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Vf-1(>t ! PROI" For l@ 20( CIA-RDP96-00 9 fN*'i 60001-5 t3 DATE 5'a NJ NCTU/ ? 1 SESS1O.N .. c 1 TARGET $" _r3a~ sOURC E... opt FL N IS1- . 133 COORDINATE: 14c2' soos~z FRONTLOAD: -1 x{-45 6 S A tJ TA e4. USE 4S P Ir1 U -~i ' e re-loXa ~v+ qS d' M l k t ' V I " , vSe 4 f~ et- r4 O "us is aces lac adla Gv.r N,QT Ej.. S v.M a Swta?A-q V qV nt j #u NYC COLA Cv-n avid ot,~`~ DRAFT TT P1 NG: PROOF: Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R0016012f~T r~oc? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601260001-5 2. (c:i/Ntv'/SP.") The taarget wa s the area ar'c)urlci the Pia::: :s::a del St.. IMIichisaxl In VeI.1i.C"e, Italy. "hlc Site C-01'lti ir't!iii I")u(Y)er'ot_iii5 rer c'ai iinsasr1ce.? l':)t..ti 1 ri1? r1ys, ci iur C>ht^:) s and the +aalot..ts Cathedral of St. Ni c-hlisErr!.I.. SL(r.r'c U1'1di r1C1 't"h1c eijI'1t:i. r'e:! area :i fi5 the f i:amot_t?ii Vei?rieti. r">'an c:aal'laal system and th'lei. ever" r1r"'ei?se?rit wc%ter'way taxi, the NF~'/~:,F:} .rc)ttr?c::e: (1e. c.r I bsnl ae ve:.r cal. c? ler)clraphic coric.epts which w(::)t..l1 f::I have been c::c)r--r"e l icate{::i th1t F'i(::?w(:}!vkc!r , t h(?:r!ii:ie safne generalize-ad I::)a:at.tE.rr'as c::cn.tl.cl 1::)e ec::It..taal ly pe.-n--tiricn-it to almost any au.-in-1 (Y)iiacl(::! 53't r"t>t t: 'f:(AI"'ew 0r1 eilrth'iR :i . (?' ,.4 "r'c i,.tri i7 large, massive, breezy, I'1arrc: w, 1 c)ng , a rc:at..trid I::)r".a 1. 1. ~~ . Ot ine;?r data seemed to t::)e more I::)Iiitil""t::i rl{icrvi-:, :1..(i?.. , "showy, hi. iiatc:)r'y, clc.ti. et pei!op1. c:?, art", I'l cawever", in the of tI?lp en-L::1. r?c:?! t.ar?get. , it c::cat>t1 ci be dc!t.er?mi r1erl if the:+sc? ci:1.i:;i(:::r'i.I:]'t:iveiiii wic!re isc:t.u1:ia1.1y r"c::?1(r:!vssar1't". to 't:'.he target,, t_cat:er C.y {::) t..(r" C ki? ` iia {:i e;? iiii {::: I'" :I. i;7 't:'.:i v EF! fiii belied an a:l C:: t. 4.t al? I::)Siiyc:hiC:: pre:!ser'li:::e at the;? site, :1. .. e.. , (?)?;~)1. C:)iiii:1, V4"?!, shadowy, {:?:iree:'ri grasiiii, i i)1fYl< {:::[..t1 sett{>?1 y (c1 i?'raan, F:)rca't :.c::t:i.ve c:: 1.c:t:.hlir ca., eat.. al.." 4 NF'"/f:3k::} 1:t is believed t1-'at Sc:at_tr'_c:c.: was t"-lt. uc:c:eii:isfu. :irl ,i c.t :i. 1. y the I :1 r? c:) F:) e 5 r' s5, i. 't. e and as 1 t. hl c::) t>t r h t. h1 e:! data Fa r c) v i. c::I e ci may t'iav(ii? isif::)fYle r"e1 evi;ial'1(::.'(>! t(::) i:ar (::1't:?I'1eI'" i:ageI"l(:ia:a, it was not per--ti rler1't:. to the t.ar"rlcz?t i r'i c::Iaest.:i. c r'l . Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601260001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789R001601260001-5 '2. -- '~S21o /300.x'92 ' t'I Jh / c ANT ~ SCSI i z~f NOUN D La rq e ~ WvASrt us , ?(J (O UJ . 3\LL, C1 td ts~', C) entt j W UJW Yl2oU Th) C tr u( r~ C 4 LOSLU E r D~r~?.K, --~ PWsLvr-_ RAW 6AM~ I c N tt L. F t u r p , "1U ~ ! -"~ t v N N'eL , P A W Lo NG Nfl-62.~I m-I Loo t N C. ctbW 0) L oo kl N 6 c? JTb, ROJtJ-D~ c R'4- N~ AI.C_~ IV Y i A 9G 1 u MIZ NOT- A PAr2T oI= G, i-t-s c L 2. , bus r 1 Pi ew ac -- t c "urMS, RAI l W M A- FP M6 OF P 1 CCU S P oc L c QU ~ ~Pt.~~ ist't. Y Art, c owy, GhsZ'0 N W36 6 $~l 6 tN Sc~ o CDLJr -lLS'7' A l L,LN k Yvvi Pv7s cr La n riBkc ut, - ` d-U ---~ (nc T3ACx- $ (?&trAs to over tees c.)r u(Lc yno~rn rnah aecuccv aut 6 tj bald mav~~ eCouDS~ sla(luY cat4l- area L~ ~ M Apap- roved For Release 2000/08/08. CIA-RDP96-00789 R001601260001-5 i Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601260001-5 ---P cui rt USA &E rr,c v - 'r i..A~ `l 3 l~~ l~'~ _ -' (uG ~- are +~ , ~,~ q ~, , f ch S) ca w s CQV1t T- r/ccW I buL(dGt h 9 --- e t` a bW - T a .c P 11 SGt evN t 'c Ctrreq r Lvt IM od~.rn Irv- re ~ res~~ ucvre . o - c.k t J (OrK1 atea vt, pe l~~ c1 uc ~e. J (A QQ, t` e 'i u -r th at'l U r5e-1 hAi , See T C rs) O Care C(2 red UQ U` - t S~` hS ct recce, C 6 L-1 S4, sS'~ ~d cn m,uA WO WI PG~Ud'2 ( 0 deepcr C 1322) r ,t la6r" 1 nl c(, r c.Le ~:c--`.~ Cat vac ~. 1 !1 '~a-~t~SW rem ~i~ 1 mm~v~ are~~ ar~~Eruc~, c~c~'c.YY`c UP1 Worn dee w evt , &JA*c4 4 LISA o? t o T B 4 Z roUS W / tA-6 rc) k v e 1'epmdewi- 05 (forte( cry Cep Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789RO01601260001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601260001-5 ---A T&C. I Ae- Mid avf- W QD 2 ' Mortr l aGrcrVz 15 , c~a c P -- - Pr eat w V '- Wtsr n P15/AA4 C,49)-1h c 5 j U v~ 1 c r'LO r) 'n hU r rt e. 7 tyv U cc2 c-c, ~~ 'fir~O ) UP ht,5kL~~f /e u e d - rt? (749f e~dcsw -Yoj,-~e, ceelS +~ c Cha a d~` Cx1 Cc~ fee sly ~~~1 C~ ~f' ~ 1 `~ ~'r Est G1J`"' /S 3 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 CIA-RDP96-00789R001601260001-5 u j;* I-Ormf r>E& Vrr v $ 14t. J` Div U~