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Document Creation Date: 
November 4, 2016
Document Release Date: 
December 4, 1998
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Publication Date: 
August 22, 1990
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PDF icon CIA-RDP96-00789R000900020001-0.pdf268.31 KB
? : Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900020001-0 PROJECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND-METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 90100 SESSION NUMBER: 01 DATE OF SESSION: 22 AUG 90 DATE OF REPORT: 22 AUG 90 START: 1100 END: 1130 METHODOLOGY: CRV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 049 1. (S/STD) MISSION: To determine i'cotics are on board the target vessel identified as the If so, describe the type of narcotics involved; how packaged; and, where stored. Determine if the illegal drugs are being carried by any of the crew members. 2. (S/STD) VIEWER TASKING: cY11cess and describe the target vessel identified as the " In the course of viewing, determine if contraband is on board. If so, where what type of contraband; how packaged; and, where stored. 3. (S/STD) COMMENTS: Viewer identified the vessel as being la which is correct. Viewer reported that the SG1A s currently carrying contraband in the form of illegal drugs. The contraband has been packaged within long tubes reminiscent of those used as th cores for rolls of carpet. The tubes are 6 eet o 8 eet in diameter, 6 paces long and made of a hard material. Tey are stacked in a cage like rack. The rack is located below the corner where the port side hull and the deck meet at mid ship. Viewer also reported that a man named Oscar is associated with the drugs and this man is a crewman. 4. (S/STD) EVALUATION: 5. (S/STD) SEARCH EVALUATION: N/A HANDLE VIA STIPPLE CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: ODSINT, DAMI-PO DECLASSIFY ON: OADR 413 Appr "01 Aek~-O -~/C ' `'moo SG1A Approved For Release 2000/08/08 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000900020001-0 P V. ;i:'.2'. Y' U(.`3 9t ) Eik,.trr}rrlrar"' y ca 4 :C r'} ' t )r' rn "0. .k A. r1 [. ,t 1... t?.c t:: :a k_t iEa t?S: )'f' 1--i ?C: e i t n k... r a f') ~ to cit.. :r. a r.'a t 3. o ?"1 e fn h) {'1 a '.cii i I'1 t:. I"'! 111 J. d C:1 :1. [ia 1:,--, 1::)r"t?ar..;E?:?!rl'k I'1"1t:;?t, .... 1::.!... r . t. i"} (::) fiii kFrY t..t cry kii) i:~ r.A S [::1"1 ks! [_: i:.) !'' [r:1ES 'i~t..l r"' r" {, c:, of t... e_t r" ?:) I::a'k:. r 1 ' .{. (:. .)r1 ::?a v r::? I'". y 1..1 ? .. :a ?::, .r. in [::i :!.:~ ~ fn e '[?. r? ,, +., i.?I and rn,:ai:1c::, i::)-F frl.a-t_ k? . :L .t I I"} kir) y a r k:i? 'c'ri t..:a k:: d .1. n .1..1. I?:: f.. F.- ca c: 1 r" e.: are f l'1 -t !;:i t" y =c. t:i; I: I I' 1 c?:! 1 '! Y ' :it r.:+ e r of -f J. r'1 (7'' + I. :a ) ct5ci#ii0C:::[. a ki3[:E w.L 'k?. I'1 0 wit... ) ... r r?? .. V .. I??d