8932 SESSION 01, SOLO, VIEWER #032

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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
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Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700740001-3 Referral Review by NIMA/DoD SECRET/NOFORN PROjECT SUN STREAK WARNING NOTICI INTELLIGENCE SOURCES AND mETripps.j..kivoLyED. PROjECT NUMBERg 893") SESSION NUMBER:: 01 DATE OF SESSION:: 25 AUG 89 DATE OF REPORTg 25 AUG 89 START:: ENDg METHODOLOGY:: SOLO VIEWER IDENTIFIER:: 032 1. (S/NF/SK) MISSIONg Determine and describe the current location pt./ 2. (S/NF/SK) VIEWER TASKINGg Viewer 03') tasked with requirements reflected in Para 1, above. Added, describe assocI ates and the presence of any significant landmark in the area of interest. 3. (S/NF/SK) COMMENTSg No inclemenci.es noted. A Summary of Information is attached to this report. 4. (S/NF/SK)g EVALUATIONg HANDLE VIA SKEET MANNEI ' 01\11 'Y SECRET/NOFORN CLASSIFIED BYg DTA (DT) DECLASSIFYg OADR Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700740001-3 Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700740001-3 SECRET HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY 8932 89082 S:01 V:032 SUMMARY OF INFORMATION The surrounding target area is sparsely populated and there are two large bodies of water nearby. These two bodies of water span almost North/South along a lairly narrow section of land. A more detailed search indicated that this individual was in the country of Nicaragua at the present time (See Enclosure 1). The situation there, and tor him is somewhat precarious but it is where he needs to be -- now. His associates appear to be political individuals and in many cases soldiers. He has been to the south -- to Panama many times, but is in this area to avoid some issue elsewhere. Names of places that were perceived without map assistance where: (spelled phonetically) Chitray, Mantopa, Cuartel, Isla, Playa -- (perceived many times). I know that he is near water, and that the water is salty. he is guarded and well cared for. His wealth is his insurance. SECRET HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY Approved For Release 2004/08/25 : CIA-RDP96-00789R000700740001-3 I 6 Miguel 59.304 115 !tan Saludnt (cap 1 137.171 Santa Ana 96.306 Santa flora on Lima 5,707 eon San \newt 18.872 04 Antigua 11.994 03 Jacaltenanpo 4,517 83 San Luis Mulepeque 6.055 713 PastOn Inv } 07 714 Asuncion Moa 7.417 C3 Jalapa 13.788 . . 83 San Marcos 5.700 03 Pettn-Itta IMMO 53 . 714 Cahalonn I.344 C3 Juttapa 8,710 83 San MattIn Mompettoe 3.7/0 03 San Pedro In, I 07 For. RiEleattar420.0410:81253: CIAZROM6-00189R0007007400.121 -3 4 Op Livi ston 2.096 C3 Santa Con del Oince 7.651 . .83 Taiumulco (vol ) 83 los ales 1.1133 ..,, C3 Santa Rosa On Lima 1,161 83 Tres Punta (caper ... , ................. C3 Masagua 1.174' 83 Sololi 1960 83 Usumacinta (no.) ... . ................. 82 83 Taunl 1.2813 ? 63 83 Tefulla 1,205 83 C3 Titai C2 83C3 Sensuntepeque 7.226 h hicastenancto 2.635 83 OWNS Sonsonate 33.562 C4 Chirnallenango 12.860 . .. .. ..... ..03 &tenant? 5.540 714 Chiquirnula 60.126 C3 04 Tektateptque 1.722 C3 Coatepeque 15.979 84 Usundin 19.616 C4 Cobin 11,418 C3 Zacatecoluca 15.718 C4 Comalapa 10.980 C3 Cubulco 2,021 C4 OTHER FEATURES Cuilapa 4,287 C4 &Aro 862 714 Fonseca (gulf) 04 Dolores 973 C4 Guija (lake)C3 El Eslor 2,324 04 150171 (ris.) C4 El Progreso 4,009 C4 Remedios (N.) 84 Escuinlla 33,205 DI Santa Ana (mt.) C4 Gores 1,477 CS Gualan 5,169 04 GUATEMALA Guatemala (cap.) C3 C4 106 700.538 C4 8633 Huehuetenango CITIES and TOWNS 12.570 tpala 3.385 C3 725 C4 Amatitlan 15,251 83 leap 1,237 AS Mazatenartgo 23,285 03 Momostenango 5,210 03 Morales 2,113 83 13cOs 741 83 Poufs 1.643 83 Puerto Barrios 22,598 C2 Ouezaltenango 53.021 C3 Outzanepeque 2.222 3 RabinN 4.625 83 2 C3 83 701?01008n 8.568 CS Zacapa 12,639 C3 83 OTHER FEATURES C3 83 Atitlin (take) Retalhuleu 19.060 83 Milan (vol.) Rio Hondo 1.416 C3 kW (Us ) Saupulas 1,439 ea Chia0Y (Ns.I Salami 5,529 83 8017) (lake) San Andres 1.0613 02 NOMIUUS (gulf) San Felipe 3.210 03 Izabal (lake) San Jost 9,402 04 Minas (nds.) 84 San Lull 1.136 C2 Motagua (nN.) 83 83 712 82 C3 02 C3 713 C3 60406600 CITIES and TOWNS Amapala 2,274 ................ 04 Bros Laguna 933 E3 Cedros 917 53 Choloma 961 C3 Choluteca 26,152 04 Cornayagua 15.941 Corguln 2,629 Dann 10,625 El Duke Nombre 1.297 Decassification Review by NIMA/DoD 03 C3 03 E3 El Parana, capan 7 64 II 0.709 CI Noll, Nara 04 Nue, D3 Nue, El (mew 10/6 El jnopreso 28,105 . 03 Olent El Tnunla 2.925 04 Onto Goascoran 996 04 Pos02.299 Ca Pun, 3 911.1 80imara 9953 & 1947 E 2 Putt &Anal . El 3 Roar &Map' 804 E2 Sabi triona 26 03 Sala CS San 133 San 23 Son 03 San C3 San 03 San E3 San 03 S., CS Sat 03 So 03 Si 04 Stt aarairam 1.609 JesOs As 010r0 2.976 'Ova 1,126 Jouipa 10.075 U Ceiba 38,788 La Esperanta 2,146 la Pa 8,81) bob. 190 Manta 689 Marcala 3,183 Alorazan 4,367 . Morocell 1,442 toraome 6.159 0 famszal 7' *4.6 +IP Orange Walk Town ante "nrk P61 ''SJIY811.0101 Sit Belmopan ..????rsa' pack, attains I Elotgas 0.39* San Luis ? 0 ? San! n 13. Livingston 0ChaholLdo5PU8 came' Barrios ? 0 El Estortr.b - 0 Carchi -Choloma Ikank es San Pe ral sillsarCw6-Ma apoas. Trinidad San Luis? BP Zatapeffiiit4aranat00 iqUialUrto. pitt,F:eq"PS,gtioloig 05.? OQueZalt000,111j. GiaP ? tpala eCorqUin? - , ciaS ,,,c,., re , Delano Ingalc,' .e000raagarear, 'Ar:ta ,....,r7, ....Nueva, Ocot.Pequ tz, l_...] 4.. de Flares a,R. Ieiucigalpa Dant( oaskineaste 7_ta. riehttoto . ulacalea ? '?*'? sAna 0' OVS Ilafp.sa :uscarin Aiib.'t Cojutepeque." 5 s i,'1.151?? Arg).uka itio (S).55,5q 4+-Q4 os, Fran. co Got sox n 1 Sta "4. .?.4, o Estanzue a San Ross , ,A,^sa.V6...7j?a4Z. Vicente oChinamece 0 Pa.?. r a "4_179566666 Culeuln 1/0?1/ 0 Cruz Or .4 u mUl'ILN.4 ''';' El G.'. *1'4 'C':?I. tetnasapla orringiastga? Estell i os a Rafael r,A.i. 6., t r.? ,,?-?,, ic,..sornotai. D i Vinotega_-, p Fclit?Aie 14 IJil oEi %nem ega OCtach.galpa Cl inta Ilefoole6n Erb UtUa e?a,I tit La Proteccicfn oSaEr.1 P6'6666, g