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PA GE PROT:EC veirot Rtear)0/g8a44A-RDP96-00789R00151-70 0 ? DATE tiltd SESS ION : ot SOURCE: 035 SG1B COORDINATE: SANCTUARY: /302 TARGET ; A365 Fl N 151-1 FRONTLOAD: 7W-is ts A CLA-841., 86431-c0Q4eurciefts.. Z 144,4)e to VOL) 7110- (oar thou:40S atreetee,y 1301-.1.wttltread The cleel; ttnneel Lew mad, sqvic.'ttfa G tot) %yr esto)44.20-0 how- Prefor 0,i7071 lor Your YetSle t 43. nv:s /5 Pylon mob_ 06,liat Cayna HE/me RoltE Mewl -eurniiriet heed- up\II) corn )14 rlzthle levet. Rolm) tAnk5 'Aro Cea fifr 6:5u rce NOTES4. inde-vvvu4c-te,S STATED 442KywtArn iS Cad/ We* t dreary cold c-4.,s Imahday an A- dlOetIAJOrg Gileee Cr>4/PlAreWl). ?Sglehe- 515frierd matzehr-e thrati94 ',lir it te-e Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 DRAFT -r\i' PI NG: PRO0F _ CORREC7 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 ..,. -) ( ) The target was the Pyramid of Cheops, a hugh 4: our . side edifice containing numerous chambers and passageways. This ancient tomb was built as the final resting place for the Fourth Dynasty Pharaoh, Khu'fu, (2800 D.C.), is also known as the Great Pyramid. At one time the tomb contained fabulous treasures, most of which were stolen by grave robbers over the centuries. In recent history, archaeologists have uncovered several, heretofore unknown, chambers containing colorful hieroglyphics and a large amount of an artifacts including gold and jewel encrusted jewelry. The pyramid was visited by Napoleon's troops who at to sack its "treasures" but they were centuries too late. 3. ( ) Source reported on a rolling, breezy, soft, warm area which closely correlates to the general geographic description of the site. Source further at that at this site there is at least two structures, (TRUE!!), one of which is "hugh" in its dimensions, (TRUE!!). Inside the structure, th9re are, "picture of animals, designs and +aces on the wall of long al [ways. This may have been a reference to the voluminous and coorful I.....1 eroglyphics on the walls of the many passageways and chambers of the Great Pyramid. Source reported that one of the over impressions of this site is the, "preservation of history and culture" which may be an obvious descriptive of the current at of the site as well as its on purpose, the preservation of the remains of an Egyptian monarch. The people depicted on the walls of the site wore unusual (different) clothing and were noted for their, "culture and refinement as well as their life of luxury and ease". (TRUE!!). The area, according to Source, has witnessed many wars and invasions in the area around the site, (TRUE!!). 4. ( ) Source erroneously reported on the existence of spouting water in front of the at:: which may have been a curious reference to the Nile River nearby. Source also reported on the presence of decorative designs on the face of the structure. This concept is wrong, however, it may have been driven by the geometric impressions of the millions of stones stacked one on top of the other used to build the pyramid. Oddly enough, Source, who, normally takes great pains to report of the geometry of a target, did not report on the one major shape of this site, the pyramid itself. In psychic reporting this in itself- is not unusual, but it should be expected that some referential aspects of this geometry would have been reported, i.e., slanting lines, triangles, lines slanting up, etc. EVALUATIONg E 5 ] Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Plpproved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 ?*}Cle 644 0 8/ q94 13L/ bCPAVSI9 1 m trfe) eva?fy.), (Dilim9? 6tve346 blue) rc.ilirb, ?so-('t 4 warni ) picturs inst4.6_ pea-tires) an'twvots, best6Ais tozrni) Curvy/ movemekrt, Pc141 ptavres ?raw ba-441 eurued, kardi irm-tde pidvmsfelmtweite.$) Aces) 6814 comrei peseri/u49/ way 5 ye) tepac.-epro-of a way g rde hot ,ets.s Jo I tog ec204 eltor, &cr6e, (tow reAttle pad-rtam - * 0 v& I leg (10604 1th 61 trcide, Aeldoy )qpiefi-) 61.cietd, k tao aatird Ryure.s. ?4 eorrive, cree. ()miff 022.titr el at a eop/a 6ut /belt peir)/g, i1b,lt\LA Uvbrei 6/ac,k/ hu yl, move, Le. -6> ctarci.(.44, tj Aeza way/ Aeoteis)I iee Qvi Gotmat web-, a ar(--- g 46,0as. 105) )tivar, 6005 -6141e ap, lescrit,42-e_ thig. toro; (A)iirt,9 thtreorr) 6014, caws , / itivui '1)ne-0 Dv2- cit,r dif)K up era 9e, Au2sciti/ereeft ace - Ce4)uckle). ? aga 'Th-afre- v-r Li.......ar__0_i-diAAtitc3645bratgooi 601170001-5 pproved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 3 r-r4- I nu* uflel ts Raid da& (Q,y 1 7)Le ctize4/ 5;)11 05) .?.14cr7at. etc:1)016i Pe0p4. I'm (..tihtsiTlyoy) 6013,11cliti?5 /oogr-oy, 2.5eldidC_ ,4peoid4ycioJ1tlel ebrici hf 6r13171---ci tiles /W141 mateme4A--, k?Scri4sLeTh ac-19Wrict -6Flar Vis` REPrDI75' (4404,Ktfrisi 1t)ic,11 Zwr Ottliestni) e--tahit eflegiiv Thar , etepfii.?? -4 gut ttigt,o-e_ -b6scrt62_ "Pv locisOt ---17kr) S tick 1m 711s. 1-1c0 Pot ?wile kact ?1)1 tAttat( al et 4924 defe-De 819 ih/oot hvg- down 7k.t. Ace, VVcS tAkortetirl Le_ Thair Gt)ore * rL7ttiebt4i4? eel) chregeo{ 70 (4041 -lel PreMi' v-ffrk 6car 710 6?76, areas l'iv) 6 -1.r?do wi, haw-, htt patt lagier 7)1 a dThasi gyve Cet4eq /Ian I 6us'ier o01-siLete ,are peril e tricA ia de e frter--4 decar ,kcordocddbadadG) ? : 8/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 LL hse0wridcar) Savery Td vi fawe- Th-e deuralinnf * gimbal , Atte &reds) 6tt-d) decored(ue a Orry ay)Ike ixfa ettoy A 14-0,1)ut.bi peoette waatiag ) busy, Uarq buss1,/ Ssa involik drb"cale, -4 ?brzc1 7 7k2. 6odd1o9 jr irzoti dcaa, * Cabin) rk Ocn'Nor (Aida' Oe.f 4103,1)1 Makm pkixe gtars) peop( ; 7wat( 7)t4h tovn at L5- pushvi3) ptoele r_heie &-iteircket) e4herftout tc) etocseit42.e If,pee& ciZt. 80, &mud) 8rasj; Lety 7(5e' Des?c!--(1-44:%-4 Na- dV- * 1715 P 6u-ei7ht;if 401- N_ placA, 'hp epmlioue Mcirt?t MA Raeasn5A1,1&-t3) SCAV1R-015) otraktil,451, AcereA71', easy 41Alotcyji 6to loomr) found/atreie. Cot b kA451) tAilutt, nor -r-47 .,?Es-cir((x..Akir.4.7t145,s (ebb/ &at_ aktti Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Wear -1h0,141 ? Ap roved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 tr? 410 (,kJ / 7r/f. /1/7 fr /1/0 7111.k._ '- e /47t cA.) Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08TCIAAR6P90-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 " Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 - Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001601170001-5