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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 SG1A 1::: C:) 15'I DT A (I : ) . ' 1 . ' . . . . . 1 : 3 ) 6 i F, 920 :3t..111:3 5al: (::;"f';. Iif5l:ai:.;l,...i: ::r()t:'l--:I: (.3) i.. t?' o [::) %J E'" j:) r, i::)'v" i. (::I iirl4fa rft 1--) :i. I"'i E'-' :i. fit I'.' tra:ii 1::) c::) I"'i 4:::5 e ?i I"' 'I:. fit a 1:1 e '1: o [::I et t ? I`- m :I. r'1 tii$ 1::) .1. rift 1''1 ?iii i:J :C I"'i 't:: r'i t.::1. (::) r't 1:., E"' CH.' ciii U :I. 't:. J. I: i?I 4 c' [::) fYt a J.1 ii 1-I p F::: [:a r", i j SG 1 A .r.:.., .r a .) 1?i iYi f::) 't:'. g::^ 5. I i?'li' L J iii? I'" [_)...::. t.J r::. s 4 ! I I::) I r 4 rf r z ? t I {"t g ;:4 7ec ;:a ...> ., r- I:: t?: t;J y is tict .iti .i. ,;?.)1"1 !. i..i f?i: I : C:.:I. 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The streets are narrow and several building are elevated well above the others utilizing existing terrain. Inside the structure where the meeting is taking place are very high walls which are cold, and are constructed of natural materials. The personnel at the meeting are dressed in robes and what look like sandals, the subject matter of the meeting is one of a political/ religious nature. They are trying to decide the fate of something or someone. There is much heated debate and serious warnings are issued. The information is to be applied in the near future (relative to the site) and individuals have been dispatched to pass information and carry out certain orders and directives. This information will result in the death of numerous individuals and will create a very serious impact on the world as we know it. HANDLE VIA STIPPLE CHANNELS ONLY ApproMbd For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 900308 V:032 S:02 P:9007-I SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The meeting site is in an office. The walls of the office are lined with bookcases and there is a table at the center of my view. The table is constructed of a dark wood and all of the principals of the meeting are seated around it. The principals at the meeting are all men. One of the men seated at the table is wearing a round hat with a tassel (like a Turkish hat). The other men seated across from him are wearing suits. The other men seated on his' right are wearing loose fitting clothing and what appear to be "Kofias". I cannot determine if there is any one person in charge ?..- all of them appear to have a significant power base. There are a total of eight to twelve people in the meeting. Phonetics of names for people wearing the suits are (Mendez, acobar, Tielle) and the phonetics of people seated across from them are (Jawal, Tat or Tet, Moal and finally Muir). The meeting is a business meeting, the topic of discussion is one relating to the exploration of new market frontiers, new movement routes and what to do about informants or traitors to the cause. Air and overland movements are both topics of discussion. Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 roved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 This meeting locks like a tremendr.:ius-r strategy session. There are maps curl the wall that have arrows drawn from the north down into the south. There are things that 1cicok: like direction cif attack arrows indicating potential routes and support personnel in the areas and along the way. The operation is labeled and Uses Greenland, Alaska, Canada as major routes or bases. There rare vast intel rlet s being developed at great exprll"1se. h"'ec:::iple who stand J.n the way or Why:' are perceived as threats will be eliminated. The cost of elimination is inexpensive as ci:?smpared ti='s the en ormous losses that can be felt. A hit is being de?: a'a. - i? ~ ~:~s? VG:. (i?: (~ ti::i create a !:5 hl ci c t:: effect spread terror and intimidate. Names on the list i nc 1 ude: Jimmy Carter, Rc.ina1 d Regan, Nor eaga, Dan Qual e, I.7e:~ 7rCl(r? S(..tshl and .aessy .lackss5cm. I:::c,cle names assn:"oc i. ated with operation are: Wirir..hester, Ice Man, Out Rigger or ?jt..tst Rigger. Numerous deaths have occurred as a result of this meeting -"- and marry more will occur as the plans unfold. There was a yc't.u'lq man who was assassinated prior to this meeting as sort of a display of reality and sincerity. His bu:'dy was exposed, he died violently and suddenly to make a statement. HANDLE VIA STIPPLE CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/Q8 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 TAB Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900440009-6 ........... . .. 1 l i ..1. I , ~r,i... c..! r...1 1 , .. I. t 1?.i .!..... ... c:: r:i r? .. 1..1..... I J. ... .... ~ .~: ? r.:l I' 1... 1..1111 5..1 ... ., . EE. 1 f n t y