC? eve v evtid a km/N. )av 1.460 *il tAatt /4A6u3 Rerrd /1/04etbri We. anti 64- cetchout,iir Thiroisk evch-re peid ta t1et6r)--e1 *tXaiAj tiewr afreadAi Fv\esevikel sioce TheAl 4hre tXateed- 6) elf( ck.4- Ats -Axe ? 1' NOTES: mo noke.)- 1;y,t eone(A cies- 641417- 60,041 t,s. ctwvber--..ne prvbleA4 SITht Asinc(podism ov\ pfo)edtd aineto DRI\FT: new awymors now- cd.er I have 4,cedue PING: (10, fe41 apyte,iy? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0019000266W1:? C)PS: For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00409F0002-8 P' / 2-( l?pq 6 2-1-- ir T2"a- bc0c LAI" 1,3 7\12 pe-PLoot -21 Ara r 4, move- lka- ratcp avld at 'Du raild move spea-licVey Zt- day 7 /1-Mavf4 7trnd dei cri 'olfI pe-fctri.ned * bare a td rove3A covs/47 rocett, Snow i tce UMW' cher dibuy) 1.1)-1- 4n,leit At071)j9 e_000l,e 114 iuttsj Oety -briOf 1t50, irov;k9- dv 7h, rod,. ct3' -',"0141e0 hitintAi) ho triel& triela 42domm---Torrve 0A071-/feiAdc al tett,- 1667)111' AA rood, ? o360 eQmp rex ef/ /A.e P'euel - / it A ikt (Aiti41,6/ y TAA 7/7,1)--b(5 1tf eei i)Jore- Wrup;d- asoO ?P' e440 7rerr;e7 e-(1 " .ue 619'00 '=1P 1"it Zor7--- OcAtirns Qtrorrne tzi aimmy zwet,36, 1Yeiry pefl5 74Jik, 7071-0 ir,, 0e.rvi Ue4ey) .41 r _r 113;- s1 he4cp1e rr) ber a&y - rotYhe *Vie_ - rupj /der,' /We 9 rov,s. 46we 62 es1041 4 .Pla&6- 4?)--- IKAtogid Z , are )vst gat, ctowsr)IlL rod,. 54.Ar cm-7w- (slotik) / -dote ctuitoA Lime- AtateLyi n-e fanle at earlier 6900"a""--"w (TOW cc-Y1V. 611 7h9 Allis ?he tytAidt f a ((lc bec4' trA..e TXc 4t1 Ocittutil -* Re4e1 nil iwa. 6_,earde1, lefl rohes 6,)dte_. porr6) 'very ace). -71,1)o e.-eisj- 0 ax_cciff- peepbe. &40 the()) aloft (pp,11,v rhw-- L4Qa ffr take p)aoe_ raw 4,tit etrvimeliZo e(,req, Attie Cavil cf-tei)4 Au). (elieuvl ed- 4,4 z- alwe At, rok4 mot A* Sik ?Oe,( ,4act 7?)\-t- rd q .4.. -e-s. (16,5-w?-ii-"e /r (An 1>ve road, 1..cEryz iLage--c Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 3 lypti ift ?Apt 6orWom csfvr_4r. (3111,7s- 6acis ovrt Tite trac-11. 20- (tiet etd/k Seaciv) irovrof biems- IV IS* 11400-11 --tmAkrif, 574 Z /06o wle "IC 31' a"- eu3361 avneec, i>ze:Pie hwCbgeo citoilope, 1m The demetir, ilvIAT a 'Wm wit --+De,46aft The 40 )5e, crevtretr ciivo .34/6 toc wlivinin atimotp4h. i'ke Aci Sue3e cr4i c Cie? ope) p ?/241'47-144, Wog ir kyromm,)-26 ova _353 (5e4-s-ecmi 2dt 72-:MA0/2/97?-def / t'11 cur_ ttu (A)6e14 161) racoe L-7- me /646&J AJAem Ydil Ore' re cc /353 Ntsj GVE Afia6 Erick oke) the- tee" /1- fibi0 m iroriltil? /S7yareft/ COYthili?e15 descrtk Y011r prcaril70a5- * CtiIi e Owdom raj cmiwete "ref kiv9e 74?1W) IOrrieJ!) 6Thelor le,h4do 1M raq. d pwalc,ty -nflud -tke 4ee 41 7 /ryas, baree.r. Cud iup n't,* Cvt. &oat fey? (rot duut1Ic61.1-6-410. e(0.444 to? am IL-66 Tt? hyvve two J Thtio TvetUt, 0.cot-fri tits rokr 411(efe41/- inciA" mem i?k? /300 air- Ilk iNk Mi2/ It'15) Wotti Arc* s /60 36 ma rod/ (_ilocti NOD witzpaoS thR. Leke_ /Iwo sr/mil moo' 6'cj &.?)016,, tooedbrly- treavo -ife-rvi i ifro(Pria 44) cfirve S rtiCif c..0byle g7, ce4 th,o -4ci,v?e Irtat DeMt. Scru nets ke.at EI9 Mpoe - (s*aile-Q te d kUs 1119e44 OreILl (An( 7frrn Ooeff (rY demi 7S lxvy irrirtriort--- Para/c2zducim ? _PO Arc e,fAr A.644,77 Oeini (avrkbed , PpittoOttitckffielWittip/0/0?1/5470*6-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Ligs/ 77k. ()kat( 0/ye (xi ilea,t)1r ysti aede-rmi-me 1)/-efill Ytcr 10-Yhit faeab sei 1)t. 4(326"3is A.12 411/1. 19e7 mocX 024r-t s(f)0 11/ic - b44_ --A16e rt.re_ Qxplo"-totti rm. 1X.e Air*. ithd 1Xacatit4x 42,4216flivil Y6-S". -ti HL4cd calmbe- WImeieir * (16'010 etkida cLe pi Ate ,/ poi a,f,e, imorl-crr eurPteAni vvz cQ1 /yore ay\ -12,-10- Moo, ----- errn105. Cow 16nse 7kcto It tail, /rait-c, 1-tr /CO -1) ? 5atbiet5 a (der. Marr- th/ akeiL7 -fra t CArctr-41- to bk-e afeg .64-1f) 't)9 leopysiokt-/- tito C4911,et) frol/1-(1 rivv,13 tiectr dte Lrivailr4e vrAnc7)c. cellecles apq ti 740 mad f-7fira#-t-, 4 more pey& (Alynifric d)d- 19cm" "Woo Frees ad-Mata P\ lid,-,?f,6(ottlavIds e& e,k)-e crezivr AeRm dAf (a42,1- 71'n'ft kAted fl1th4tM/41 04I1cime4, 111.* ?I16 21 00 luw' dIM. P6ttple74one? 7Xse kar 067;te_ aotAivi% /reliedo'dAj 2iP 0 2.30o am 7 20.6 so They/c7c, ve..dry ,efe4 24ors 'Roc .ftur- tt- h01.-r- Day /0/ /6 'hay seti CerrhIlue, fi)54-1). f)DI: mu4 44picee7t45 Noo deiticPe, ctome paariieror7141-, tUc Frike rock -el, roole 02.to ?ivy 03e0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Dt-i2 evt (Pt 1)w- /lac 4cw-e aAtA467.4. cce cree 4)4/010,11 &J(hi Mg* ? Mr :/,r More adwe afx riA5-117? A dtai ? p,y. Glityd" ed-ok 7/1-oliveA)-01 accamAx__ t-/-s. &IA-0d 0 Vod - oso 6 ? FA-exc Degar-ii -ma/A ciarho, dotwiPt-e? toq ar`in ocfoo Some Ant (dew y Ytar;11 are a dite .7. ?cry 10" y . ,S16611 'MA oToo? (16-ura ci Prite) bor(aicA'tj, 4u/vvrios, crov d n od oripri4 *reie!etod sb-e)di.m. ?MSc ketc, /6)A4Pen.o.e.? Ctk . keAr tieed 0o51Ekdr item5 qicoura, Geletur 40,5 ex- -60,141v/1If, 61410' eatige,fr Avrylneut45? * Vi6ra:3:W daor pd-r- ? otoes7>)//2., cto * -wt./P(4 14 -.t.r.tipp,gte .1)/S00 n' / f Ittettirlit4)e inetiee4 ci.aqi/eir SOYVIe Itt.t.t 1ii4 tc5.47&) Aheioa-/, ofdjecki e/475-qocea.erth1 ?ti? Newt 09zo ? /i * 1600 ho AOfed beAecezd 'keg) C-.41a4o egE) 4v-e cinridri-pm A ye gee ve..1.1tcem 0).? toad ced, ang&tiociw-em.IM Ggetee eziee cr 66,e, Motif- eKeil lidee c, occil /Zoo t4 r,royed &eic JeGi,ided W. 7406de d 7411:ety 16?r. NO0 Cufra 04( Mat / dome elod nit lt7141 fairc())1)1# U'ory cau7)Ou-r- 4136 d'-'? ?1-161" f600 41." "II WOO* Oi-1 qu41 1-700 dooAS1 7)(,, Ant Wary cp-i-01)aY7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Pi.pproved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 74r? re; 601- th r?lrikay CW'etst /eqA)teis T)d. -"rtray Siopty re-e.4112/a4 Obe-ngirktp /). r64, OW( days- thefry 7iramrprth (mfr. tir ate yl.) ipe) I'm 7)of- XUre A4A1 are torf 7S Aare t /4766 fayiwor Wip focrid idai (?1"0. in? 'e &I2IJ 11)/ 4of w-e/tit b\it este OFP-44 itiCt/V4i /)-e 1X44 C.11A . a90th dVvld /tate 2430 OCkelf4 ce5ici v:ehor vicairp, armoftq Vc-14.16 POIlik5, Av)Ei roff4 4.72f poi////o, evAile-ey JOYYLP ra wed orb 1-il.ci v---? Zoo ? ea- 't9e)e) LeAtecexi bt)ete gia?,k repetd,ctzeO6 ?IA loptiCe_ cedcrec, 77,-12 fa-ad snyledi vv vry),5ei..r 2-166 ?-?-? 4.11' 2244 1Z4ikc rdad 617W LA/et , roue, 9to-1J 1.i clef ea 7'0 i/el imikr kik Cae tAr4 peifite qre 15' ler op molisl gicom Lriat nop ? is-rat A D 17.0c:. ce el.0/ eUtple, Pticple 24-Do ? ? tikoo /6 1QPIP.-to Aittc ; Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 s!, ct?I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020602-8 (?-? 'Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 c2) k6/9 Approved For. Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 'Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002f8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900020002-8