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Publication Date: 
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PRO T4,c.c.Td:ForcosAss Ramo DATE: , q- clan 84- SESS 1 0 N : , o SOURCE: 03-(t _L : CIA-RDP96-644460112.70001-4 p 835- 5ANCTUARY:64my COORDINATE: 36s4-476q oi TARGET: eA Fl N ISI-1 FRONT-LOAD: "PMIS is Kus stme you tat. Tbneve ' `Cbei Arieui itait Thine- 74rilp 61"4- artittf (6/ Pio (curt 0) hItAx. i4er7i+.01 lAtt- Ttlaurierti NOTES'. d urte ta,te bow-star (2s-fripw-ier) ace-an1/163 fr,stbum... 7p4) gympiTms: sh2 w471-r 461?e4t5 ?jr- a !Ade &Are cacrixteb o Dal is. cite tatre-ary , DRAFT : T1' PI NG: PROOF : Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00160127Jple4r nps: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601270001-4 2. ( S/NF/SK ) The target was Stonehenge, the famous paleolithic stone monolithic structure on the Salisbury Plain of Southern England. The identity of the builders of this structure have been lost to antiquity, although the persistently erroneous assumption is that it was built by the Druids. In 1949, Sir Edward Moore proved conclusively that Stonehenge was a minutely accurate predictor of lunar eclipses, the vernal equinox and possibly some stellar navigational calculations. ??:.? ( S/NF/SK ) SOURCE SUMMARYN a. ( S/NF/SK ) Source had an exceptional session beginning with her opening descriptives of, "circular area, monumental, quiet, and smooth waters", an accurate description of a slow and lazy river nearby". Source continued by stating that the site, "symbolized a meaning, going back", and had a square as well as a round component and a "flat top" (NOTE N Source stated top as opposed to roof which is a significant discriminator). b. ( S/NF/SK ) The structure was described by Source as "hard, stony, and designed to be looked at, an object of history". Additionally, Source quite. accurately described the surrounding countryside of, "rolling hills, secluded, flat, isolated, green forests, fields, crisscrossing waters and grassy areas". Mid session descriptives pertaining to art treasures, paintings and men are probably explained as a typical analytic overlay response to certain characteristics of the site. c. ( S/NF/SK ) Source was further directed back in time to 3500 years from todays date, (the best estimate of the construction period), but failed to travel this distance possibly due to inexperience or possibly due to a desire to "view" historic events in the 1200-1500 A.D. era. At any rate, the descriptives tended to support perceptions of feudal England and the signing of the Magna Carta as opposed to the founding of Stonehenge. 4. ( S/NF/SK ) Inasmuch as the actual target was Stonehenge today, the fact that Source was unable to travel back to its construction date had no affect on tI"ie. final evaluation. It is the opinion of the Interviewer that Source successfully acquired the proper target site and accurately described, beyond a shadow of doubt, the major and minor gestalts of that target. EVALUATION f 6 1 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601270001-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601270001-4 V- Jan 86 ---P 369700 /789-0 / Z ? ? ? t ? Man s-eth ill/ Cert. (A:1r are ct, mem mowroerri-a,t) oPexl ePviex, warm Atour -ow a react r et * auto, ,ati,c, 14-Y eAdleAre Ths Mi i's, freql Vtlaerhi uertersi b?ps crte. `it admit ctanbet 0467- areq, spcfctouslie(s; Roifod, leede)60,Rw/id, ept,P,e, Ipmcyt de.a.)/4 tie, dap/94j thelve7/7 rtim6oice-AT ) 1%,ilcehary sierPAniel7 e7etsplar? 446 y bt5 )! G4ne.90 1.05 4e4tr/ gOvrid (5t ek- o+kl er-q , 6U/id/GI h/f/L MOIGknekkiat 5oto? eacit, fieoeyeted,-/- I (k) GW1t4 DO' ?4 Tat me a bavi- put 1,)lie;tt:il rativt) sluzy,er_fViJ /c eetlieireoil etiletiedV (e-s? Como?? totp "toy N71; new eecr ) heeAli & twee an' keesguire, bOirit male nl e c2A001- 7)t-e- Lid; Yrctke McatarA hag' pa* Dirovf rOVirvf hers curt, 441- di- d. IRe- lierti --refl)C4PRbied IciirtFkellear- 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601270001-4 ;Vproved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601270001-4 41??????1, 641/4/ SrAnny 51q cry / Coeors, rf filS7;Ite '2 4r+ tr Raw itleot, * 7etvg mil" s. theut4e, Air ? Ciec*/ )1-17? " r / 4CCr 17)1141 41?7frit-1/ Ct5,11.61-5-1 310/ red, 56-&21, Scout? bitzt adtAil 6,-/At 4etc4:?64, how- 0)1*e:bre detre4: * DLL 6604,, ettQler-e44-, tc, ot6vrial ne Ca.Mvir --b. nu_ rAt 4,6filf pie a re& 6 round tke_ Argithr ? * Intic64 ie tsork1-c# 6VIL v4 mail- 1(1 Steck/ hra' Alt 6214of a/M/4d tri'et nehti, 6itis1 Adducted et , People JACtill ttd-e- eout-ThAtil ottd tru 1141e/ 4 tocAid ?IA,/ tap7)1 acro6f?erdd wtTh ?le ,cfructuref 6ack (ictioSin prat/ / )-7) ect1-410) jree,7 rtiOvt Cr 7ho ceerr-re