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I 46, Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 t 1 1441114 / 01V (p it / i ../ mOWOMMO/NOFORN PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTEAAGENCE PROJECT NUMBER: 015 DATE OF SESSION: 6 May 88 START: :1. 1E:. CRY (8 VI) I. (9/NF/9K) MISSION: SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF REPORT: 6 May 89 'END: 1104 VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 079 Conduct Stage VI training session 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKING: 199128 Encrypted coordinates 032741 (S/NF/SK) COMMENTS: Viewer had good results accessing site: structure was tighter and more reliined than previous (3 May) st,ession. AL1 major gestalts o.f.: site were accessed, and good tangible and intangible data were received pertaining to the structure o.4: interest. 4. (S/NF/SK) Evaluation: Per+ormance was good for this point in 9 VI training. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY :i ii CLASSIFIED BYH: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 SOURCE 079 CRV TRAINING 6 MAY 88 DURING TODAY'S SESSION, r FIRST FEJT THAT I ACQUIRED h STRUCTURE AND LAND. THEN I FELT THAT THE ARE WAS LARGE, VAST, AND SPACIOUS. I FELT THAT THE AREA WAS HARSH AND ROUGH. I FETA LIQUID THAT I LATER IDENTIFIED AS WATER. I FELT THAT t WAS ON LARGE BROWN RODS STANDING AND LOOKING OUT AT WATER OR SAND. 10 MY LEFT WAS THE STRUCTURE. THE AREA WAS GO LARGE THAT IT WENT ON AND ON AND ON. I COULD NOT PLACE A BORDER OR EDGE W1111 THE SITE. WHEN I ACQUIRED THE STRUCTURE, f FELT THAT 11 IS Nor IN USE TODAY. AT ONE TIME IT WAS IN USE FOR TRADING PURPOSES OR MEETING PURPOSES TRANSPORTATION WAS IMPORTANT HERE AT ONE TIME FOR COMMUNICATIONS PURPOSES. I tHIT THAT PEOPLE. TRAVELED HP. THE STRUCTURE WAS USED FOR HARBORING PEOPLE. THE STRUCTURE WAS A WELCOMING PLACE. THE STRUCIURE WAS USED FOR SAFETY SOMETIMES. THE. STRUCTURE HAD OR HAS A LIGHT. THE STRUCTURE HAS BLACK FLOORS. THE STRUCTURE HAS A FLIGHT OF STAIRS. THF IHRUCTHRE HAS MANY SQUARES IN IT THAT IS USED FOR STORAGE PURPOSES OR WHERE ONE. CAN HIDE THINGS OR PEOPLE. THE STRUCTURE HAS LINEAR DESIGNS ON IT ON THE OHTSIDF. I FELT THAT THE WHOLE SITE WAS BEAIJT I F IJL. AND IT IS A SHAME. THAT PEW' F Dc:)N'r SIL IT 1ODAY. ALSO OBJECTIFIED THE WORD SPIRITUAL AND SUN. T REALLY CAN......SAY WHAT I MEAN BY 'HER: WORDS. AOL'S ? THE STRUCTURE REMINDED MH OF A LIGHT HOUSE OR A PRISON. Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 a ot4 Approved For Release 2002/u494,oi : CIA-P96--00789R001601960001-8 on.,bLL;4-dir Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA a\sL-c, \\(Th -RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 t\cD k 9 Approved For R ee20e02%-A17 Ici.ek-IC)1:C-'9-00789R001601960001-8 797A7f ff7- /7 -ID (a pc/o/ J7 5 fr C ,A14 IA)67 --6?" Approved For Release 200 CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 \cm \ -e_ \o{ \ \l?-??? Ccl Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 2)X7 .spproved F Release 2002/05/17: CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 \i) LAst, ,(3\ \\\ CC\ ks) cm CC\ \ { 9 S.?\ NN-e--- Appctikve co Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 S 0 \ \\c> kIJ u c\(,( , Sc ?c, e-tz c--ta4 , Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 Approved For Release 2002TT : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 oc f tc)s Approved For Release 2002/05/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601960001-8 App -; CP ii?G.HT , 5/17 : CIA-RDP96-00789r001601960001-8 '7'4 . ?111,rirA77,17,701 1 .; . "Those who How us, iwsr Those who know us, love The Cayman Islands as one of the world's last uncrowded, yet very civilized hideaways. And they love Cur people, whose warmth, cour- tesy, and attentiveness make a Cayman Islands vacation an unfor- g -:!table one. Come to our magical -"'?11 trio of sunny island havens, nestled in the British Caribbean. Getting here is easy, via fre- quent 727 jet service flights on Cayman Airways. Call your travel anent or Cayman Islands Depart- . rnent of Tourism today. Come, a A lc,t4y and our quiet Flash From The Past Delaware's Fenwick Island Lighthouse, just north of Ocean City, Maryland, sur- vey's a coast far different from the ono it served in the 19th century. The ships it once warned off the Fenwick shoals are no wore. The Atlantic Ocean waters to the east are mi longer a pressing mai itinie danger, ,md houses, motels, and develop- ment populate the once-empty kind sur- rounding it. Still. its light burns on, flashing memories out to sea, out to any- one with an eye turned toward the past. Built of brick in 1858-59, the virtite, lighthouse used whale oil. lard oil, mineral oil, and then later kerosene to keep its light strong and steady. 'Die light- house keepers lived in two small cottages that stood nearby, making sure the light never winked out. Today, an electric light blinks mc-.sage out to the thirk, rolling ocean. Althi CPWRG HT warning is outdated, the lighthouse is now CM. 11, ? hu thy. CViMiRMANDS Per-air nent uf Tnunsrn 7,,;es Offices M.ami,'Houston/Los AngulesiNew York.,ChichgoiDallasiToronto/London An island a CPYT dn to.earfh rinoes. Now the two of you can escape to a heavenly pine-forested island and enjoy the ultimate in romantic resort living. Stouffer Pinelsle Resort, a Mobil Four-Star/AAA-Four-Diamond resort on Lake Lanier Islands just 15 minutes north of Atlanta, now offers a special Escapade package for just $198* per person. ft includes deluxe accoinmodations for three days and two nights. welcome cocktails, breakfasts and dinners, golf or tennis lessons, a picnic lunch, an hour of horseback riding, and more. An extended Escapade package for six clays and five nights is available for $398- per person. For a room with a private spa, add $20 per night. Fin- reservations, call your Travel Agent toll-free 1- SOO-HOTELS 1. STOUFFER (luible ,u1,jt.c1 Cu tv,uil,ut,i!ty. . - ? i:iy?). 7,4c1: N El RE RESORT 7A1r17.-Zw- Friends of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse, a nonprofit organi7ation. The Friends also operate a museum at i base durini: spe- cific summer hours and by appointment. The keepers' cottivs still stand at the base, but there's another unusual feature there, also. A stone marker, leaning slightly askew, bears the colonial crests of , Lord Baltimme and William Penn This weathered stone is the first marker of the Transpeninsular Line. Although it's been mistakenly called part of the Mason-Dixon Iiistoiiaos will tell you that ciao- nial surveyors placed this marker in the ground in April 1751, some 12 to 13 years before Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon even set foot here. Using the marker as a starting point. surveyors marked a 70-mile line across the peninsula from Fenwick Island to Taylinr Eland on Chesapeake Bay. They later set 5-mile marker stones for 35 miles to a Midpoint along this Transpeninsular Line. In the 1700's, this line, from midpoint to the Fenwick Island Lighthouse, was the southern boundary of William Penn's three lower counties, those destined to bceome Delaware. As a proud Delaware history buff will say of the venerable marker, "It's about the oldest marker any- where around.- 'The lighthouse is just off State 1. via State 54 in Feriwic Is Island. To learn more about this historic spot, write to the Friends of the Fenwick Island Lighthouse, Box 6, Selhyville, Delaware 19975; or call (301) 524-909S in the summer and (7,02 436-g-110 ulumtuuig other seasons. 789R001601960001-8 ;NC4:43 7 4-41; 4?'!".1,3* ' . , Ap Foe kt.rve'' ? - I '1;. 403/17 1. Rut196- ? r; '?-