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October 29, 1990
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Approved For Release 200sig 7. (S F) TASK G: a. S/NF RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 b-;---TS-/NF) RESPONSE: o Experienced individual perceives that fuel-air explosives will not be used in the near future. (i.e., next 3-4 weeks). o Less experienced individual perceives possible use of fuel-air explosives in the 8 November 1990 time frame, and perceives storage location for such explosives in Iraq to be in vicinity of: - 31055'N/44?50'E - 33015'N/43?10'E - 30010'N/46?46'E c. (U) DATE OF LAST RESPONSE: 29 Oct 90 d. (U) COMMENTS: This task can be updated if desired. 8. (S/NF) OTHER DATA: On 22 Oct 1990, an experienced individual provided the following information thatmay?be o interest, although not. directly:rel.ated-to:tasking. 7 a. Egypt will play a significant peace- - negogations. b. The UN will cOntinUe to,inordase. its role in negogiations. c. A name "Camarky/Kamaruis important (presumably in regard to peace negogiatiOns).--- d. More Kostages will be re,leased during November42-19,90,- SECRET SG1 A ? 4 TOT RELEASAI3M1 TO VOIMONNATIONICITi Approved For Release 2003/04/18: CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 DATE: REPLY TO ATTN OF: SUBJECT: TO: SG1A SG1A Approved For Release . 11A-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT 29 OCT 90 DT-S SUN STREAK Report 90104 - G (U) DT-5 DT memorandum If affirmative, additional efforts should be pursued to determine the current location of the "fuel- air" explosives and to determine their target objectives. 2. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 025 indicated there would be no immediate use made of fuel-air explosives. Viewer 025 was unable to determine the current location of the fuel-air explosives. The results of 025's effort are at TAB A. 3. (S/NF/SK) Remote Viewer 052 proJected the possible use of fuel-air explosives against US and coalition forces in Saudi Arabia for 8 November 1990. Viewer 052 indicated three locations in Iraq, where such explosives are currently located. The sites were located at geographical coordinates 31?55'N/44?50'E, 33?15'N/43?10'E; and 30?10'N/46?50'E. See strip map at TAB B. The two principal target objectives in Saudi Arabia were Pandie 7-1F,T thl!!! CLASSIFIED BY: DIA, DT DECLASSIFY BY: OADR PT Approved For Release 2003/044zuk 6-0 rrA? ID f0789R0008000104 1 RI E OPTIONAL FORM NO. 10 14MR (41CFR) 101-11.6 1ft rnqA 'Ft T, V, FORM MTN AT ONATA er GPO : 1984 0 - 461-275 (272) 51411:1Att, Approved For Release 200 : ''J Approved identified as being located at geographical coordinates 26020'N/439020'E and at 24?50'N/47?05'E. See copy of strip map at TAB C. A representational sketch of the fuel-air explosive is at TAB D. Because 052 perceived the occurrence of a meeting apparently related to the fuel-air explosives, a second session was conducted on 29 October in an effort to obtain data related to specific plans and intentions. 052 was unable to identify and describe pertinent indicators. The results of 052's two sessions are at TAB E. 4. (S/NF/SK) OPS COMMENTS: Remote Viewer 052 appears to be on target; however, 052's proJection of the occurrence in future time, specifically 8 November 1990, is highly doubtful. Data related to the current location of the fuel-air explosives has more plausibility by virtue of the fact that it does not address an issue in future time. 5 ENCLS TAB A THRU TAB E SKETCHES AND MAPS CApproved For Release S.1 . A-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 Branch Chief Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 WOW r NG PArLk SECRET NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED Project:: 90104-G Date:: 29 OCT 90 0)00.--',1-4.t.r. 0 5 21 viewer:: 052 Sessionl: 02 SUMMARY OF INFORMATIONv. There are nine people sitting around a table, +our men on each side and one dark haired man sitting on the end. men. lhey are talking to each other, sometimeG shouting. The man sitting on the end of the table is listening. He does not say very much, but when he does he speaks very loud. He is almost overpowering. He is in complete . control. They are having a meeting and are planning something. I could not access the person to find out what it was. The table in front of them is very hard, made of marble or very hard wood. There ar2 a few pieces of paper on the table but nothing else. The walls in this room are bare. There are a few old paintings hanging up, but nothing else on the walls. The ceiling is very high. The room is large, but it is empty, except for this table. I could also see a strange object. It is round, with (-- jagged points on the and of it. It is very bright. This object kept appearing out of nowhere, confusing me as to whether I was in this room or out of it. SECRET NOFORN SPECIAL ACCESS REQUIRED HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 (C) Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 713 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 70(011 Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000800010001-2 S 2 ct C; cH"( 2-57e 5-,19 zi813 s27)!