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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 SECRET/NOFORN PRWECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICEg INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBERg 8816 DATE OF SESSIONg STARTg 1030 METHODOLOGYg WRV SESSION NUMBERg 02 26 SEP 88 DATE OF REPORTg 27 SEP 88 ENDg 1050 VIEWER IDENTIFIERg 079 I. (S/NF/(K) MISSIONg SG1A 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKINGg-Viewer 079 tasked with requirements reflected in Para 1, above. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTSg No inclemencies noted. This is an update -Ltd Session 01. A Summary of In (scm is at DT-ACO advised via greV line of substantial content of SDI. (S/NF/SK)g EVALUATIONg HAraxi VIA F.L.AdET CHANNFL ONLY SECRET/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BYg DIA (DT) DECLASSIFYg OADR Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 kFr (MMMIWCY HI !NI OkMAIION WORKING PAPER 8216 079 26 SEP 88 As of this date, the is still carrying contraband in the form of illegal drugs. The drugs are located in the front portion of the vessel behind sliding doors and apparently intermingled among someone's personal effects. The drugs were described as being associated with "little white balls" packaged in a white at backing. The container bears or is associated with the name "Abraham" (1.-JhoneU.c) and bears an Alpha/Numeric series of 13 to 15 digits printed in small blue characters. The first three digits were described as letters followed by a series of numbers with a predominance of the number two and zero. A brown clothes carrier case appears involved in the effort to unload the contraband incongpicuously. Current ports of call were indicated as Boston, MA, Salem, MA, Newbury Port, MA, rortimuttl, NH, and Portland, ME. The "drop" is most likely to take place in either Portsmouth or Portland. SECRET Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 CP\RGHT ''717 "T Prot 1, 0. f drinint;tir ROODeSlef P asl ihrireiburo li vale Altred Ito d DDoritl Ps. Gorlta .S G11 A' e s e 200, 04M 8 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 .77) Brur7sanclkt\TIF: V.3outi,h1714::::rrn , Beat ............ WRY ... . Porti1 ..................... Old rchard Beach yi Saco - 4'Kennebunk ells cumEnAL DRAFTING CO., INC [138 Forestville ChiCOuffnlir Ins lIiipn,n refous , Q U st `i or I. Village -so ortsmouth EtTath /1OMp1on Beach 4WbUtI11011. cape Mn IoI1rny Mont Jol Bole-Cumeau `-'1, ? CR" Cap Chat Pe Aunt ouv. Riviere au Renard 1 Anocls ? DI Me' GASP( NA.SUI A 0 p":.:6"S";:nd: /1? Tr., A?????..,73,d am/stied/ILI; ? Matane , 13 ro einioussi 132 ruiS vlldle 4"--"?4"`N'j' u oup 4., itO F.dinun ton Bathurst -il St-Leonard N E W ' Van Buren AltanBc Neiurastle r,,,,,, 41; SIandard ".." .Ttendard lime,K nma -, Presque Isle . BR U NW lioultrirr Aeo Moncton sidslock on .."--.4tarnouet at 1 rseadie CI irtnani. Mapdalen 10Ands emir 99MON Tignish HIGHLAND., PRINCE EDWARD 't*A'P7 ISLAND RR( MN AND CHikaolitlowN invert iess s rio1 u77 .114GIOUCeStOT SaILO Marblehead LY1111 01, IvANEII,OW BOSICiti FREDERICTON , Anti. (FT NE Bangor Provinc Brunswick Portland Thomas/ ss, ton rcJ'SIflt John " a,f astpori Annapolis .,T Dig by Royal jaZi Bat.;,Harbor CAR leant Kentrillc rita MnIiOrre flay ? Liverpool ? 209 Aartm.gulli *HALIFAX Yarmouth Cape Sao. CM' Lcilli? North ,ponish North Sydney ???;ydney. dg suuiskrourg sal.1151 11 3 oil liamiveStAlry \Muir...rave Sheet HarbOUr enburg S. Scala I 7 000.000 I ONE CM EOUALS 7950 O 50 100 150 Km. i 1 ' e' ' , . . ' --L, O 50 IOC M., I ONE IN EQUALS 177 AU i --- belburne - Fall River Warels -ch esievre te . ? Newport -v wosterL. .? 415 ;I ti.0"9'9"" sLitung100 %it - ? ? ';'?f*Prref ? ? /r ? . . 051W1. Island CII ?PM ton Muni.* Pi Orleans .= re Sandwieh,r= 0 ] SR Mg CAPE . ? COO ? Hyannis I i BedfordFalmOuth . ' N.o.00, Hao,1 e uc: d .BI 1,, , vineyard -_, ? ? . ..,,, Haven -- . . . MARTHA - ? . ?'S - 'co VINEYARD Nantucket NANTUCKET ISLAND Cities and Towns WITH APPPDXIMATL POPULATIONS ? 500 is 2.500 2.500 to SICEITX - 5.000 EXXON Stations serving Interstate and other superhighway.. Gasoline ID PO Diesel Fuel also available, Additional Data SUMTER Notional Forests ? ? Points of Interest Roads INTERSTATE HIGHWAY SYSTEM AND OTHER SUPERHIGHWAYS UNDLR CONS, PROPOSED 1.111Maaliffele? MIC=010?.?? REST AREAS With Facilities LT, Without Facilities OTHER HIGHWAYS =mann. au=oser marcaapas --- DWIDEO NO1 D.Y.OED RED ROADS. To gIve maximum clarity to this reap only a limited network of principal through routes is printed in red. Many of the other roads are equally good. -T. No Connection Between Roads Interstate Route Numbers U.S. Route Numbers Slate Route Numbers Mileages ATPROXIKUTE BETWEEN TOWN CENTERS AND ROAD JUNCTIONS 25 2? ? 31 4, ALSO SEE MILEAGE TABLE ON OTHER SIDE 1. 101.L7 * 2 National Monuments 02362 Elevations rr ri Ferries, I II Bridges Slate tile. fnternotltctal Boundari s 'rime Zon Boundaries CAPITAI CITIES ARE INDICATED `BS CAPITAL LETTERS Scale ONE CENTIMETER EOUAG ABOUT 21.7 KILOMETER O 10 TO 30 40 SO AC TO BO PO ...... O 10 20 30 .0 SO ONE INCX EOUALS ABOUT 33.aMILES (t., MCM LXXXILGENERAL DRAFTING CO., MIC,,Conveni Swoon. N.J. AB trphls rE,erve, Tinu wuru most nor urnCWand orB,??? 0- .n?r 17:?La u/O/t/ Map ? ? e A 2 130.000 100 Km . Mi. A Nyack Tarrytown 9.- 1.7101 FRIOGI ITN Wa aque Oa land White Plains ? 17 Ridgewood. Sb CA 3/04/fdtMARD ? A BROADWA BSIR001800410 Yonkers so 4" Teaneck ? proved For Releas 11AA ()--Luv ck) 4,AID te\-eap) e, ? c ck.ciuNn crse,"7 cla.4?12.. CkLA-Tv\_, kr) dts4.--411 Approved For Release 2003/0 /18 : CIA-RDP96-007894 1800410001-7 A-A-CrseN?0- Approved For Release Dgmis : CIA-RDP96-00789R00180041000 ct. Q./V-1/Vdc aS8) neY") o 1*Y. s, tt, uykdie uu a.?0.1 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 Approved For Release 2 003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789 SG1A C'ett-A-k R001800410001-7 SG1A SG1A SG1A SG1A y _LA cr-Q L). IMMCO L \?,_( \ N, t?Q Approved r Release 2003I4/18 : CIA-ItP96-00789R001800410001-7 ? Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 C..12?."-? \A.) LA- C--taS) ctLuv-e7, \A-) _fl c4a7 /-\._( --toLD Sfr)cst,/4 OVN n 'b 414 ?1J4 0 ApproaAvAlagleas)249- - A ?1, ? o? A 411 9V-ISQ0800410001-7 a Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 90,-tu; Cus1/4.0_ - \-4 0.0111. A.A/'Ne-? CA`E\ C-LLArst vAAJA. Jv e-TJ)As2A-s2.- a/u ni\LA/N0-1? 1?. cAnki SC71.0+(QALLQQMA.IVVY\ ) 4- r,6 5 CI) 5 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800410001-7 SG1A cLA S fas,c4e_i> L CA(Th YY) lp/aCO (1* \ LI 3 Otrojteme MOWS CY-01/4/* itJ n Qst? a_aQL4P d6'JS.L cL,LL s1464 TOUZ, SG1J Appr ed Fo I e.2003/04/18 ? P96-00789R001800410001-7