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Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 SECRET WORKING PAPER SUMMARY OF INFORMATION: Project: 8930 Date: 890824 Viewer: 018 Session: 02 1. (S/NF/SK) The location o Doing a SG1A session dedicated solely to dowsing, I began with a world map. There were repeated broad impressions in a wide area of Southern Mexico, in an area cutting across Mexico, even with and including the Yucatan peninsula. The place name "Mont Al BAHN" kept bothering me. I felt that there was a strong importance to it that I had overlooked. Having previously only looked it up in a world gazetteer (in a Russian world atlas), I tried some other reference books. I found that the ancient Olmec culture had occupied a city called Monte Alban (stress on the last syllable). It is located not far from the present day city of Oaxaca in Southern Mexico. I found a picture of Monte Alban in one of the books, and the surrounding country is that of dense foliage in high altitude with steep, low mountains surrounding it, exactly the same as the area I saw in the viewing. While I realize that there is a strong tendency to "make it fit", I feel that the coincidences are too strong to ignore. HANDLE VIA SKEET CHANNELS ONLY SECRET Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 !99 J7 Pueno Madero i,905 N9 0 4.563 K6 Puerto Penasco 8,452 Cl i J6 DUer10 Vallarta 24,155 96 2.728 49 PurificaciOn 3.311 07 F4 Puruandiro 9.956 1p roved 01 Putla de Guerrero 3.572 J8 Ouecholac 3,374 u2 P8 OuerStaro 142.448 J6 05 118 t Ramos Aritpe 6,205 J4 RayOn, San Lois 033 J2 Potosi 4,451 K6 i. Veracruz 4,089 02 Rayon. Sonora 02 3 NO Reynosa 181.646 K3 01 Flinc00 de Romos 8.348 05 63 illoverde 16.804 6 intalcm 152,278 LI Rodeo 2584 04 leper? 2 399 01 Flosamorada 2,635 65 (continued on following page) ? /11: CIA-RIMatiffitit (MO090003-3 MAJOR RELIGION Roman Catholicism HIGHEST POINT Citlaltepet1 18,855 ft. (5,747 m.) CPYRGH -106*-G en) Paso Roswell o Alamogordo o A?..,. Carlsbad Rand!, Ct. CIONTIVO El Pam* Llano Estacado Pecos Fort Stockton 0 ? 00A, . ,,vMs 0 paonosanen4 l \ ., -gam, ...., CiregomI ???? r., oontdtk, a....Sta.....i.ciartj m.c9P90 c. N,..... 0. ^ ??1 nr Cariq OC? s'? ?"?4. ecouan Alia C?Zrglo?? ? ? ,. ' Villager., *M*0Durangoo 0 /-talitual Amer' E3 ii I; ,..:. onidalgo Nombre ElSa?to Vlsgt': Equinapa dijoacietlG. rtlall0Nievascl? ''' Sa Vadgaso Celral "?"": .1c^"'S''''.. Freisffiset,d:' col ,,i, . /poen. _,..,_h nFoi.41.1 . ,Cludad Victoria 4r, ? in Pax 4r * l' Mfig.A. .1. . surite-N;;;.. oChareas?r-Pf.'jor"Tiqf q Itincati _1' _7g4mbierete_ at OVenado 0',',DOctottP? Jerez 8..7109:qacsk mon,. noz ---clit?Manteo 1,10:nn 0,stgann, voitnal'ev1,4 u;ab $ agrgar" ? '12.(;) .0? erewl accrn deRoTh C Vi ano Ag-uascril ? _ S 22' G? 0 (Tibateod? o 8 Ata Ca atako Rfoverde ma- I.' 9 ' go? ?ie.:Yr Ion de /tan Felipe..., ?Or ..b... . n oltio ? ? , Tapia / Nochnlli ---,,,N 0 '.1. ? 0 Dolores - .. ?JTamazu OTa toy.. pp 'Om slap a, yan.1.2.1zItta....77.0? n ? ? 1401 A. an'Hkbi" os. Luis de 0,1alplii 0,0 ?Ccfrro zulo % tnntsims - Elmajl*, .raoSlIao 7)0 tuvq, qt . . Guadalajara Pto. Vallacli tTlnagnSX\ S i puato coon TAtipa:a. Muscote .,i80 88j( ? 0 aign?,,* Quer eir7H,11,1?0"'. -figdpoz,.....,. Pu twindire- n.,_.-L_ ,..-?Salv-itle4re ?f -42.1.rooro;:sisarti..,,,oci,g.1:1 ?tc,....Cvyyl.l..L....vooriii. ls . ? r wr *Map uncatii 19tlyd I Flo epy#4.. S. moors s 00sanallta mn. wid/tOG Hu IOLA ardo0 7,08,04,4.4.e n ?Alai Celayr 6 E lel Monter. aom Unidn de %lap?, .E.?''d? ? iftnita Rn. legf. '10Mart nogdo ono Sayula Purite,A,,,.., 0 Guam n?yesip *tepee? 0 Rao". HA.. "'" MEXICO C e.errsi-d...r...00s u7)L? CA n,ck, ,,, 4 la too *Colima moo,t,?? - puebla Orizaba ?ta 0 ? &cum 2it uaro i?k Dime sur ? ?Cordoba 0 +Arlene? , CbreepteaR C., Rya. Italia Omen de0 de NM. sta Nis P ...- moths ? 0 olAcar itlIttacAo?Ve)rtallanca 'cats n Gabriel "1 000...0. Tuxtla an Andr a???, ? Telolo pan Oa/ Las Truchas? , C?0????0 2 o um, al- 0 ',Man %ash h enueu9nO,rol? Cuicatiin A".4i 14%41 V'%6,.?li'll,..g.9,17:111r ChlIpancingo" Tixt a ca zvar 014liapa 0 g.I.thixtsrolulo .01.11110.,1 G, srddlos iel manna? lurra--Nd Carmen glusA7-fth"d. n ? 0 I Ienosloos de Pin? Saran orrery.. P?m?l-a" 0,4?1.4 cand ? R. Candele ? oAtoyac de tt Metiaktmc0 r'eg States Indicated by Numbers tacala 6 Queraaro orelos 7 Guanajuato inrrito Federal 8 Aguascalientes isico 9 Nayarit 10 Colima Pnanyfio Ston,et arim Tg sc.jtir:;)&L" A ftlf GuIlarre Hulaa.P. la& .0 1.111Sin t C tTeCallttileC vtign C).'a."?la Corm ktla u r Sem Referral Declassification by NIMA/DoD Greenwich taa WHO C.r - tar (kg,,,Afelts 1110P50li a" id-4 ' EL) . (0,4 es ro n ?NW*" m.p.mepec u?hultets999308,44.. tie? osimo oQuithe 4124 aselstrallS, sua emma CPcd. HIM'S. 0 lalga ?Ammons,' Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789 000700090003-3 CPYRGHT 11S: whipped by his lightning lash, flocks of cloud whose blackened wombs were stabbed and torn by lightning assembled to besiege the House of the Sun. His bottomless throat let loose the thunder's roar Everything seemed to fall flat in a circle beneath the World's mad roof, in whose breast the Sun like a red beast drowned. Spurred on by fear, the musicians and singers then ran for shelter to the wind's lap. Bearing them gently lest he should harm their tender melodies, the wind with that tumult of happiness in his arms set out on his downward journey, generous and contented. Below, Earth raised its wide dark eyes to heaven and its great face shone, and it smiled. As the arms of the trees were uplifted, there greeted the wind's wanderers the awakened voice of its people, the wings of the quetzal birds, the face of the flowers and the cheeks of the fruit. When all that flutter of happiness landed on earth, and the Sun's musicians spread to the four quarters, then Wind ceased his complaining and sang, caressing the valleys, the forests and seas. Thus was music born on the bosom of earth. 35 Monte Alban, general view. One of the most spectacular cities of pre-Hispanic Mexico and one of the oldest. CPYRGHT Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 p, ( , kad A-14 14-r 4, V/ Lz)Arrzal ? L_Ari; LA)/ P tr- PC-Irc crC, /Lei 1.1413; U A-45-24)7J cSi f irt ir/t- P /42clit"/"6- J ef- 174t)7- ?s pd2, L-P 9 X. rev( IC_ I- ita? 4? 4/-tcsevi?J Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3 cl\llIIL J catv , Le) v 401 r 10- c, T? Pr) 11,5L/Tri- fra ? 53./ "La d ." Pritr , rer-sr PI LTV e 414 -Sy Vc.c.r )13 c fiA. L) Art-- 5- C- --c5" ce5 (5-14. 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J 1 ST I F- (-- P ci S. /) r?-fer-)t. cs--- 6 er-74 6-- 1_,..4) 6 4?T-2ex--/ oetri3 11-12 S 2j) /1-4 ,ocx--) 6,_?} /v,we/-er .e)L-7---J 7 )c_ cr-r ?-e 14 c./ AJ c----FULIZ, 2_,,,J_e7 .5 rervt S7 a Pd7-- e p2rL1 1 71 SIS7 J GrAJP / 2.1 Approved For Release 2003/09/11: CIA-RDP96-00789R000700090003-3