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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROpy00,190014-0 SECRET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROdECT SUN STREAK (U) ERV SESSION PROCEDURES REPORT WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED CONTROL NUMBER: NICKNAME: Other "H" DATE OF SESSION: 27, 29 Oct & 6 Nov 86 REFERENCES: SPR ..... 003-86, dated ').41. Oct 86, BAB DATE OF REPORT: 12 Nov 86 TECHNIQUE UTILIZED: ERV 1. ( ) TASKING: TARGET COUNTRY: SESSION NUMBER: 11,12,13 MISSION STATUS: Contin ng SOURCE IDENTIFIER: 101 _,/ elJ T (414 a.( ) As in 16PR-003-86, (referenced above) 6ource received an initial very short "brie+ back" on major gestalts provided by him during previous sessions. The concept of a narrowing mental "time line" was again briefed prior to the session in Which Source was told that each session would begin where the previous session ended and that material discussed during those previous sessions need not be reported again unless it impacted or clarified any new information being discussed during the upcoming iseission. b.( ) The technique of eliminating the two reference coordinates, (two connecting towns on a long roadway), was replicated in each of the three sessions covered in this report. Source had no apparent problem in adjusting to this procedure and "moved" quickly to the target area and began reporting on his perceptions at the target. c.( ) These procedures, once briefed and mutually agreed upon proved successful and no other cuing or descriptive data was provided to Source prior to any of the sessions included in this report other than that cited above. 2. ) SESSION: There were no unusual occurrences or reportable oddities in any of the sessions referenced in this report. 3. ( ) SUMMARY: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0 SG1I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0 a. ( ) Following each of the three sessions described in this report, Source prepared a post-session written summary of his perceptions and impressions. As in previous Session Procedure Reports on this mission, much of the information in these post ..... session summaries was redundant or not relevant to the ultimate target. To facilitate analysis of. Source's perceptions as described during and in post- session interview, the major gestalts have been summarized below with Interviewer's notes when appropriate. All data derived from each of. the sessions, to include the Interviewer's notes and Source's handwritten summaries and sketches are maintained in the mission field file at this location. 1. ( . ) On day 14, (20 March 1984), on roads leading into site '7', "home guard" or "National Guard" type troops have been positioned ostensibly to set up traffic and population control checkpoints. These men have an inflated sense of power as often happens when a common man is called to service and is given a position of relative authority. These men do not take their mission very seriously, however, and the actual security provided by these units is minimal. Other uniformed troops at a bivouac area along the road, (labelled the "wide spot" by Source), continue to salvage equipment destroyed or damaged during the rocket and mortar barrage of the previous day. There is an expected feeling. of danger and tenseness among these men. Later in the day a series of cables from the vans containing the electronic components and equipment are laid throughout the compound. Security around the vans increases with the addition of barbed wired contonements. Troops within the compound continue their harassment and interdictory operations using a multi-tubed weapon which is carried outside the perimeter by hand and set up facing into the mountains. The weapon fires multiple projectiles almost simultaneously causing multiple explosions to occur within the mountain areas. These explosions do very little damage, however, since the hill people have withdrawn to points high in the mountains leaving only widely dispersed token forces to continue observations of the perimeter area. The aforementioned electronic van complex is set up by the end of the day. It consists of a tower construction connected by a an array or series of cables spreading throughout the compound inside the perimeter. Inside the van the temperature is noticeable warmer and troops inside the vans are busy at terminals and positions within the vehicles which make low humming and clicking noises. The actual purpose of this equipment is not discernible. Within the perimeter area there is a growing feeling of urgency as more and more troops arrive and large size patrolling into the Iii. lls begins. Along the road, -platoon size elements begin column patrolling between site Si. and site 2. In the area just outside the perimeter, troops begin cutting down tall brush and moving large rocks while at the same time setting up posts in the ground, (possibly aiming stakes). There is increasing amounts of mechanical noise within the perimeter possibly from large generators. The heavier armored vehicles now take up positions outside the berm and form another semi-circle perimeter with their Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0 explosions. Inside the perimeter, this "tubed" weapon is pointing up into the hills in the direction of the explosions. It has been 'caused by this weapon. There are two vehicles associated with this weapon. One is the actual firing weapon and the other vehicle operates with it in tandem. To fire the weapon takes considerable training but it is not a question of scientific skill but rather an art. Radio or signal controls are important in the +unction of this system, however, due to its rather frugal and basic mechanical structure, many of the operations are manual. It seems that there are, "automatic" systems and controls built into the system but the men know that they don't work well individually or in conjunction. with the other systems so they wind up using the manual systems to make it work. The electronics are state of the art but overall you get the impression of "Buck Rogers technology and Model 'T' mechanics". The tandem vehicle has many +unctions. Some of the words that are used to describe these +unctions include: "safety system," "directioning," "charging," "circumventing," "collapsing," "synthesizing", "channeling", "lateral vibrations," and working in a "symbiotic and harmonizing association with the weapon." I don't know exactly what all of these descriptives mean in relationship to the tandem vehicle and I know that they are not exactly the right words. The weapon itself,contains a small crew compartment which is pretty cramped and has a lot of projections and gadgets protruding out which cause the men a lot of problems in bumping their heads and legs when moving in and out of the vehicle. It is as though there was no consideration of the human 'factors when they built this thing. Inside there are electronic devices that provide some sort of guidance and radar imaging ,Functions. When the weapon is being used both vehicles ar moved together and connected by large cables which transmit power and commands. When fired the weapon completely "pulverized" the target but again that is not exactly the word I'm trying to think of. At the place where it was fired into the mountain, there is nothing left but a burned crater and a very fine dust floating in the air. When it's fired the noise inside the drew compartment is deafening probably due to the crude . mechanics as well as the noise of the firing. Crew members wear a special uniform with unusually high boots and a hood over their heads with dark colored goggles. Before firing the weapon another visor apparatus is dropped over the goggles. This visor has a yellowish color. It is hard to describe the noise inside because it is a mixture of sounds but when the weapon is fired there is first a lot of banging and clanking sounds like metal against metal. May it's the hydraulics or the actual in of the system into place, I don't know. Then at the moment of firing there is an almost simultaneous whoosh whoosh sound. The explosive force completely destroys the target turning it into a fine dust. I got the impression that first there is an implosion at the point of impact followed by a large cone shaped explosion blasting away from the target. I don't know the actual power behind the weapon but some of the words used to describe it are: "a spectrum of contained ?light", "constricted light forced into a container", "bright blue light but some of the colors are not visible", "compacted power" and a "via impression of a genie being let out of the bottle". Again I don't know exactly what these words mean Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0 and I'm sure they aren't exactly the right words that I'm looking for. I do know that the major component of this weapon is light and that it is fired directly at the target. Outside, the weapon is protected by a thick coating of some type of hard porous material which may be used for the "transference of heat" and to "absorb the shock of. firing". There is also an impression that this material has something to do with "liAeral vibrations". there is some sort of shield or screen- used to protect the,crew inside the vehicle when it is fired. There are a lot of terms used to describe the actual firing sequence. First there has to be a build up of energy and a "reverberation affect" not by the wah wah wah wah wah sound coming from the system. The sequence of events that follows is described as "the buildup of energy reserves and potentials", "a spectrum shift", "charging", "a flash, "a connection (target?)", "churning" a'Nd finally, "equalization". The builders of this weapon had envisioned that it could be fired when moving however, the mechanics of the system, like I mentioned before, required so much actual manual work that as of now it cannot be fired when moving but has to "set up" and the calculations and actual pre-firing activity has to be done by hand." (END PARAPHRASE) On this day the target was an emplacement of Hill People high on the face of the mountain. The emplacement consisted of little more than a crude bunker constructed of natural stones and wooden supports. The destruction of this target was complete. Hill People actually hit by the weapon are vaporized. Men near the explosive force suffered death as a result of the concussion, i.e., bursting organs, crushed eardrums, etc. Just before firing, troops near the weapon are moved away from the rear and from the sides. The columns of troops on the road are forced to lie face down. After firing, men in white coats (smocks) worn over military uniforms, (perhaps the visitors who arrived in the large passenger vehicle), begin slapping each other jubilantly. Within the perI meter area everyone is happy now and the feeling of tenseness and anxiety has disappeared. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001900010001-0