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Document Release Date: 
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April 16, 1992
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R001001710002-0.pdf141.88 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP~~0789R 001710002-0 SESSION INFORMATION A. TARGET DATA: Task/Target No. Session No. B. PERSONNEL DATA: Source No. Monitor's No. Beacon/Sender No. C. SESSION DATA? Date Task Received Session Date Start Time Stop Time Method used Aids/Distractions (PIs) Pre-session hunches (AVs) Date Summary Returned D. EVALUATION DATA: Viewer's Estimate Evaluator's Estimate E. SESSION SUMMARY: Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898001001710002-0 / r,..,. ~ Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA=R~P96-007898001001710002-0 Summary of Information 1. The intention of the target is to visit a country in sauth- central Europe e.g. GREECE or ITALY. His destination is within an area where large, gray rock monoliths are characteristic. Two L?` of these monoliths form a natural "gateway" into the town/village which is of primary concern. The area is rugged with high steep cliffs or ridges. The terrain is indicative of piedmont; the type of terrain between the foothills and the mountains per se. Phonetically, names are ANDRONOPOLIS, ARKEN..., TASCONA, ANDRIKOS, MAH'MOOD and ALEXANDR. There is a three story brick/stone building,~~ a bookstore, within the town which is important to this activity (see diagram i). It specializes in old, leather books; very specific books. It has two bluish colored benches in front of it. It's appearance is central-northern European but it is not located there. It has a large red "R" and "T" on the front as well as a yellow circle with tear-drop shaped projections radiating out in all directions (reminiscent of a stylized sunburst). It has odd block letters on the window; they are not English characters but some come close in appearance. The bookstore is used to exchange small items e.g, papers and flat objects, between individuals. A yellow and green pamphlet is important to this location. There are two other distinguishing structures within this vicinity: a circular stone tower and a water wheel (reminiscent of those found with. a grist mill) . 2. Additional concepts and perceptions include: the back seat of an open car with black, leather interior; a consolidation of activities; a culmination of efforts; all key people are in play/ position; a canvas cart reminiscent of a laundry or postal cart; an elaborate metal object with a triangular base; "the cutting off the head of a group/organization"; a small, isolated and non- descript roam with a single lamp; and "ready to act". The intended goal will be altered; e.g. the target's plan will shift from an indirect to a direct involvement. Also the concept that there will be a shift from "the construction/ assembly of a small device/object to that of direct, personal involvement. There are two objects: 1) a bundle of rods, attached together and connected to a circular plate, slowly rotates counterclockwise while simultaneously moving forward and 2) a green box approximately 8"x8"x18-20" into .which a tray slides with lots of wires, rectangles and other items attached to it. 3. The goal is the interference with the procedures i.e. movement, of something on a level reminiscent of a nuclear, biological or chemical related device. Goal is to eliminate a Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898001001710002-0 Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898001001710002-0 (2) very specific target; not like Pan Am 103 but a specific target in a specif~~c place. It's intent is a manipulation of "the social order , a ransom threat. Etheral images of multi-rockets, multi-jet engines and launching(s) were also perceived. .,VIEWER'S COMMENTS- The destination has remained consistent as have the concepts of 1) a very secret meeting where something is delivered/ exchanged and the assembling of an abject/device. Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898001001710002-0 ~!R~~i~d/For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898001001710002-0 5 K~'TLK( C