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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
May 18, 2000
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Publication Date: 
April 3, 1990
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000900350014-0.pdf100.08 KB
Approved For Release 2000/08/08: CIA-RDP96-007898000900350014-0 STIk'PLEf~ ~f01+"URN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED I'I~OJECT.' NUME3ER: 9011 DATA; OF SESSION; 2 Apr 90 START: 1030 SESSION NUM13E12: 1 DATE OF' KEPOR'1': 3 Apr 90 END: 1130 1. (S/STD) MISSION: Provide information on narcotics- smuggling operation involving contraband hidden on a small island in the Caribbean. 2. (S/STD) VIEWER TASKING: Encrypted coordinates, then a diagramatic map of the island (no actual map coverage was available). 4. (S/STD) F'VALUATION: Whether .structures or inhabitants actually exist on this island i.s unkown. Other viewers indicate it is undeveloped and/or uninhabited. Though it is possible that the scenario described by Viewer 02.5 is accurate, time-windows involved and nature of the operation as described b.y the customer suggest it is not. Confidence estimate: 15% As far as is known, search location is plausible, but does not group with any other viewers. Confidence estimate 30% CLASSIFIED BY: OSD DECLASSIFY: OADR STIPPLED NOFORN Approved For Release 2000/(5~6~~@~1-P~~~Obb~~b350014-0 Handle Via SKEET Channels Only Approved For Release 2000/08/08 :CIA-RDP96-007898000900350014-0 9i ~ :I.:l 9 t~) i=) ti? t=) ::a : i~)1. 7I-i !_' CI r" t_i c~ ~:i ct r` ca ]. i7 i:_ c~'i: e?::~ i>I ;~'L. ,:.s CI t:) I') i". I"11:::' e':t'G: '~:.'.:~'t i::: I"1 i::? C:I iY'I cl I:) ]. 1"1 't". I"i >;?e' 5:i CJ C.i i,1"i e Y" it ... +~i?~c'L i c7n r.7 ?f 't~I'7r :~ {~I zll it=1 . I'hr_a :::1r?'t._~;.! ., .~~:~' 1 c:7t~~ ?:>'t:.r-'l_Ii~''"'c;.~~a, .C i"i i~... t_l i..t is , I~ Ll :L ~. cI 1 C'i i~ :~ y l' .I. i::) 4+1 C'"' I _.:ii ,t Y' C:) ; ~! l:I ':ii v :C:1 L l i::i :iA i`_ 1. ! L.1 !N i:a }/ :~ I i '1 :L i:a :i.:: i .. cl (`i t~: 7. ~Ei cl ?t' ch. fY)1 . 'yi .. _ ..1 I..i ... .. cl'~.. ~. r"' td C '~.:I. i::) f'i ~' U Y" 't_ I'1 i..) ?::i C.: UJ I") :::. ;::1 't' 'i' i.1 I"' i:~ :l 't'; ;::11"} i::l I. ~:.: {?:r 11u1 i {'I ~5 'l ;~ :.a ' ' h E:; ]. ~'k: 'h >:~ r Ft i rl :i 'l'. a I'?1 r i u 7. i:a iiei I". I ~i; a r'i w :i. I:. I?i i:: I?} :i. ri r'i :i. r?i i~~ ~ ?r t'i :i. h: !;;5 h7 .~~~ i r-' :.~ I~ ca ~. siil ?iti :rs E'd :'S :I. 'ii '' .. :1 f7 't= i"1 ii~c' f:a P.. l_I C:~ j::) r'" 4 ~ l~ : iiil3i:i':ia w I"'I i ~?' :!. ii5 iix't:: icll'1 ca a f"i i~ 1 I"i cl 1 a. l-) r? ~ r? y w i. t h?~ I-'. !~ 1. v i?::) ca 1:7 i::) i :; I?:: !~l r'i ca a! t:;;I a. i::) L) ii:~~ a. r"i r.':1 :=.:i iri ~t L .i. F7 o u s i::?, ~wY'L r? t..i i::: 't.: C.t Ir' i:r? :: (??1 a 'k'. I?i t~) t.t !~ (?i L: t7 i:~ h) twt 1. h: i::) ??~` i:a r"' t..t i~ ::;i c::.r?. t?) t:) i(:} ?~ i 7l_1 ri cJ i n 'w h z ~ rri ~a :i f'i _ ;. ., ..a (_ r t..i i:" 't" t?t 1' a::' y > !.~ f }'1 F::. f...:::. I"i I_) f-:?. t' ...; l.!. C"i i:: I::i ii:? f'i i~:?: ?~:1' :'. "i : ' 1 F::' ".' .I. i;~. !..t f' ' ?~: t ~ .. ....:.: .. .... (.:) .I. ;'iit .I. I'1 4J I"} :I. ':' i:? J :l:11"} V+! r") :1. i::: i .C 'cii t..l ".::f .. .:.......... .. r"'