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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : Cl DP96-00789R00140 3 0001 UPWRINOWSTIPPLED/NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING i\ f:.tE INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND_METHODS_JpV0I..:v..ED ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... _ PROJECT NUMBER:: 6016 SESSION MAvi.f.Ag.;::: 01 DATE OF SESSION:: 4 jUN 90 DATE OF REPORTg 4 auN 90 START:: 1:S00 ENDg 1400 METHODOLOGYg WRV VIEWER IDENTIFTERg 025 1. (S/STD) MISSIONS:: Access and describe the personality of Adamson husband of Joy Adamson who wrote the touching sI: ory of HBorn" Determine the location of Adamson at the time of his death. 2. (S/STD) VIEWER TASKING:: Access the target personality and deI... ermine the physical, mental, emotional, and philosophical traitG of the target personality. As cond task determine the target personality's location. Z. (S/ STD) COMMENTS:: No inclemencies noted. A summary of Information is attached to this report. During the session the target personality was described as being in Africa, possibly in NigErio. Descriptives were accurate until the issue of human rights was surfaced. Mandela then surfaced as the apparent choice to apparently 'fl 1:: the target personality. (S/STD) EVALUATION:: 5. (S/STD) SEARCH EVALUATION:: HANDLE VIA E ANNE ............ . 1m.y_ mIMPPIPAIWSTIPPLED/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BY:: DCSINT (PM DECLASSIFY ONg OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 100 1400 wRV SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The target personality is a world traveler who has been seriously involved in politics and international affair..:: His philosophies are well known and books are published about him. He fought and spoke for the causes of freedom in South Africa (L)lacks verses whites) and human ridhts. He was also involved in underground activities to promote the freedom and rights of black individuals South Africa. He wanted to change the established or traditional coarse of action. Personally, he is strong, powerful, and a man He is ink:.elligent and calm with a peaceful mind. He is tall, beyond middle age, and has a pleasant honest i-esult of the search was initially 2:_,71.-f, hp.orrrIr"F he has also affected the countries surroi4f?d4- this area such as Zimbabwe. This ,-c-an is possibly'Mandelia. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED DY:t HODA DECLASSIFIED ON:: OADR OWWIRMWSTIPPLED/NOFORN SPECIAL AflCFRS RFOHIRED Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 ? Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 404,2Sw 0 IV:5- 9? .3? e-er ? or/ Z,e ?:. L.- .4. y1L7J c( - 4/ V / le0 4/ 4/ r Approved F,o = 6.036 *7 7 Re/I7 20D0/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 6,01--ZA-?t? pproved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 tt- - ez-n- (./ AatC?46/L4-4 A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 . Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 kt_ (eq_ cfr. A /te.41 Ceereee.4#? Approved For For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001 kr. orl ' L 7-?" .4.---!--tet-eee / cc,-77t Ap , A roved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 - _ 617.e."1/ kr 6.42 .,1 1-644.1404 e-0* "4??"" Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 ( ?Lii. ,i-4.4 ) --1_, ez*, z *OW proved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 CPYRGH PORT GAL Lisbo * *Madrid SPAIN Melilla (Sr.) Rabat MOROCCO Canagrlslands (SPAIII) AL stern ahara Baer SENEGAL BE IVORY COAST Monrovia Abidjan GHANA Accra TOME ? Saint Helena (U.(.) SqLITH ATLANTIC 0*QEAN ?..) VA I " m Tim * b0Fial \Caspian Sea A pR) O d For a/earic . lands WAIN)? T This Algiers MALTA* Valletta TUN IA Tripoli ' NIA'i ea k, . ,r.i i 14:/08 ' 4....., --.4, ..,_ Si ene, Sicily (IT.) - 0 ? A ---._1_, Crete CYPRU Mediterranean Sea (GR.) , ns-- : CproV6- 96-0078 .013 ?i.s 001-9 Nicosia SYRIA *Tehran Kabul* Sniro IRAQ * ), LEBAN _ Baghdad* AFGHANISTAN Islamabadl ISRAE a * IRAN )1 mrnan 4 /JORD ? Chinese line , 'f c"Imi ERIA LIBYA EGPT AIWA Iraq-Saudi Arabian.'" 'Kuwait Neutral Zone BAHRAIN I Men ?TAR ' 1 1 *13?h? Ab Djiabl , Riyadh - - 4 EMIRATES Mu '-' I-- i s____,...,-? PAKISTAN Cat' ' * New Delhi NIGER CHAD SAUDI ARABIA Red. no defined OMAN ,Sea, boundary ,I.; ? ? . i _ ?? , , ? ? Khartoum , - Sanaa .:--L - * r ..-..- -le EN* PEOPLE'S DEM ' :' - Arabian Sea.-- _ IND!) amey N Lagos orto- iovo lUATORIAL ND Sao NIGERIA - CAMEROON 1 Malab,Or Yaounde GUINEA SUDAN *N'Djamena CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC Bangui* ARA REP. . ), EN) DjIb A ETHIOPIA', le is baba 1 -/. IS UGAND Kampala KENYA * REP, OF (5 EN) , ? Aden .,, ., UTI ' ' .., . ,- ? / SO ADA 'P' - Lt. ....4.,. .,:: Mogadishu' - - Sr.Istre ,, - . 4, 0,? i ' .. i Lakshadweep, '?aNDIA)1. ,1. , : , . Ai ae it. . .,. ...if,' pen MALDIVEt: "- *, , , i Colombo ' ECI-ua PRINCIPE. Tome* Libreville AnnobOir muA. GABON Gui.) Brazzav AND ON Ile Kinshasa ZAIRE RWAN BURUNDI ZAMBIA 11111? *Nairobi igali jumbura TANZANIA Dar es Salaam Moroni MA J --5 Lilon COMOROS , . 1. . ?'sr Vibb01111 - ,. . .'.. t-SEYCHELLES,, , 5550-S .. GI!!!0.10n, ' ' . ,1 .. r ,.... rs, British Indian ' D grca AnON 5cC)5 ,u L. , ,. , i Lo nda ANGOLA Approved ?..? I\ qt1IITI-1 Lusaka* Harare* ZIMBABWE BOTSWANA Gaborone Pretoria * 000/08at: Maser Juan de Nov Island (FR.) ? MOZA : IGUE Antananariv Gasses Pa India (FR.) ? ' Europa IMand? -----' Maputo A-RDP96-00789R001401330001-9 . Tromean Island (FR.) ? * MADA ASCAR Saint- MAUR Denis d' Port 'IS ? Reunion IUS ? ouis 0 i , SOUTH AFRICA', For 'Ieleas Namibia Windhoek *