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Publication Date: 
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SG1B SG1B Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4 TIPPLE.T.)/NORYM -'7.SS REQUIRED PROjECT SUN S1 WARNING NOTICE:: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBERg 9047 SESSION NUMBERg 01 DATE OF SESSION:: 9 jUL 90 1:300 METHODOLOGYg SO DATE OF 10 JUL... 90 END:: 1400 LO VIEWER 1DENTIFIER 025 1. (S/STD) MISSIONSg D&Lermil-115G14 target vessel identified as the the illegal drugs aboard ship, i? 1 the will transfer and L. seco:d sliD identified as the load drugs from current location of the Describe the vessel and Describe where and when alp d D ribe... a sG1B ' a vessel project to on- (S/STD) VIEWER TASKINGg Utilizing Encrypted Coordinates 106615/5915B, respond to queries stated in Para 1, above. 3. 1,8/STD) COMMENTS:: No 1. .1. noted. Information is attached to this report. SEARCH EVALUATIONg HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY "ISTIPPLED/NOFORN A Summary of CLASSIFIED D 'c.INT (PO) DECLASSIFY ONg OADR Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4 02-c Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4 SPECIAL STIPPLED NOFORN RED WORKING PAPER TASKER 9 JUL 90 1. (S/STD) PROJECT: 9047 2. (S/STD) ENCRYPTED COORDINATES: 106615/591538 3. (S/STD) BACKGROUND: See attached sheet as required. 4. (S/STD) ESSENTIAL ELEMENTS OF INFORMATION: 3..Current location of the SG1A b. Description of SG1A c. Whether vessel is carrying contraband narcotics. If it is carrying contraband narcotics, describe contraband. fie."Whdre did/will offload/transfer of contraband narcotics take place? f4._ When did/will offload/transfer of contraband narcotics taWF"-Pi-ace? SG1A g. Describe E T STIPPLED NOFORN SPEC S REQUIRED Handle Via Skeet Only Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA- -09y640/7/89-R00010001- .sis SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The current location of the vessel is just south of the Caicos Cocaine was transferred in the past from vessel to This vessel is currently carryind cocaine which can be found in bottles in round packages in the back below. The drugs will be delivered and off-Ioaded at the Caicos Islands 21uN 72GW. The drugs could reach the Florida eastern seaboard SG1A eventually for distribution. The is a big vessel with a wide superstructure. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHAMP1 S ONLY CLASSIrIED BY'4 HODA-P0 DECLASSIFY Or?i OADR 77777,c2-- tDDLE D/NOFORN timir!!!!"11.19M40066 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4 lease 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R 00900060003-4 Saint Pierre and Miquelon (FR.) NORTH ATLANTIC OCEAN Washington ??,;.??? ? Azores (PORT.) Rockall ? (U.K.) Made:re Island; " MORT.) PORT Lisbo Ceuta MOF 6 Nassau, * g TI-II;HAMAS Turka and Caicos Islands jpr British (RICA Virgin Islands IC Pue([111.3.w onto SAINT C RIST0FNER AND NEVIS DornIngn Is14n4s .'il cF :ANGTol dUeAl.A.Npr) . (BFAR)R,BUDA ( *4,71 't DO INICA FR.) AiNT VINCENT AND1'''; SP4 1":41;BIAILRU'BeCA(IADOS (P45TH. Aruba, Neil, Antilles ougNADINEsi ?,(07113 ? ORE ADA NlpsApinAND TOBAGO LJP0 -o ran Islanda .? (U.K.) Kingston Neves. Wend ,EI AaKin W stern hare ? pa tAGIJA 3 n Jose Caribbean Sea Caracas Nouakchot VENEZUELA *Bogota OLOMBIA Georgetown Paramaribo ench Guiana (FR.) CIIRINAME ayenne Banju THE GAMB Bissa GUINEA-BISSA GUINEA Con kry Fre tow SIE RA 1. E Monrovia MAURITANIA Bamako Penedos de SAo Pedro e Silo Paulo ? (BRAZIL) Quito ECUADOR Fernando de Noronha (BRAZIL) ? Ascension (Si. Helena) BRAZIL *La Paz BOLIVIA *Sucre Brasilia* P RAGUAY App ed For Rel 00/08/0 Trindade? (BRAZIL) A-RDP96-00789R0 Martin Vac (BRAZIL) 0900060003-4 SO UTH ATLA OCEAN Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4 WOWENG PAPER- , 9 JUL 90 BACKGROUND 1. PROjECT 9047. 2. ENCRYPTED COORDINATES 106615/591538. BACKGROUND The target is a 60-foot vessel with a blue hull, SG1A white superstructure, and identified as. the. is beieved to be loaded ts46yAdrugsy it is en -route from Europe, possibly. via Spain. The watdujected to rendezvous with a-second? vessel identiTied as the July 1990 at geographical coordinates 15 09 N / 49 23 LC fi ' 4.- +VW., on 5 Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900060003-4