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PAGt PR OT ,u.e.v-e-F-Fir Re letegye/OM:&01A-R106-cgtWOO oR3 08 vgr DATE: ts-vdim t37, SANCTUARY : oszcs- SESS ION : e)st TARGET: OR tth SOURCE:6q-ezt F1N1S1-1 COORD I NATE:, liool sklo FRONTLOAD: rois s Your l'Irs,set" Seir-ricm e vi Mrs aseinAla wed 5.415e eg ?brdit. 7-)fcea/1 tiA67 7ea/1040160r kl Per rr74 on -the Citi2 S-faY14- S-0-14e.-0 A cpectiti, tete&raice . Rep-w" 7)14 Th lop' &kit di olle-reir4 e a Did You bid/ tie ,cue,carz/06. NOTES'. Peuvai d rcc rudai? f;) If.c.Gre444 e# akieut ?142"-fratiolthy,AV*gregfj-ttieN 14a9 nelA) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 DRAFT : T1 PING: PROOF' : CORRECT ? ()Ps: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 2. (S/NFiSK) The target was the Knoxville Dulin Gallery of Art, Knowville, TN, which contains a series of finely carved and constructed diaramas of complete rooms as found.in a typical turn of the centry home. (S/NE/SK) Source was able to successfully acquire this interesting site and though understandably confused, She nevertheless identified the co-existence of large rooms (the actual gallery facility) and the "tiny" rooms of the diaramas. The use of phrases such as, "dividing, inside, pretty, magical, boxes and little squares", were prime indicators of Her "presence" at the site and were excellent RV descriptors of Her impressions from a non analytical point of view. Other descriptors dealt with the actual facility, its lighting, related structures (spiral staircase) and the building itself. . This was an excellent session and constituted Source's initial session in the advanced phase of Her training. WELL DONE!! EVALUATIONN 6 I Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 r' Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 Approved For Release 2000/0 08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 _ ?. 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Mr-9 telpe bAr Mori &os tlotA) 4.i.?-1106(6goiltio ? etkc-tc., 6att, pourtiel down, qi vi I5 4/1/1 Aao,tiv, tzteltvii y datheiklev (earl e1 cedireo 1!-I crane-A/W lakem arou+)/ U et arievemet4711 G6Ade Ct.ee 514-t- ih40, -414,de, titfit limy e-ti Fre.r avid 9toes- 4 I Ste -6Ply LI ;Ili- AppYoved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 * A- 4fite PIT773-T -rpr, movin6 OD- , eeeti-77 a eon ne ?4/1 (i-/Ale&v) the CA-eC e 0-0/e procerri Alain .0.(04-hol 107 The 6- 6ornerhi tbevi kit keceit owe ? 6q0)11 7k19' *nirce i At? klecat Ra 610 ctrciel It Peto ir tifri4,(4rea1?te deeho , Re/4/1? ??"661 "68q6 Le 6c" "Arr 441 7)14 cLv ivAteithivie - * ,Parea- area. helAr- upwavd tucaginf optvari- 41/1/ moveter6 Poterfin oat- 44)/e.-- my bes-crt64 yovr perceph; now- Dar-4ear areal 9oth9 op, ;Welty hdioNr, , 7)1w took, , parni-e, - - Inpele Zt-1? co-611.-7ihr - hit& - /141 is?6 Jorate - -4 1-4,u rri,e 6t6civt- -611Y att*tite Tiny intlete 6i99e,r cift,e4 pOddei( Thec tAttremq /we/ n'aywie area,palive,r/ otrul Clnit0e-fre4) eal/IC ( -4 'to) ("x?,re ova-tecos) (6rnerho/71' bercri?t h0 r4, Then, tom, 'wig /7 eeded eAzi-e-e eTh This to 5a itAftete &Thq, rgrrol-ri et*/ prli Wale( Gart12 nte ,riletc &tit perfro 64/ he Irsit-er, 4 111S ttLt got" crn p re-? 75eLy * s scivartis, Peze Th c17A.Li &Ole ci2wies -1-tr gc.o.s dn. 66-Ke.r be,reArt?e pleb- 6/14-11-11-S Approved For Release 2000/0o/08 : CIA-RDP96-007 9R001601280001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 heft lilyAIloyfl cems-ioefeil s'imple tclirp (tut), thc'1 trN/ efoendh(lf (Awe, rece,c045- loyisrmed70,4 ?14 &jearelot-- ftperr Go Ad- Yen/ eg 0.71- No' fir? 46) /cc, bartrAe tic et,i) ovl 68 &r e + etthe ,(tt9te, ,b6Xer/ s' ii/A IA f 1 CA ?#), cm cuele / elAcif Gttite -6,v( /1eff7e blei*cle, 1omeArvis- (..017)1,4,, Yov ca. vi -testiel CI- / Thevt tOc-ilt t+ 1 citac 1 ate-le r trey? corthro / e ilf , 1 11 cila v,"e MA th Ocar are fro 71-c- - I --r4 1g ?Box. ciercit?t * 48f1 1-So, 6? aton.e( ,D o-re -- in614 AP. (Aryl, , but NIL exaeAty, Catle 7171#1 cilt;oplityr ethpeloi, roimi do62, 1r-o-f*A4 One c4tj01y Gatte -6 /4 y 6457iar fro-de Duo 4ixe big bexer hilt -heat kqes- tiArae Duo The '17e)6Y- bac * Oh Ike 6 arniproke-f-cd, 4161 6ocite( rot k;o7 ? (Are,P alone( puf (prise, 11.-.14( 6Qct- Rire". Pr471 eut- td- 4ettoie? cAreS sae JarreThinf ittt, trYt e Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601280001-3 ?40,7e7ht (4- -Any ecoo Anake age 7ke 49ref *I' Ole 1( (flytxtret dri2 pOet coo itra4, 7L2,, vbaXer 56 ? baAir arr 4.0hoped and taficieel, ret:t.. me ahati- Tkc ierane? Bi99er Mao 74))0))11-14., Th-e kar (5'-uare--5; atit farm t 611i etc, iv)/ vet otal Shui-tet toff ict/W ottvto. * 6:? th9 41dt, thay6e cirt- 601.4) 46714 burr, to Tie dame ram- 60- ii rt- 4e-likTitip ? 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