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Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00789ROO0120000,2 t WARNING 14OTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED 'iOJ ECT SUN STREAK -/ DATE OF SESSION: 28 SEPT 88 DATE OF REPORT: 29 SEPT 88 START: 1400 END: 1500 METHODOLOGY: WRV VIEWER IDENTIFICATION: 025 li:: .C; VIEWER TASKING: TO ACCESS AND DESCRIBE THE :;~:I'V S1 UAL TN THE FOLDER. COMMENTS: IT TOOK QUITE AWHILE FOR THE VIEWER TO 0-N LINE HOWEVER, ONCE THIS WAS ACCOMPLISHED THE VIEWER PROVIDED VERY GOOD INFORMATION. VIEWER WAS ABLE REPORT THAT INDIVIDUAL WAS INVOLVED IN A WAR AND THAT THE U.S. WAS Wll.J l.: i.r. AD WHEN THE VIEWER WAS TRYING TO REPORT HIS TITLE, TEtiS C! E R. N A N WERE REPORTED TO THE MONITOR. ::AS i,DI. TO REPORT TE NAME OF ERIN AND IN THE TO G T iii IiSc , IT WAS DECIDED THAT MORE INFORMATION i . O CAIN D iii ANOTH R SESSION. 4. a.. , .:; P.VAI.JATION: VIA S E T C:iANNELE ONLY L____..-..~._.._._....._._..__._ ..i'C. Oiisv ~:,:'IED BY: DT -LA (DT) t' OADR Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-OO789ROO14O12OOOO2-2 11 Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401200002-2 5179 880928 025 S: 01 THIS INDIVIDUAL 13 A MAN. NE IS ^IERY AND OLD. HE WILL BE REPLACED. HIS TITLE HAS T. E LETTERS U P E R I U M OR U R I P E M. THIZ MAN LIVE" IN A BEAJTIFUL HOME WITH A GOOD VIEW. THE COLOR YELLOW IS ASSOCIATED WITH THIS MAN. HIS COUNTRY IS ONE LIKE THE OLYMPICS. HE RULES OVER A COUNTRY. THIS MAN WAS INVOLVED IN A WAR WITH THE U.S. THE U.S. WON THE WAR. THERE WAS A RARE OCCURRENCE BECAUSE THERE WAS AN INCUR.IOc O. ENTRANCE INTO THE J.S. GERMANY WAS INVOLVED IN THE WAR. MAYBE WWII. THIS MAN IS AN ::LIP. SOMETHING A30UT THE EYES. THIS MAN IS A PIEMIE RE. Approved For Release 2001/03/07 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001401200002-2 C P1 R6 4-41f could not visit Okinawa, where I had a duty to perform."-Emperor Iliro- hito, New Year `waka', 1988. _1031Y-two years after the god died, the man is dying, too. The life of Emperor Hiro- hito of Japan, the last sur- viving national leader of World War I and a "living god" for the first 20 cars of his reign, is drawing to an nd, and the Japanese are going to et a new style of emperor. Hirohito is 87, and has been in low decline since he had surgery or an intestinal obstruction a year go (and had to cancel a scheduled rip to Okinawa). He was once anked right alongside Hitler and 'tussolini in Allied war propaganda, ut in his later years it was difficult envisage the shy emperor whose 'ain enthusiasm was marine biol- y as a factor of any great impor- nce in the world. It is equally difficult to imagine -own Prince Akihito as a mover and aker: His best-known public hievement in 54 years of life has en to contribute a section about, bies to a book on fish. Yet the ange of reign will have a profound ect on the collective emotional life the Japanese. There is no Japanese under 60 o can remember a time when Hi- ito was not tin tlic throne: He -ins the country's entire modern Cory. When lit. tiime to the throne 1926,.Tapan ww; ,till the poverty- icken but ferti, ic;isk determined ierdevelolx.d tniittlr} of whose abitants l utli :ti ti killing once to that they Wn t "not natives, not quit(, f itril=a, I fiber" nd young 1t' . teas literally od to mot,( J;itt.t>,i mw When an rtunate polit?t=matt( misdirected imperial ntrit,,i'crttlc- down an al- he disembowulril ltiniself in pen- e for his error. The emperor was incarnation of the Japanese peo- with absolutci atttl"tnt?ity, and no 'nary mortal c uld look at him. here is still at #ttrat deal of dis- about hint t.t,t.1, Hirohito per- illy cxerr1is-1 l411 ititlhority, or ing up tit t4'iti t 1 'tir II, but 15 Empero Hi r rohito s after to 't i iii y 111r, throne he idedovet titt,illtii?t #ttl ir n eco p - ing half of A;, only over a defeated and hungry o - p p ve ycarw edit i flail lie presided ulation huddled in its ruined cities. (two of them devastated by atomic -vynne. Dyer ' 0 columnist querors r i d equ re him to r enounce d in London, l,'tti,'titttd. his godhood. In the 1947 constitu-.' CPYRGHT tion, he was no longer the god-kink, but only "a symbol of the state and the unity of the people" TIUL uc as seen seen of the emperor in the succeeding four dec- ades - usually only a couple of puli- In' itppcarances tt 1, < ? . , d hale 1 tti` the Imperial l it rn 1 it, It ?hvo. symbol of continuitt with the i ttunal past. Approved For Release. 2001/03107 : CIA-RDP96-00789 R001.401200002-2 ,?