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Document Release Date: 
February 26, 2003
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Publication Date: 
June 13, 1990
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Referral Review by NIMA, DoD Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 'RE.T/STIPPLED/NOFORN. ECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED PROjECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLv'ED PROjECT NUMBER: 9015 SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF 13 JUN 90 DATE OF REPORT: 11 JUN 90 START: 1400 END: 1500 MEMO:CA-U.08Y: SOLO VIEWPR IDENTIFIER: 095 1. (S/STD) MISSIONS: Det L.Arrent location of a target vessel identified as Confirm/disprove the projt1cLed and related site oT air-crop. Confirm/disprove the location of the transfer/unloading point. 2. (S/STD) VIEWER TASKING: Utilizing Encrypted Coordinates 919730/936469, reply to requirements reflected in Para 1. Additionally, provide phonetics on call signs and names of personnel or ships. 3. (S/STD) COMMENTS: No inclemencies noted. A Summary of Information is attached to this report. (S/STD) EVALUATION: (S/al-D) SEARCH EVALUATION: HANDLE VIA F CHANNELS ONLY SECRET/STIPPLED/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BY: DCSINT (PO) DECLASSIFY ON: OADR Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 SG1 A Approved For Release 2003/09/03: CIA-RDP96- I f9 080007-8 WORKING PAPER The vessel SECRETSTIPPLED NOFORN SUMMARY OF INFORMATION AA1 I P: 9035 V: 095 D: 13 JUN 90 T: 1400 1500 6: 01 I s currently located just off (south) of Behring Point, Andres Island. The air drop will not occur at the location indicated in tasking, but will instead occur SE of Andros Island at 23 48'N 77 14 W (between Green and Dolly Cays). The air drop will occur on 14 June 1990, between 0001-0300 hours. A large (DC ''''' 3 size), flat gray, aircraft will fly in low and drop a sttIng (literally Li ed together at approximately 10 foot intervals) of hard, cone - shaped containers (approx. 1 foot in diameter and 1 foot in height). These float and are either light colored or reflective. No lights are used in the operation: the aircraft homes in on a special emitter. The will carry these packages to the vicinity of Berry Island where they will be transferred to single blue C: igarette boat. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SECRETSTIPPLED NOFORN Approved For Release 2003/09/03: CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 n.5 Fa JA-4, SG1A .41 5-7 ?LA- r , Ni Ps r\uvo.= 4*A1`3 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R00090008/007-8 zreve),Ir.A.461-9 6/1/10 P.' 60' 49.A--) ? ?Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 Abroved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 _ (CLASSIFICATION) , REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION Requestor Task # .DSCINT Task # Source Date to Prosi. Ofc. ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN ORDER OF PRIORITY 1. 2. SG11: A reA-64eLaial.e.?t-71a? RESPONSE: ..?Tkia. so(a-frt Cielp.rf oP) i3eIir Ram; /90dt-.12LIse..,qnbh. aetZsa...2e RESPONSE: :Pee+ gro.-j in coin 4%p ?Z_Mg4L-414-2_,W7Wihret4;) C4 ity4jalLizi/41/14_ 1r7 /011..)??3ta cbt op a 31e/%2/ co,e,Ary con-J:4405.n ef4h41-3, 7.(4.44.44a,te a4,14,1Afeohltdez. 3% 4? 2.1.42L 1.2r1-la 71104h# ig6 .12.$4471_.P.LL 1642 d 4ried RESPONSE:bktrja6e,4?",e,_?-1 pe#2. bony...61j ed- gieroK ? 61 At 7-? I Y `kJ . Alike t/.4koss.u1 Or? Li 3-01-e- Ject-1 _aaal ?000 hovr5 4? L)_'? t:2 _2112/ RESPONSE: _thcKei4_ej Maw -A,0 4 5"/ cg.i/?4?itz, 64u:4 6 6/,}4, Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 t (CLASSIFICATION) e, REPORT OF REQUESTED INFORMATION-, Requestor sk ? DSCINT Task ? ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION REQUESTED IN'tpRDEk OF PRIORITY 2. 3. 4. RESPONSE: rke3a.2 rIoica3 RESPONSE: RESPONSE: RESPONSE: PROJECT OFFICER'S COMMENTS (CLASSIFICATION) Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900080007-8 ? ? :?';?'.*' ? ; ? Referral Declassification Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-007890Y0N1I.Y R7-8 r.PYRnH 1 lc,is ?enfon k-) a_sota , , , L'ake Istokpoga PreY ( o'r. Arcadia . ke Pf id 01Tchobe tte Lake .7.1m. elborne Im Bay Johns h ere Beac ort Pie ce e? nta Gor Pahokoe Ort Meyers 7 ? elle Gla 241crew ???? ' Aeac Car,6T a C aY ita Sprin . "g 7 .g!'9 p San)pazy fmmokaleli Naples ft.CYPresf SwainP.K.) \ \ 1' Goodlan Cape Romano;; Ten -0,o)ls\ao? he Eve rglades, e'6,7 woke04 Y b\e \ r 1`G?LcADEi ? N 4 eh) Cape Sable . flaAik' avglii9ar iV-1-6ra\ G Del Bo GreatS4? 11. a!t Palm Beach Ora Ophama m Beach west End, ? ; lahck,!-'?^- e Worth L High Mlle Rock ? ay Beach 470 Ppeepo ? a Raton pano Beach 'IVortkwese Fort Lauderdar- Gr-eat Isaac ? C opywood ? ? East Isaac '4Miaq;Ai Beach / Little Stirrup Cay kr` . Marsh Hi.. f.); ze? _will Alice Towne Bimini *.,reZ Harbour Berry Is5') tto ee0.1'p. G(117 c Islands isca BaY aY\ ',Cat Cays A7 Elliot Key ISCAYNE N.M. Ocean Brown's.iy Pe, )40)4ielamor /..,S1' Orange C )c.a c.,/aa ell' Florida ',Long KgY V Ak. 1Ve.a4nTe_k W;st"'Zic -4764 Vas?). i(e ,a. 4 ysel .4':tc?/.?4,44-?,,ferP/b). Lb,* 849 S yi.?". 10 Cay Sal Balk 6 9 .1, Bahaints a D Rocks Bonds Cay .1.1orL Cay jouite Chub ':141)ale Cay Ridilfocks Cal's , ^ Tuff M 803 Lowe Sou -