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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800490002-8 SECRPT/NOFORN PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE:: IrTflD .... LIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBERg 44-47--.M7 SESSION NUMBERg 01 DATE OF SESSIONg 20 SEP 88 DATE OF REPORT 20 SEP 88 STARTg 1000 ENDg, 1050 METHODOLOGYg WRV VIEWER IDrNTIFIERg 079 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: Determine the current location, pc:: Of call, and destination for the unldading of the drugs. r. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER f1:: :i: Viewer tasked with requirements reflected in Para 1, above. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTSg No inclemencies noted. A system of colors and letters were utilized at the end of the session in an effort to determine the name of the vessel. Need to monitor the results. A Summary of Information is attached. 4fr21--e4L-0-40 I;- III SK)g EVALUATION SG1A HANDLE VIA SKEET DdINA\IID .... S ONLY SECRET/NOFORN !l1 IDBYg DIA (DT) DECLASSIFYg OADR Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800490002-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800490002-8 WORKING PAPER SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The vessel with the Call Sign, gglq 4;4-115- 079 880920 SESS:: 01 sailing from Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, is currently located about north northwest of Columbia at a point indicated by "X" (ENCL(JSURE 1). The vessel's Port of Registry is indicated as Brazil. The ship is carrying a substantial amount of heroin. This vessel will soon be experiencing mechanical/engine difficulty. This will force the vessel to deviate from its intended course and destination. On or about 28 September 1988, or sooner, the vessel will be located in the Gulf of Mexico in an area as at about 200/250 miles south of New Orleans, Louisiana. See ENCLOSURE 2. At that time, the vessel will be more or less dead in the water while trying to make necessary repair Efforts to determine the name of the vessel bearing Call Sign resulted in the following phonetics:: VAP*MEIR andVAP*MAHIER. * Indicates a "missing letter". Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800490002-8 BAHAMAS DOMINICA ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA JAMAICA AREA 4,411 sq. mi. (11,424 sq. km.) POPULATION 2,184,000 CAPITAL Kingston LARGEST CITY Kingston HIGHEST POINT Blue Mountain Peak 7,402 ft. (2,256 m.) MONETARY UNIT Jamaican dollar MAJOR LANGUAGE English MAJOR RELIGIONS Protestantism, Roman Catholicism SAINT CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS : CIA-RDPWWW6161800490002-8 LARGEST CITY Nassau HIGHEST POINT Mt. Alvernia 206 ft. (63 m.) MONETARY UNIT Bahamian dollar MAJOR LANGUAGE English MAJOR RELIGIONS Roman Catholicism, . Protestantism SAINT LUCIA AREA 238 sq. mi. 1616 sq. km.) POPULATION 115,783 CAPITAL Castries HIGHEST POINT Mt. Gimie 3,117 ft. (950 m.) MONETARY UNIT East Caribbean dollar MAJOR LANGUAGES English, French patois MAJOR RELIGIONS Roman Catholicism, Protestantism SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES AREA 150 sq. mi. (388 sq. km.) POPULATION 124,000 CAPITAL Kingstown HIGHEST POINT Soufriere 4,000 ft. (1,219 m.) MONETARY UNIT East Caribbean dollar MAJOR LANGUAGE English MAJOR RELIGIONS Protestantism, Roman Catholicism POPULATION 74,089 CAPITAL Roseau HIGHEST POINT Morse Diabloti 4,747 ft. (1,447 m.) MONETARY UNIT Dominican do MAJOR LANGUAGES English, Fn MAJOR RELIGIONS Roman Cath Protestantism ANTIGUA AND BAR AREA 171 sq. mi. (443 sq. km.) POPULATION 75,000 CAPITAL St. John's HIGHEST POINT Boggy Peak 1,".: MONETARY UNIT East Caribbea MAJOR LANGUAGE English MAJOR RELIGION Protestantism ? G Li F '-;\ 0 F M E %\X I C 0 'West Palm UNITED STAT ES B'. 78 /C 4 -Great Abaco Ret 411 ye/ 1/ / L is1/ 1-Freeport ? . Great Miami ? e &minis _ Berry fa.?s, ..Gun (Ay a \ Cope Suer. 1. \ ......S. ? 24e Strait_l,al Andioa t. ..... __ 1_...Bre3/ -,-.-23-'3Ze...p, X ?.? ' X CD .1/P / fiqr'z'nle. i '''''''' .0, G.Ve'lt':;. ' ?' _,..,,,,,t. .4,',,. a ' cet '1::./e? - ":0'.; / '.'1''''s t3Bitl'l ,IA,?ai: :".$32(13 la,G.14'n?4:,:k4o4 '''''? v?AireTA-0'400O3:v.ati,:it,J, , 8'; Poor del ttio--r.? --' JagNer?nrat,te''0''''o Gu a ''' "1' -. Santa ? '.....____pClenfuego ,. a Wneti 'Mar ps? ;frit" 'Cieg0 de Avia,, cw., ',. G 1 Cimaguet'y \......:?.:, , II.. Pine.. t 20' le buur I. Eleuthera 74? 4 ,' Cat I. Capitals :!.Z ... . e Nir ,-? Exurna? LElan Salvador Scale 1:11,200,000 Cay. ?, a.. . (Walling 1.)_, I Tr e Dillon,. are eouee n Youlocei iblee Ram Cay ?picks( Came, Exuma ? ? I 1.1.? .. SarannedA/vound Cats Flamingo Gay,' I lad' .',.Crooked I. . 4' Ragged I. Aeklints r. , ci'Avo ?Ylayakvarhe v 2,0g (=dad) Plana Ease? EI I 1 66? The West Indies ? 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