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Document Release Date: 
June 11, 2003
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Publication Date: 
April 27, 1990
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SG1A Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900200006-5 SECRET STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQIRED WORKING PAPER 27 APR 90 TASK ER 1. (S/STD) PROJECT: 9024 2. (S/STD) ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: 423400/159824 3. (S/STD) BACKGROUND: A 40-foot pleasure craft, identified as the and described as a "sport fisherman," left West Palm Beach, FL on 23 April 1990 en route to the Bahamas. 4. (S/STD) ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: a. Current location of the vessel in question. b. Whether vessel is carrying contraband narcotics. c. If it is not carrying contraband narcotics, will it pick a load up in the future within the scope of this project? d. If it is carrying contraband narcotics: 1) What kind is present? 2) How wrapped? 3) Where stored aboard vessel? 4) Where and when will offload/transfer of contraband narcotics take place? SECRET STIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Handle Via Skeet Channels Only Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900200006-5 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900200006-5 SECRETSTIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION Requestor Task # JT-4-0016-90 Source # Rcvd. by Source / /90 DCSINT Task # 9024 Returned to PO / /90 SESSION DATE/TIME: ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF 1. What is the current location of the "sport fisherman RESPONSE: PRIORITY: 2. Determine if it is carrying contraband narcotics. RESPONSE: 3. If so, how wrapped and where stored? RESPONSE: 4. If not, will it on-load contraband narcotics? Where? RESPONSE: 5. Where and when will the target vessel transfer/off-load the contraband narcotics? RESPONSE: COMMENTS: Full session transcripts and reports are kept on file locally. SECRETSTIPPLED NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Handle Via SKEET Channels Only Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900200006-5 6, Approved c For Release b 2003/09/03: CIA-M596-00789R0009002 30006G. , / _ 2 3 4 5 6 I 7 S 9 Appr? -d For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000901 P0006-5 /0 . . Approved For Release 2003/09/08 _ . : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900200006 - 5 . ? rrbe ? .. 0P,;', s4fi.rts-r ?,iikt-4,..4 ?:.,,. ;44....t......,r.,,,. 4....,. ..,4,- , ...?1..i..:.: ? ??. .? ttucTvitiA) .00 IP Al+0 . .?,, 4. .... ... _,..,??!... . . 5 ? 4; ? -..?? ,. .:ke . i..,?. . . , .4.4i? "t ? 34 :. ,???? . ?-.. . ?...4, siti- , - . :,4 .,,,,, .. 4 t ., ;., I* VI il v k P . 4; ;0 ? STIttrl ?? ? . ? . ? I ? ? wit 11 r 1 1 2.... ct'3 c -- - - II I.' 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