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Approved For Release 2003/0 DATE: 23 OCT 90 REPLY TO xralcw; DT -S 91/-9pyKy4 UNITED STATES GOVERNME. I 1 012-9 memorandum stmumr: SUN STREAK Interim Report - 90104-B (U) To,DT-5 DT Referral Review by NIMA, DoD 1. (S/NF/SK) Two remote viewing sessions were conducted on 22 October 1990, to describe the nature and extent of Iraqi- sponsored terrorist activity directed against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. If affirmative, viewers were to determine where when and how this would take place. 2. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 079 perceived no planned terrorist activity will take place "at this time," against US and coalition forces in. Saudi Arabia. In an effort to provide indicators of impending terrorist activity, 079 digressed and reported the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) is currently supportive of the US. The "Yemens" (North or South remains unspecified), may be the hot spot of the future. Afghanistan, is viewed as having intention of pushing through its border in a westward direction. Israel will stop its incursions. Iran will remain quiet during the crisis. The United Nations (UN) will force middle eastern countries concerned to politically negotiate among themselves. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY CLASSIFIED BY: DIA DECLASSIFY BY: OADR San. /47A7 14/ 4/ Approved FigrIVIRAN34RWR .5firifiA-MR40789R000n06:1p100012-9 : 1984 0 - 461-275 (272) OPTIONAL. FORM NO. 10 (REV. 1-80) GSA FPMR (41CFR) 101-11.4 80(0-414 Approved For Release INCIOA-7Fli-26 (COMMENTS: Which faction of Afghanistan intends to make some sort of incursion in a westerly direction is unknown. No further efforts were made to determine whether the "Yemens" reference is related to Sanaa or Aden. There is no current "Israeli incursion" known to the undersigned. This data was not pursued or refined since it was not mission related.) Viewer 079's summary is attached at TAB A 3. (S/NF/SK) When tasked to report on the possible imminence of terrorist activities directed against US and coalition forces, 049 described "staging and planning" areas located northwest of Baghdad at, or in the immediate vicinity of BaiJi, Tikrit, and Al Fatha. (See strip map attached to 079's summary). Additional descriptions appear to support the concept that the threat is chemical warfare-related. See 049's summary at TAB B. 5. (S.NF/SK) OPS COMMENTS: In a post-session debriefing, 049 stated he did not perceive any imminence of terrorist activity currently directed against US and coalition forces. 2 ENCLS TAB A & B Branch Chief Approved For Release 2003S 4?7,14- R0 W 9 1 012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 SECRETNOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED WARNING NOTICE: INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBER: 90104-8 SESSION NUMBER: 1 DATE OF SESSION: 22 OCT 90 DATE OF REPORT: 23 OCT 90 START: 1511 END: 1521 METHODOLOGY: WRV VIEWER IDENTIFIER: 079 1. (S/NF) MISSION: Describe the nature of any terrorist activity, if any, which may be planned and directed against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. If activity will occur, give location(s) and indicators. 2. (S/NF) VIEWER TASKING: None initially. Cue was given late in session to address terrorist activity in particular, as it applied to the immediate future of the target which 079 had already identified. 3. (S/NF) COMMENTS: No Physical Inclemencies reported. Standard WRV session. 079 identified and described the major future events of the target area, to include reference to an Afghani incursion westward (into Iran) which may alter Iran's involvement, while bringing a new player into the present mid-east conflict. Late in the session, I cued 079 to specifically address the question of terrorism. Session transcript and viewer's summary are attached. 4. (S/NF) EVALUATION: 5. (S/NF) SEARCH EVALUATION: Monitor: 018 Proj Mgr: 018 CLASSIFIED BY: DIA (DT) DECLASSIFY: OADR SECRET NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 WORKING PAPER SECRET/NOFORN SUMMARY OF INFORMATION 90104-B 901022 V: 079 S: og At this time, there is not any planned and directed terrorist activity against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. Other scenarios will come into play. They are as follows: Afghanistan will "push through their border area to the west" and this will be another hot spot in the very near future. There is unrest in the Yemens. They Yemens may be hot spot in the near future. The PLO is acting favorably towards the US during this crises. The Israeli's will stop their incursions. Iran will be quiet during the crises. Iran is not taking or deciding sides at this time. The United Nations have very difficult decisions to make and it will force Middle East countries to work situations out between themselves and to stop looking to the "west" for help. There will come a time when land or boundaries or borders will be different in the Middle East than the way that they currently exist. Approved For Releasea 012-9 ECRET96/04/00060110 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 WORKING PAPER SECRET/NOFORN SUMMARY OF INFORMATION 90104-B 901022 V: 079 S: 02 At this time, there is not any planned and directed terrorist activity against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. Other scenarios will come into play. They are as follows: - Afghanistan will "push through their border area to the west" and this will be another hot spot in the very near future. - There is unrest in the Yemens. They Yemens may be hot spot in the near future. - The PLO is acting favorably towards the US during this crises. - The Israeli's will stop their incursions. - Iran will be quiet during the crises. Iran is not taking or deciding sides at this time. The United Nations have very difficult decisions to make and it will force Middle East countries to work situations out between themselves and to stop looking to the "west" for help. There will come a time when land or boundaries or borders will be different in the Middle East than the way that they currently exist. Approved For Release 2003/09/03': CIA-RDP96-00/789R000800110012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : tIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 SECRET NOFORN PROjECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICEg INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND METHODS INVOLVED PROJECT NUMBERg 90104 B SESSION NUMBER 01 DATE OF SESSIONg 90102 DATE OF REPORTg 901023 START TIMEg 1506 END TIMEg 1601 METHODOLOGY:: CRV SOURCE IDENTIFIERg 049 1. (S/NF) MISSIONSg Describe the nature of terrorist activity, if any, planned and directed against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia. Identify the location(s) where such attempts are planned to take place. Describe salient indicators that will pI' ecede such an activity (ies). 2. (S/NF) VIEWER TASKINGg Utilizing encrypted coordinates, describe the target. 3. (SiNF) COMMENTS: Physical inclemancies of a hurting jaw from . dentist and being tired. Viewer seemed to be very "on" throughout session, including twenty minutes o'f non-stop continuous descriptions, possibly a bi-lo. ( summary of information and sketches are attached to this report. 4', (S/NF) EVALUATION: (SiNF) SEARCH EVALUATION: 05? CLASSIFIED BY: DTA DECLASSIFY ON: OADR SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 SECRET NOFORN ? 90 1. 04 - 6 04, 90 i)22 1506-1601 SI; 02 Summary of Information The target consists of an activity which involves staging and planning. The surrounding area is mixed with wide, soft land and - rugged mountains. There is also a number of di:As or crevasses reminiscent of dry washes or wadis. Some places are jagged andI or stepped. There is a lot of no or steam and at times, C: louds of this. The smells and sensations are 1,-,:iyarciscera. of a - fertilizer, petro or otherwise chemical facility. There is a . . . . sense of movement and loading activity. One location has tall, linear lines and it is narrow. Another location has concentric half circles radiating out from a central point. Something is being pushed away or pushed out from this point;., almost projected out. There is Cl lot of jumbledness associated with the above. There are energy emanations and a sense of sensing going on. The activity has intense pressure associated with it. Pressure in the sense that someone or something is being pressured to quickly I. earn something and to become proficient in the activity. There is a techncAogic:al aspect/feeling about all of this. Again, it revolves around sensing and detection in part. There is an overwhelming concern by a mid-level individual. of making something work...qui ckly. It seems that the individuals present do not know how to operate the equipment they have, but they want SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 SECRET NOFORN to know badly. An individual is walking up a slope of very soft sand. He is sinking into the sand and it is difficult to maintain his pace.. He has come up over the rise to face a large I evel area that is roughly circular. iere are people running around and there is a rushing sound. A LITE2-_122.1.1.__Ellayzolmt is occurring. There is lifting, setting and at one set of objects to others. There is a round, cylindrical object with 1. :1. pieces attached (see diagram 1). There are pointed objects which are predominately silver and green. There is an object looming above me which is rounded with a transparent feature. There are lots of curved surfaces and black. A portion of it is pointed. The level area is reminiscent of a fenced in compound, yet the protecting apparatus (ie the fence) is not very Within the left portion of the area are one or two small sheds or tents. Behind these is an open-sided at . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ with stacked objects under and around it. On the extreme right side is a cluster of cylindrically shaped objects. In the central area are at least three very level, hard packed round spots fllese spots +eel associated with the loading and at. activities mentioned earlier. It feels as if I am standing under a large pointed object which has contained power or energy. There is someone checking attachments or extended parts of the larger objects. This person is groping with his fingers into holes or cracks, checking something. This location (2) SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 SECRET NOFORN gives a sense osf a staging area, or rather, that something is being staged. This activity is occurring within the vicinity of the towns o.f: BAIJI, TIKRIT and AL FATHA (all no o+ BAGDAD). (3) SECRET NOFORN Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 (pray.) 659,297 MS flaslak 2,473 Yazd (governoraie) 355,218 J5 Bastam 3.298 Zenjan (governorate) 579,009. 12 Behbehan 39,874 Approv ;5 12 KIO11,013 04 L I NolmY Urn (14 44sah4lIr-0.044.'....'. iruekuh 4.664 . . . 11.1 nynon on OFT4eITS7r9a0M 5 KhornodU0lar 40.536 . 12 Neyro 16,114 . ....... saemnant ,056 ...CI 4 Neyshabur 59.101 . For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 J6.81110 53 ZarqaM 7,000 113 Zenlan(Zarearq 99,967 Nakhichevad Dahulfe Jolfa BAKU Alyat-PrIstan' Sal yany 52? Krsnovods ?Ardabil Lenkorari Oguschioak19 05?zrtak .r??? adly Meyadin crAl Q Ask) Mo liaias of Nineve Mosu Ns!, A ,41, A GA 11 Op rbranou ndar-e Anzall (Emil) Shaman Rg'Sht. ? ?- 4.,',Boyemg 10,4044ifi..)9B.. 0 ?(3171 0,7 ear NirkTik!SulairBary'Y 'IA, ? KORDESTAN 0000h Shahpur ISInneh), .O.Saflanda) Tharrha us R ,..4.;ormor 0?.' ...? ..Tyysarken iKermanshahAt oMamjer. (eilanjan, Zanic41 Qazvin Jokestan 0 "ss. C 0000 Razan CHamadan .7 HamalArs' iD -Asadabad ? ???'w (001aspe Shinn ? Sabo! Sa Now Shahr Apo! 6t fort, DOS ,r Do?,.v0,d Wt Kara). Tjr,ah Di(i:v6a:nrdmehdishm, Rabat Ken,,,ovar 0 Gonbad-e Gomnhofl oDalfuld ndape TorSO, a Gordan ., ....... 0 OrAsterabaqw eh0tatir0 ..,..?? ? ? ??' o t?? tool Bob&d0L 0, ??? S .?Emamshahr (S(ahrod) ?DaM5Daq MA,ZAND Ps' ? Bey? TEHRAN ri C E INT ?T 11(eonS,A (Quo) cor e '??? 'Aliobod 11,040 fr. (3365 ra.) " N" Kash n A N _17v9asr al K hubbe mui,) , (-nit A R i 'litiildi nvei3O:23.1' Hoz al Ilaairklo O e ' ?IL ?Thir.iiibler P.1 it e /.2e RazazaRes Ar Rahhallya Z re .... \ ./. 0. hi Angh,t, ?...? ,...,0,, K 3.10014 (445 o) ? V61-9,1.."','-2-r---.4.!:11. s's ' ?Ze.' / ..,./..? Shithath a'quba Alashtar? Borgkerd 0. Atidaag'i " ? Andliza Sht9i, Rulnal, 1.555J;+ 7Sh .2%0rnda MasJed koleyman? Y SAN i 11oD?ht'eLadoaan d".? Husga-n..?/ Ahvaz Rarnhormoy frelf ? o 4.4 Dlwanlya am, 1 . k)" Ad: . non*;11 F '1/4... .1%. 7- 1 vs.., / Samawa An 451 iy .,? . i a HOF / - 0 k , amnso As SiNrnen ./ 0 .... 00A. eu..i)aB A Se' A MUTHANNA ? Az Zobaib0 Gitantr- Bolnurdo Koho. Abdo,/ 9,249 YUS .74,4 rt. Kuh..? Joghe'ie Sabzevar ' ? Turen H c Jandaq Del On 0 Khvor 0 Nthn'ESF A HAN G'IM4 ge C'K'12,410f4:4?Ardestan near? ?De"' 0886 ro.) A Cioaran F(...\ ha( en1 vh-o Garbosh 0,011';-;70k w ?.., ? 14,08,8 iL(4294 ro.) 0 INigtS o ?i ....... . rod nI.? ? Najafabad\ \Allman 0Andrak Dezful(4.548 ?,. -;\ ?Ss hahr KorssIN 14,921 fi ZoYande zeoybod / o y z d ,Ku ? a hahraza LiGaokhora C berm rBeohi.b. N \ Nay Elm 5???fl '''JBakh iari Ktrov hta HoRSe o:' VOIC 0 HUZESTAN\ a> ts, 14,04 it. a111, Bandar-a Aisne arl : y Shadegan ??? 'shor ? Behtieha'rriC & 1041 ? sra ? aga,sw, eYrIi flan? rart7.4T7Y4. 1'041 ft.73219 F 0 Kazerun Ardal s aid i4,197 ft. (4298 Tafto yr1-12Khvast Abar, : .11(3.hcz9. (3965 in.) Modvor ?Den Bid ,8I fi,(3608 ?RAMROD horror ! 4s. KUWAIT Al Kuwa (3:," L "' G'anaveh 'tiez,Fellsk? I VIN 8.6." Mai' Khard Ina al Ahrnadl 15 g. Bushehr ?Mina Neud RP Iran and Iraq CONIC PROJECTION SCALE OF MILES 25 50 100 150 SCALE OF KILOMETERS ? 21 5o sop 150 goo Capitals of Countries Capitals of Provinces Capitals of Governorates 00 International Boundaries.-..? Provincial Boundaries..,. Governorate Boundaries Scale 1:8,160,000 ?Ceerleat HAMMOND INCORPORATED, N.J. B I:412?1\ ' PYRGH CPYRG L, 25 Abu Hadriya0 02er a n d ? K (3472 uh-? Manakin. 71,391 ft rfL1 Kerr ER Kuhe Isaiah Zoo 14,3008. (4314 03 Ballo Dow)e 4e711 a;117, 'OZGAN; shemn o " gho SalldarAbba Ma Tenure' AY lower 'munviia Cbt""R...40;i. BAHAALK 0- _ Iran consists of fifteen provinces ostans. Attached to seven of these previnces are eight governorates. ?an C Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 ?orviv- ,x4rJ Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 -t.- Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 Approved For Release 2003/09/03 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800110012-9 'Hiaiiirriliqrdlilirti" i (prov.) 791,889 estan Hurletan) ,governoratal 921,818 , rr..rr, ?.014 i e 10,05114 .1 / ..0,11111.11 11 MU Bantte-e Oeylam 3,691 . .. .. .55 Etna 5.000 .. . .. ... . . .1 1 Kamm 51.309 C J tellikal 4,210 06 01010001111 LIJO E3 Rehdel Rholneyn16.003 . . ..... .. . .15 Fahreirlranshahr)5,000 _ . . ... MI 110101110010a1138.527 . f 2 Natl-e Shah 3043 .. .. Bandar?e Lengeh 4,920 . . ..... ... .. . J7 FaHman 6,000 . . 13 Kmman 140.309 . M6 Sanandal 95.934 .. . 05 NahdValld 20,000 ... .. . .. i .: .0:34/ S 88b :1;16: 1'700 th :10' 0" Ifil LIZ:VRZW.:,'ApprcaettalftWikeleasei.20637 7n :. CIA41SDP9F00.7.89R000 11 I luroal km 12,030. . . E 3 Urmia 163,991 ......... E 2 Varimln 11,183 E 2 Yard (Veull 135,978 M2 Vard-elMvasat 3511 ...... N7 labo120.000' andaran (prow.) 2,3114,226 ifi91.2 -9....... . 02 2ahedan 92,628 an (governorate) 185,875 ? ' 13 Bandar-eTorkeman 13,000 H2 ferdows 11,000 El s ? H2 Zardan 99,967 rg enendBalocirestan .,.. Bandar Shahpur 6,000. .......... ..... ..... 1 5 f irurabad 6,718 93 Khalkha! 5.422 96 Mash 7.439 . .. . M6 Nasratabad Oho!) 20.000 J6 larand 5030 prow.) 659,297 MEI Baslak 2,173 ....... . ............ ......... .. J7 Imukoh 4,684 G3 Zarqam 7,000 H3 Ktuyaw 9.000 .. E I Nalanz 4.370 M5 Safi 70.936 11J64 sSa.vaonallIfE56sta5hbanat) 18.187 H3 Zenjan avian) 99,967 ord (gowersorale) 356,218 15 Baslam 3 296 J2 Fomoan 9000 12 )(haulm 3.054 .. , , .. . 6142 011,1110.114 J6 . . . ... . L 2 anjan (governorate) 579,000 92 Behbehan 39,871 ..... .......... ..... ....... 55 Gach Saran 85 Khomeinisha, 46.8)6 Semnan 31.058 dik .,s e 4 40 , a F BAKU t -Fur IVA re K t ftp-Q-_,,,0:14caloa:yliftr:4. U. ru., ?p. &din .,-o.., % Coris P oMalarght e 0 Nakhichevan Drhebrall 0 Std777,7?' k. Maku 0 Ahle(t4434 '" 't WEST ?Th'h. 2,?uce 1 Lake? TErgan. i/ R 8""c' ? , Van oVan ,,jc?.....,(,1,1?0Y o?al' EAST ' y Ootur..) ne Aha, Starretka k t r Sulian Khigv Reokalo Sall.. OEmaf,,,, JAN Savor? PA Riz Sostanabad-e Sarah tl6fa Viraoftryf di,. ir/Yat8I0 1.1rmla, n,,,, of KA... I 7214 4 el eu !IOUs %Ir Mardif10 tuc, .... Clan,.Wk(Orumiyehl ..6.-"kiTrapanSahand (3&70 Inj 4.. ? .s, ev,.,??.,,,,N....------6;-r dly e-...., '' 5...... Idag,!ph Amen. Kane "F"F,S . Q Q. a qy P k "" 71paou ? ( CS Oehnoviyeh' l'e ''", Rasht Tel Kotch 410tTa kehkgi ? him ab 'c3,(ferwrroa?4 1 r - qT. -g ', Ye ? om oar) ,,,,,,,,f3fir,?,i..,..., Mahaled ? s?a?....,... ."-- Seeend6:.,.. ..... 4- SIP'Sini.j. ( , .6,.?61-4.rri ...-.. ? --).\.... o...._.? . - B k 1145nr t * SirCasht ' ? c.? ' , . .....idt.002;... Q I ? 0. 52? 8? Alye-Fristen. SZyany Krasnovods rao's? G" 'd Cingele17 Pea. OtionehMakIY? Leakorart ?r-Am?CASPIAN SEA ?Arda.b11 Neshtpet andar.e AnTall (Even) Mom. ra ....... . o 130414m1J. ',or . 1OR4STAN \ ? , Avej aman (SInneh) A . Sartan . dal N...--N nano?N. ,xpg,h c Hamad= 7 \ s-..74-,)'; Ilamali 1 %/Song,. ? ;'... 000.060.,7 ..a.. 00em-e Shlrin -Ce -Turk./ ..,....... kermanshahAlth a,,,,,c, ic"-*-?-;;,?....4,in a", 60.ariRil \ Eslambad ',. OFEAhaVind i ',!," ... . 69161151981' 40: Goebad-e ud Sar 0 Cornish. ..,,,,,nd Bandar. To Boron . ....... II 58.*201-511 0 OlAstersbadv* . TonealeriCh ? .". Bobo e ,... K,srld_LRY( ?_, ..... .... , k N. Mohr A.mol Idayenaunshuhr,B, is?.? ...--- 0Emamshahr . 0 Damahaf) 5 '...,(Shahilidl s. Domeyand ,, .P5 . ., 41716enftrii'D'n S e m n a 11 KaF2110 Tee . .' De. ..' 0 .e..,Mehdishahr Robe( Karim 0 Rey? TE RANT,4 . I t... 10,5600 E koTiocA' ? Saveh ,t,-.,varvtdrc Qom to..1 Qo h " Kul. 'Atiobod 011,040 R. (3365 N.) ..6.11.1,,,,:;:j.r.: K.a.shan ........N. ...._ ___, 14.288 ft. (4328 011 0 o.:40.,:n n Se,/,,t1861.11":! S F A H A N f 551 121782 bArdestan 0Anaralm ........- ;,,ord92Kiuf, ' ? ? ? bad '.... ? 14,088 11.(4294 m.) o k v's'o i ,4:""%! ?, - A ....... ..?'1,,,Naln .... .... ...... ohm Corbel DeZfUlush 4..^,i B(454a1c7i;:\tah:ihrKc'dpct...r\ ........- - .. ix t .4. ,1,:uhoeyeli eYholl ..., ? t.eig.e." *J. ...-?? ... ...C''.* ?t? I AN NAJAF- N,... --Y ski:Lei td. Bm...,904.-sashICe Azi idegae Haft e. 0, 34,10( fi..(4299 al.) . .K - ? Kokolor CL G64411)4141 ? f : 0 y. a iad 7 ,4"' .,...' An ta ? - Ad Ardol 4Amin?.., Masied eyntan ireh V. R-9morloro-z- .- V \-!.:N.?. ! 4b*W('-'43517'... ',SM. Ruh otwq dle1f -*Sone V\107:..) . \ .... at. Solnurdo Shir0E tuh-? Alada05' , 099 (92V; t(n..) 44,5 Joimm ..3 o .10vevn 40-0 Joohotek'' .10 Khvor 0 Chehar8e101,..b. Bele? Ferdo at, 411'd / 11,640 ?t?......j4.5P,,-- 4.1 i .1,...? sar"waan eisf it ...11"h Ehebicha H U Z E S T NI * tr% LILA ".., . .,...,.?"` / ?rz- Q. . R.L-.1 - If o OAIiiti -.... uk \ainy'171.0,4..0 Qom BoOlY6.?13 7eTA sh.....:1217:Eej?`18.1h7L4 4,?' t, ! Sande. P.,. ,,,,..4.,t, ilkewit,..1.,34.? .Kut/4:009-? Se. ...4:, '0 J (3965 on) '.I Y. ,e.,,, . . a 00.11.10?1%.,0 -8.-1.....BiZoe,05,49n * 00e61310 47,7.11,:,:qt,71? ,..n7eL,,,, Ruins of Koh. Medvor Shahc 1411 f1,13600 ra) oRaisarlian Kuh".Kef`man 11,991 5( 3472 tv.) 5616?611661.," Farreshb ntl B1JSHEHR ?rueat2d Kult-e'SaNderraSa % osratEts.;,40,1 141.6(3.16, 10449 TI)L 3181 n..6 ERMA 4K3410fle4;316 240.. .3-e. 1 Iran and Iraq CONIC PROJECTION SCALE OF MILES o pe so too tso SCALE OF KILOMETERS o ES 60 leo 150 NO Capitals of Countries Capitals of Provinces A Capitals of Governorates__ International Boundaries----- Provincial Boundaries. ?.?.? Governorate Boundaries Scale 1:8,160,000 a .1. aright simemafeNCORPORATED,.ftemews,141. ft C 's CPYRGHT CPYRGHT .00,761 k.(32?7 eel ?EGAN. A Shared .1 echo 0 BandatAbba Inni 'Consists of fifteen provinces paved ostans. Attached to seven of these 995InI511? ore MEM gweernorates. MOO. S and TOWNS 11e149er191 Chahar Ooria 113 Chankar 25,093 ? 412 Dowlal Vat . . 02 Dowlatabad .. . ..... JO Do?Ish4 .12 loran 19.797 . J2 hme5la to NAOddlial (adialahel I/8.409 J3 hleymenah 54.954 442 tImulthin I 211,4(13 23 443 Glum 30.425 j3 Khanabad 22 hluabad . 143 Gondol 107.191 . . 22 J2 DiWIWI 143 Khuwaro 23 Moor ... J3 Roslap .... .. ..12 -J3 (Stab j3 Kowsl 13 Now lad 113 fludbaf . .113 Poporgmps1 For Releost1003/09/03 :.CIAZZDP9641078 *0301,10.0110012-i si 3 Pol.e 43 Jalalabad 56.384 K3 Lastt-e foyer Nob laWean 46.202 Tayvarth 74(444 bran 6 477 Mak 00 CPARGH 30,1,tz ,Botoof -- Wt./ 35? eqw,13LACK SEA Kglittie sa?Onor., I ? ?Th t BOW? Ip du Rite ?kkaia .1111.4t.'eJ'a !%.11a.rar, ?Balikesir ?88aDr911 .,nAnkara? . er EskAlhir 0 (Yo,eat0 y ihfnur. All'PluA'arkah'15:r. 'ar,7:5,5"412/t(2307,./17;k:?::111,4 akapo euidAn taunt 0 Aklehir ko. eVdin 0 Denidi Burch" lOilp.r Ch y;ei4(nr.,e Alf Afilia*p-a? ?4? Tsairfis,us 0 Adan g. 2111,25 ?144?41at mer Siiilk Samsun ? rnasya co, en 188?Sivas? Konya Mims hod.. Zara &alma Divrigio OKaySeri KArapkir0 0017/even Malatya? 45? . Klohok oKutals1 016,51211.45033 shhInveli De Bonham Zakata y Thilis Rustavl Sheklo Akhty ?Kul, rata anc7.,...K.".. len CO "1:57. .A;Vr7 Kil.m4v7Itioagd t ofta purl s.nkarn,4 A fay 8167;Q:3 zu r tim 76 31 She'cle:r70? hevan` 6, Lego Vero ,leKhvoy V."j Ma ano? Tabriz ?Agtnia ir L. Urmia ohiaragheh ediye ,.bad aarlaao 011 Gulf of Kora-B.00 55, rend 01(1(0 Diyarbakir A'emo* O. Arnow/ CYPRUS Limassol o AIDPP! (Haleb) aSa? 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