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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 DT-9-1021-SL DEFENSE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY SUMMARY REPORT (U) PROJECT 91007 23 January 1991 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 Approved For Re -RD U0989R001000200001-8 PROJECT 91007 REPRODUCTION REQUIRES APPROVAL OF ORIGINATOR OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY. FURTHER DISSEMINATION ONLY AS DIRECTED BY DT OR HIGHER DOD AUTHORITY. 23 JANUARY 1991 CLASSIFIED BY: DIA/DT DECLASSIFY ON: OADR R~P96-007 89R001000200001-8 Approved For Rele / 8 - DP98POII79R001000200001-8 PROJECT 91007 SUMMARY 1. (S/NF/LIMDIS) TARGETING DATA: A sealed envelope of the target site was provided to DT-S with task instructions attached. This sealed envelope was not opened and was returned to DT. The attached instructions were followed. 2. (U) TASK: (S/NF/LIMDIS) Describe activities and purpose of target area; provide backup sketches. 3. (U) RESPONSES: a. (U) SOURCE 049: (1) (U) DATE OF INFORMATION (DOI): 23 Jan 91. (2) (S/NF/LIMDIS) DATA SUMMARY: - Site function is associated with unusual emanations and has numerous automatic functions: o High technology diagnostics. o Emanations may cause physical maladies (i.e., nausea, headaches). o Flashes of blue are relevant. - Object/equipment associations include: o Large pyramid or peaked shapes (FIG 1), with humming sounds and spinning motion. o May be flaps on the object. o Bars and disks are also present, with rings (FIG 2). o Many disarrayed thin elongated objects are present. - Overall area is flat with features incorporated into very rugged terrain. Approved For Rele PJQ OM ?~-007789RO01000200001-8 W L. Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 A 0"-k -04 ,/).P" /PAAA Ae~ e0y Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 F/6-i 2a 31y Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 tL F/& Z. '26 Approved For Re 0789R001000200001-8 b. (U) SOURCE 052: (1) (U) DOI: 23 Jan 91. (2) (S/NF/LIMDIS) DATA SUMMARY: Function is associated with storage and loading, possibly with underground aspects: o May have chemical munitions. o Shaking and vibration motions are associated, with some circular motion. o Ceiling may have a sliding/opening capability, and may be made of very thin metal. - Main object(s) have missile-like shapes. - Various smaller objects have fan type shapes (FIG 3). c. SOURCE 079: (1) (U) DOI: 23 Jan 91 (2) (S/NF/LIMDIS) DATA SUMMARY: - Main function seems to be related to mines: o Possibly mine assembly, mine staging/deployment. o Mines seem to be of a shallow surface type. - Main site area is heavily dependent on a river or some type of water supply, though it is not near a river. o Area may have a natural mining function or once was a mineral mine. o Some association to "mile" or "nile". o Area is in a Mid East country. Approved For Rel e I RDP96-00789 R001000200001-8 il' Ji`J~~UGWj': Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 Approved For Release 200~ft 1%: CIA-RDP96-00789R001000200001-8 3 a Approved For Relea / 8 . - DP96R001000200001-8 4. (U) REMARKS: a. (S/NF) Main sense of area is that it is remote, and may be involved in some sort of munitions storage/staging activity. b. (U) This target can be reexamined to focus in on main aspects of interest. Approved For R / 1 ? GIA-RDP96-00789 R001000200001-8 MOM Approved For Release 61&DP9 001000200001-8 5. (U) ADDENDUM: This section includes data provided by an additional source after the initial report was completed: a. (U) SOURCE 018: (DOI: 24 Jan 91). b. (S/NF/LIMDIS) DATA SUMMARY: Site may be a shallow-buried missile launch facility. - Site appears to have one-story cinder block structures with sloping walls that have earth-cover to blend in with terrain: o Surrounding area has natural looking indentations. o There seem to be thin translucent panels to the walls. o Long pointed cylinders (probably missiles) may be inside the buildings. o Possible missiles launched from within the building "break through" the translucent panels. - Front ends of the cylinders seem to have a compressed mixture with a sticky, rubbery texture that is probably a high energy explosive. Approved For Rele 4 - DP96-00789R001000200001-8 Nom