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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
November 12, 2002
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Publication Date: 
February 13, 1990
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SG1A Approved For Release DATE: 13 FEB 90 REPLY TO ATTN OF: DT-S SUBJECT: SUN STREAK Project 9004 (U) HQSDA ATTN: DAMI-I0 ta DP96- OtouR000900490002-8 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT memorandum (/7 1. (S/STD) On 13 February 1990, three sessions were conducted to determine the destination of illegal contraband in the form of drugs being carried by a target vessel identified as the Efforts were made to determine the current location of the vessel. SG1A 2. (S/STD) Remote Viewer 079 perceived the target vessel as being located about 15 miles east of Beaufort, South Carolina, in an area known as St Helena Sound. See TAB A. 3. (S/STD) Remote Viewer 025 described the target vessel as currently located three hundred miles east of "C. Corientes," west of Guadalhara, Mexico, en route to its destination identified as the area of Cape Mendicino, California. See TAB B. 4. (S/STD) Remote Viewer 095 described the vessel as currently located in the Gulf of Honduras at geographical coordinates 16 30" N/ 87 W. See TAB C. Viewer 095 further perceived the areas of Morro Bay and Grover City California, as ports-of-call where the drugs may be unloaded. 13 5. (S/STD) OPERATIONAL COMMENTS: In 1988 and 1989, Viewer 079's successfully traced target vessels with about thirty percent accuracy. Viewers 095 and 025 were less successful in their search endeavors. Descriptions of the target vessels will follow. 4 ENCLOSURES TAB A THRU TAB D Branch Chief Reviewed by NIMA/DoD Approved For Release 20 CLASSIFIED BY: DAMI-110 DECLASSIFY BY1 OADR OPTIONALFORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) elvey0900490002, 4 ,s4F1PMR (41 CFR) 101-11.8 * GPO : 1984 0 - 461-275 (272) SG1J Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000900490002-8 TAB Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000900490002-8 CPYRGHT 13 SRN., TIONAL WEST Est Flat Ru geh Forest Rrolg revard T 77: I $110100 ,:?...:Ceyof Pathan,' "ear .rta Rablna/ ? 4.4cr. . . . c A _tleimair 4 igL.a? 47, emaja ? 'n aa .fr4rnat,tJa, ncio ;14..Escuul t I a Mon e Alt Jut' ? Gu ? Chiquim Se q b:...,;\4,Graclas '14.4.484 ; C Ocozepsque??. Co ?yagu San Mt.. .res. 'N. Pas. 'Vasa. ?Ut i 4nz4q. ?Te ueigalpt c :Cay0 MUtre3 4 Coos Mitkios SI .1441" '4141.? 4411 e.: ..????... oar's/is( e ? ...146 146, Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000900490002-8 TAB Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000900490002-8 Approved For Release 2003/09/11 : CIA-RDP96:00789R000900490002-8 t - TAB I Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000900490002-8 CPYRGHT ISP ? 1,13r,ol1ed P11,1;liT tJs ? "LOS PAR ?ES " P,7 \NATIONAL,,., NI "Za3T.' o ,(1K. *. ? 4olon 'qv Lockwood ri Giv,ntn.1,1 Ileritattc17? 1 It 1 N illAck se?1,103/09/1 mg City San Lucas ? ,, Coalinga ? MONTEREY :--?Priest Valley ciV-4 7439 lii eye, A c :sena ford ville 2115111,11 I I 13111 1,11.111.1w11 Visalia c) ? ? Exelk Voselo 0 TV' ? blare s Plainview, Strathmore L. Success Poplar ktei- .- Terk!ella -1, Lindsay \HLINTER LI ?. MIL RES: