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Document Release Date: 
February 6, 2003
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Publication Date: 
October 22, 1986
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PAGE 1. PROTE.C7113mvigREMease 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96- tTIAR0746001-8 09 tieg DATES ziocra6 SANCTUARY: 6' 611 SESSION : 0( COORD I NATE:, FRONTLOAD: If Cer Piste g (saurce ur-vd hoe fae/ast 3&-67e M SeS1 Lk, chOrte ,e/ reek Nome taegolrer.1) TARGET: 1600 FIN ISP retere6 ts Pcr-4?9 cit nme. r3o(A) co an* -frit to hurl your /61a?Coch-rvi elecereiSe.. bort 1 feryeett) no-hh Ant, &Ate") yeti rezioll crzzqf* 7).e trne kleet16 elw)ltia-62. 641 acJef peteAs Yo) int9hr Gaut. Pitleejovr OVAricte colic-Mt ptz emerefl box atici Igncire a A1ls?6442 miter (tav met. Wear. coe Wkevi -ti)wie to--42e9/4) Re1ort3frif ? vo of &INS UOLCe NOTES'. o sourcec4ArchviverEoilictof n / 1/4C. Gm a fl-flkw, a 6rt- act vbeltx1 metiers .der.seln545t.e.rNte nte MiSS/09, DRAFT SdYne header no*we,r" ato 164 6c/1 efilidar . PROOF': CP 6006( weci7)'a4 Ai Gwfti;;Iet-ti Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040010gRE(.7 C,P S: Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 aMPRIPPAPAWIPME/NOFORN - SKEET CHANNELS ONLY PROJECT SUN STEAK (U) BEACON TRAINING SESSION WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED DATE: 22 ocr84 TARGET: OUTBOUND TEAM : 1) INBOUND TEAM: SG1J 2) 1) Ole/ MISSION EVALUATION: 1. (C/NF/SK) PROTOCOLS: s re_ botiss sorra_ is Cacao trt E on du. c.,a.44 P s ce4L. iikezw rms, ficters., a. The Remote Viewer was introduced to the Outbound Team (OBT) at 690c) hours, 11.2.0CT-aL . Following this "warm-up meeting both the OBT and the InbhundTeam(IBT) were restricted to the area of the unit operational facility with orders not to discuss the particulars of the upcoming mission. During this "restricted" period neither the OBT nor the IBT were permitted to make or receive outside telephone calls or to meet with other members of the unit. The OBT was reindoctrinated on the need to maintain the integrity of this mission by not varying the purpose of the trip to the site to tend to personal needs, e.g., errands, refreshments, etc. b. At C43,0 hours, the actual target, (sealed within an envelope) was provided to the OBT at which time they were permitted to depart the area enroute to the target. Their verbal tasking was as follows: (1) Do not unseal the envelope until you have moved out of the immediate viewing area of the unit. (2) Go directly to the target area and remain in the general area (by driving around the block if necessary) until exactly 1000 hours. (3) At Mc() hours, position yourself at the target area and perform any actions normally associated with the functions of the target, e.g., bowl at a bowling alley, purchase refreshments at a snack bar, etc. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 (4) Remain on site for a minimum of fifteen minutes or longer but only if a longer period of time is required to finish a function of the building such as finishing a cup of coffee or similar purchase, etc. (5) Following this fifteen minute mandatory visit to the site, return immediately to the unit area. (6) After arriving in the unit area, the OBT is not to discuss the target or events that occurred at the site with anyone in the unit. When the IBT has finished the post-session phase of the mission (sketches, summaries, etc.) the OBT and the IBT will proceed back to the target area, still without comments pertaining to the actual mission. (7) At the target site, the OBT will retrace their movements at the targetwh1lbeing followed by the IBT. When the target (or specific items at the target) are recognized by the Remote Viewer, he/she will so state with a brief explanation or reference to the data collection phase, if necessary. (8) Following this second visit, both the IBT and the OBT will return to the unit area at which time the OBT will be released and a general feedback session will be provided to the Remote Viewer. c. The Interviewer will be responsible_ for collating the data obtained from the entire session, (session information, post-session interview and on site visit), and from the data an overall evaluation will be given pertaining to the success of this mission based upon the relevence of the material provided and later substantiated. The guidelines for this evaluation will be on a 0-7 point scale of target/data correspondence. This scale is as follow: 7 = Excellent correspondence, including good analytical detail (e. ?naming the site by name). 6 = Good correspondence with good analytical information (e.g., naming the function), and with essentially no incorrect information. 5 = Good correspondence with unambiguous unique matchable elements and little incorrect information. 4 = Good correspondence with several machable elements, but some incorrect information. 3 = Mixture of correct and incorrect elements, but enough of the former to indicate viewer has made contact with the site. 2 = Some correct elements, but not sufficient to suggest results beyond chance expectation. 1 = Little correspondence. 0 = No correspondence. In addition to the numeric scale of evaluation, the Interviewer may opt to provided other comments on the target/session correspondence as necessary in narrative form. All of this material is then provided to the Remote Viewer for future references and/or discussions with the Interviewer since the material in these reports will be used as the basis for additional skills training, if required. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 2 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 ?I> Dfse',,nle. 1)Ne area. tokere * , ? ? ? movi9)6,-Fl.04-rtN36r) runS SG1J poird.-eal LOtr- p,14t(30) ed cod kat (preods etr6t no-Fared Nitei efame TiemAn9 Wer-'t4 plot, * diverbseir read-) atkor Cold &a 754 Caotosz ? ho. w- derc 44 Pome, aye- ezoccA.-4. SG1J see. a 1/ crt-- t See a/ 1403d-,, ',teat Ok * Iiayku Vorsj *4 t'efez#v) DeScrik ci&o&71); 4. aa6-i, 19016-m sA tarp , -4 b6rci.c?-e 7)-0a S)-v2 piateA do-me Th109 19 ?3 bes' t?t That 7h105, *Or sitatie .1 a en 'Thke coetiiive adve- e-A4- yor ccce pvreactf-t achut.h'ef. SG1J 1ecor4-7Cit-e 4' I See avt aVRWI CP CY1 41_ VIM In rf;rI5 Up ern I /AR_ nee/C $C1C;1 rriS -4 (Allen (Air are- You tIOAr Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001602040001-8 3 cd- ar ars' Desd,g,t?e At, ciracr * e-Otki dowy) wtly ame, ctowi bbia r Vtit tr 7)1?-r o orarcrettair 14' 7er fee Aelves ---+ c,r TN