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Approved ForRillease2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0018003 titleINAD/NOFORN - HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STREAK (U) WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 8815 DATE OF SESSION: START: 1042 METHODOLOGY: CRV 15 SEP 88 SESSION NUMBER: 1 DATE OF REPORT: 30 SEP 88 END: 1218 VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 003 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSION: Describe and identify the origin and mission of "Object B." 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: Initially, coordinates only. Then cues to [origin of structure] and instructions to [track tho persons connected with it]. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: Even though the monitor and viewer attended rigidly to CRV structure, it is this monitor's opinion that somehow we may have 'lost our bearing' somewhere during the session--the data just did not develop in a typical fashion. 4. (S/NF/SK) EVALUATION: C.2) SG1J SOOPIET/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA-DT DECLASSIFY : OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 . Sep 89 003 Site includes a complex/compound containing structure(s), and involving to some degree machinery/apparatus--thrTmlyse .----- devices are not central to the purphut merelallicjunctS. People are here, both male and female, wff1iTh4 together in an . integrated, relaxed, vibrant sort of atmosphere. Doesn't seem to be Soviet (doesn't have a Soviet feel to it, nor does it seem authoritarian in any way), but is also not within US on of ' influence. Political ambience seems non-aligned. (*.Operator note; impression present that mission here is not to explore something technical, but rather abstract in some sense. It iiii :Lfl.. a temperate location, a green area that is aesthetically pleasant, in a technically advanced culture (reminds me somewhat' of Switzerland). Rolling hills, hazy, lush vegetation, rolling hills, clustered population--small towns, larger cities, . "managed" landscape, a large-curving river with bridges; all relevant concepts to the overall geography with which the site is- connected. There is also a murky, smokey city that is industrialized and polluting involving steel and factories, with _ a pall of. smoke and fog hanging over, suggesting very strongly London. There is a structure that is residential, suburban, flat, rounded, white and green. An "aleinstehend" house--white with green edges, small front yard, steps, retaining wall in front; wrought iron, in a crowded small suburb on the edge of town. Trees. Some blocks distant from the house is a large, massive, rounded structure that is "like" gothic, with rounded, colored, sectional windows and other ornamentation, which reminds: me of a church/cathedral. House has ', levels up and a 1/2 basement, plus attic with dormers. The people present?one, sometimes two. Others often there, but not now, though maybe later. It's "like" they went to. do something. The person (s) present have some expectation/excited anticipation as to what potentially might result. The person seems to be pleasant and likeable. I perceive no bad or negative intent here. The half-basement is dim, dark, cluttered, involves storage, collection, preparation, tools, materials, parts, ... pieces, rubbish, plus "radion/commo. Impression of a person sitting/listening. Alternately bored and mildly interested. Impression of person consulting a map. Now it's "like" it gets' more crowded. People bump into each other a little. more. They pack clothes, assemble, organize--going. out to meet someone and . do something. Like "finding out", collecting info. Almost "like" a business. Ongoing; one project to the next of similar purpose. proiects_are_conducted very similarly one after_ another. 50ne thing that's rOUNff-and-about-S"-to 12" long; int-A-al, ,------holl-OW-thru middle (clinks when it bumps something hard). Fairly well ...made, "like" machined. I impression of a male in a dark... -turtleneck putting it in a gmall bag like a gym bag, along with . . other metallic objects "like" tools. One reminds me of a hand - drill. Impression they go out door with a goal of going . somewhere.. A car and driving is.involved. Seems to be at most Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 2-3 people. Sense the don't want a lot of attention--they prefer a certain a amount of anonymity and limit time exposed to other people's observation as much as possible. The car goes down streets, cuts back, takes a complex route because no streets lead directly where they want to go. It goes "downtown" into more built-up, urban/industrial/Geschaefft areas. Stop and park near sidewalk next to a cyclone fence on right side of road, then walk down sidewalk. (A/S of waling up to a warehouse-like structure, meeting at door with someone and being ushered inside by a medium tall man with pinched cheeks who is nervous and uncomfortable . having these people here.) Impression of exchanging/trading one thing for something else. Concept of several rounded, shiny objects packed in shredded paper. These people are only . temporarily here. (Again, location is not US.) At some point, for some reason, money changes hands. - - ACtiNitjes,seem to be in two different countries, widely separated. Thb people come to the second place to perform soMething that can't be done where they were. Personalities, and to a lesser degree, activity, reminds me of the Avengers on TV. Water and a boat seem connected. Image/impression of man getting onto a b oat and waling thru a door into a cabin. The people don't maintain the same type of transport throughout their journey. Process goes to boat, then to land on a long, shiny, . silver, metallic modern conveyance. Impression of passng through mountain area looking down into valleys and slopes with white-covered ground. For a while remain an ground, but then not on the ground anymore. The ground conveyance is intermediate, and not especially important. Then a possible aircraft is boarded--location where this occurs is bleak, barren, windswept-- like heath or whatever ..... -somewhat rocky y few. tall treesy but conducive to aircraft ops. (AOLs of Teneriffe and Canary Islands). They proceed for a long, SMOOth, uniform, relaxing period of time. Low high-pitched hum. (A/S. o4 aircraft noises). Sense of flying east; other persons present who seem unconnected with the persons of interest. Sense of .commercial flight. Sense of proceeding east/north of east. Relatively small aircraft. Area where it arrives is not green and damp like the Ipcation they or came from. Sense of "deserty"--but not quite -.. . environment. "Like" high deSert, tundra, wide-open planes with profuse but low and hardy vegetation. People take a little "hop" to their final destination, with a sense of excitementianticipation. People are looking forward to. .being where they're going. Sense of "peaceful" sort of meeting. Arrive at "area of operations". Sense of less developed area-- perhaps 3rd world. People were to meet someone. Friendly greetings. Wind blowing down "like" helicopter wash Sunny, bright, earth smells; food smells like bread and not so-sweet , , pastry things. There is a structure that is offwhite,..old, ' surrounded by an enclosure made of "like" masonry. Living and or areas share same general space. A pleasant exotic feeling, together with a western or ambience pervades the location. Most of the people are "shy" i.e., quiet and reserved when strangers are around, especially foreigners?even a little nervous and apprehensive, Somewhat associated with this location Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 is a (A/S) huge rock formation reminding me of Ayers Rock in Australia. Dimensions associated with object D are. tall, tapered, spiring;Thigh, vertical, solld, regular, Sharp-edged sides, oblong.. Other elements are both smooth and rough. AOL o-f Washington Monument and "Martian" monuments. People involved are. "like" they are here at the behest of someone- ..... a larger entity ..... - organization/group/movement (A/8 something "like" the Peace Corps. There seems still to be approximately 2 people ..... -1 male, 1 female. They -friendly, enthusiastic and not performing a specific physical/hands-on action such as operating equipment or etc. More like teaching or exchanging ideas or philosophizing. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-3 f,5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001800360001-34-f 57' git c s Aety 2 5- elit kJ_ oQkt- ot-q 164 (1fre7-14 Loll" Jo titi/\ Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA:796-00789R001800360001-3 t/v-u Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : 96-00789R001800360001-3 ka-t) ,7/1